{- git-annex assistant webapp thread - - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, QuasiQuotes, MultiParamTypeClasses, TemplateHaskell, OverloadedStrings, RankNTypes, CPP #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Assistant.Threads.WebApp where import Assistant.Common import Assistant.WebApp import Assistant.WebApp.Types import Assistant.WebApp.DashBoard import Assistant.WebApp.SideBar import Assistant.WebApp.Notifications import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Edit import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Local import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Ssh import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Pairing #ifdef WITH_S3 import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.S3 #endif import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.XMPP import Assistant.WebApp.Documentation import Assistant.WebApp.OtherRepos import Assistant.ThreadedMonad import Utility.WebApp import Utility.FileMode import Utility.TempFile import Git import Yesod import Yesod.Static import Network.Socket (PortNumber) import Data.Text (pack, unpack) thisThread :: String thisThread = "WebApp" mkYesodDispatch "WebApp" $(parseRoutesFile "Assistant/WebApp/routes") type Url = String webAppThread :: AssistantData -> UrlRenderer -> Bool -> Maybe (IO String) -> Maybe (Url -> FilePath -> IO ()) -> NamedThread webAppThread assistantdata urlrenderer noannex postfirstrun onstartup = thread $ do webapp <- WebApp <$> pure assistantdata <*> (pack <$> genRandomToken) <*> getreldir <*> pure $(embed "static") <*> newWebAppState <*> pure postfirstrun <*> pure noannex setUrlRenderer urlrenderer $ yesodRender webapp (pack "") app <- toWaiAppPlain webapp app' <- ifM debugEnabled ( return $ httpDebugLogger app , return app ) runWebApp app' $ \port -> if noannex then withTempFile "webapp.html" $ \tmpfile _ -> go port webapp tmpfile Nothing else do let st = threadState assistantdata htmlshim <- runThreadState st $ fromRepo gitAnnexHtmlShim urlfile <- runThreadState st $ fromRepo gitAnnexUrlFile go port webapp htmlshim (Just urlfile) where thread = NamedThread thisThread getreldir | noannex = return Nothing | otherwise = Just <$> (relHome =<< absPath =<< runThreadState (threadState assistantdata) (fromRepo repoPath)) go port webapp htmlshim urlfile = do debug thisThread ["running on port", show port] let url = myUrl webapp port maybe noop (`writeFile` url) urlfile writeHtmlShim url htmlshim maybe noop (\a -> a url htmlshim) onstartup {- Creates a html shim file that's used to redirect into the webapp, - to avoid exposing the secretToken when launching the web browser. -} writeHtmlShim :: String -> FilePath -> IO () writeHtmlShim url file = viaTmp go file $ genHtmlShim url where go tmpfile content = do h <- openFile tmpfile WriteMode modifyFileMode tmpfile $ removeModes [groupReadMode, otherReadMode] hPutStr h content hClose h {- TODO: generate this static file using Yesod. -} genHtmlShim :: String -> String genHtmlShim url = unlines [ "" , "" , "Starting webapp..." , "" , "" , "

" , "Starting webapp..." , "

" , "" , "" ] myUrl :: WebApp -> PortNumber -> Url myUrl webapp port = unpack $ yesodRender webapp urlbase HomeR [] where urlbase = pack $ "http://localhost:" ++ show port