{- git-annex assistant daemon - - Copyright 2012-2013 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Assistant where import qualified Annex import Assistant.Common import Assistant.DaemonStatus import Assistant.NamedThread import Assistant.Types.ThreadedMonad import Assistant.Threads.DaemonStatus import Assistant.Threads.Watcher import Assistant.Threads.Committer import Assistant.Threads.Pusher import Assistant.Threads.Merger import Assistant.Threads.TransferWatcher import Assistant.Threads.Transferrer import Assistant.Threads.SanityChecker #ifdef WITH_CLIBS import Assistant.Threads.MountWatcher #endif import Assistant.Threads.NetWatcher import Assistant.Threads.TransferScanner import Assistant.Threads.TransferPoller import Assistant.Threads.ConfigMonitor import Assistant.Threads.Glacier #ifdef WITH_WEBAPP import Assistant.WebApp import Assistant.Threads.WebApp #ifdef WITH_PAIRING import Assistant.Threads.PairListener #endif #ifdef WITH_XMPP import Assistant.Threads.XMPPClient import Assistant.Threads.XMPPPusher #endif #else #warning Building without the webapp. You probably need to install Yesod.. import Assistant.Types.UrlRenderer #endif import qualified Utility.Daemon import Utility.LogFile import Utility.ThreadScheduler import qualified Build.SysConfig as SysConfig import System.Log.Logger import Network.Socket (HostName) stopDaemon :: Annex () stopDaemon = liftIO . Utility.Daemon.stopDaemon =<< fromRepo gitAnnexPidFile {- Starts the daemon. If the daemon is run in the foreground, once it's - running, can start the browser. - - startbrowser is passed the url and html shim file, as well as the original - stdout and stderr descriptors. -} startDaemon :: Bool -> Bool -> Maybe HostName -> Maybe (Maybe Handle -> Maybe Handle -> String -> FilePath -> IO ()) -> Annex () startDaemon assistant foreground listenhost startbrowser = do Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.daemon = True } pidfile <- fromRepo gitAnnexPidFile logfile <- fromRepo gitAnnexLogFile logfd <- liftIO $ openLog logfile if foreground then do origout <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ fdToHandle =<< dup stdOutput origerr <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ fdToHandle =<< dup stdError let undaemonize a = do debugM desc $ "logging to " ++ logfile Utility.Daemon.lockPidFile pidfile Utility.LogFile.redirLog logfd a start undaemonize $ case startbrowser of Nothing -> Nothing Just a -> Just $ a origout origerr else start (Utility.Daemon.daemonize logfd (Just pidfile) False) Nothing where desc | assistant = "assistant" | otherwise = "watch" start daemonize webappwaiter = withThreadState $ \st -> do checkCanWatch dstatus <- startDaemonStatus logfile <- fromRepo gitAnnexLogFile liftIO $ debugM desc $ "logging to " ++ logfile liftIO $ daemonize $ flip runAssistant (go webappwaiter) =<< newAssistantData st dstatus #ifdef WITH_WEBAPP go webappwaiter = do d <- getAssistant id #else go _webappwaiter = do #endif notice ["starting", desc, "version", SysConfig.packageversion] urlrenderer <- liftIO newUrlRenderer mapM_ (startthread urlrenderer) [ watch $ commitThread #ifdef WITH_WEBAPP , assist $ webAppThread d urlrenderer False listenhost Nothing webappwaiter #ifdef WITH_PAIRING , assist $ pairListenerThread urlrenderer #endif #ifdef WITH_XMPP , assist $ xmppClientThread urlrenderer , assist $ xmppSendPackThread urlrenderer , assist $ xmppReceivePackThread urlrenderer #endif #endif , assist $ pushThread , assist $ pushRetryThread , assist $ mergeThread , assist $ transferWatcherThread , assist $ transferPollerThread , assist $ transfererThread , assist $ daemonStatusThread , assist $ sanityCheckerDailyThread , assist $ sanityCheckerHourlyThread #ifdef WITH_CLIBS , assist $ mountWatcherThread #endif , assist $ netWatcherThread , assist $ netWatcherFallbackThread , assist $ transferScannerThread urlrenderer , assist $ configMonitorThread , assist $ glacierThread , watch $ watchThread -- must come last so that all threads that wait -- on it have already started waiting , watch $ sanityCheckerStartupThread ] liftIO waitForTermination watch a = (True, a) assist a = (False, a) startthread urlrenderer (watcher, t) | watcher || assistant = startNamedThread urlrenderer t | otherwise = noop