{- git-annex content ingestion - - Copyright 2010-2015 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Annex.Ingest ( lockDown, ingest, finishIngestDirect, addLink, makeLink, restoreFile, forceParams, ) where import Common.Annex import Types.KeySource import Backend import Annex.Content import Annex.Content.Direct import Annex.Perms import Annex.Link import Annex.MetaData import qualified Annex import qualified Annex.Queue import Config import Utility.InodeCache import Annex.ReplaceFile import Utility.Tmp import Utility.CopyFile import Annex.InodeSentinal import Annex.Version #ifdef WITH_CLIBS #ifndef __ANDROID__ import Utility.Touch #endif #endif import Control.Exception (IOException) {- The file that's being ingested is locked down before a key is generated, - to prevent it from being modified in between. This lock down is not - perfect at best (and pretty weak at worst). For example, it does not - guard against files that are already opened for write by another process. - So a KeySource is returned. Its inodeCache can be used to detect any - changes that might be made to the file after it was locked down. - - When possible, the file is hard linked to a temp directory. This guards - against some changes, like deletion or overwrite of the file, and - allows lsof checks to be done more efficiently when adding a lot of files. - - Lockdown can fail if a file gets deleted, and Nothing will be returned. -} lockDown :: FilePath -> Annex (Maybe KeySource) lockDown = either (\e -> warning (show e) >> return Nothing) (return . Just) <=< lockDown' lockDown' :: FilePath -> Annex (Either IOException KeySource) lockDown' file = ifM crippledFileSystem ( withTSDelta $ liftIO . tryIO . nohardlink , tryIO $ do tmp <- fromRepo gitAnnexTmpMiscDir createAnnexDirectory tmp go tmp ) where {- In indirect mode, the write bit is removed from the file as part - of lock down to guard against further writes, and because objects - in the annex have their write bit disabled anyway. - - Freezing the content early also lets us fail early when - someone else owns the file. - - This is not done in direct mode, because files there need to - remain writable at all times. -} go tmp = do unlessM isDirect $ freezeContent file withTSDelta $ \delta -> liftIO $ do (tmpfile, h) <- openTempFile tmp $ relatedTemplate $ takeFileName file hClose h nukeFile tmpfile withhardlink delta tmpfile `catchIO` const (nohardlink delta) nohardlink delta = do cache <- genInodeCache file delta return KeySource { keyFilename = file , contentLocation = file , inodeCache = cache } withhardlink delta tmpfile = do createLink file tmpfile cache <- genInodeCache tmpfile delta return KeySource { keyFilename = file , contentLocation = tmpfile , inodeCache = cache } {- Ingests a locked down file into the annex. - - In direct mode, leaves the file alone, and just updates bookkeeping - information. -} ingest :: Maybe KeySource -> Annex (Maybe Key, Maybe InodeCache) ingest Nothing = return (Nothing, Nothing) ingest (Just source) = withTSDelta $ \delta -> do backend <- chooseBackend $ keyFilename source k <- genKey source backend let src = contentLocation source ms <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ getFileStatus src mcache <- maybe (pure Nothing) (liftIO . toInodeCache delta src) ms case (mcache, inodeCache source) of (_, Nothing) -> go k mcache ms (Just newc, Just c) | compareStrong c newc -> go k mcache ms _ -> failure "changed while it was being added" where go k mcache ms = ifM isDirect ( godirect k mcache ms , goindirect k mcache ms ) goindirect (Just (key, _)) mcache ms = do catchNonAsync (moveAnnex key $ contentLocation source) (restoreFile (keyFilename source) key) maybe noop (genMetaData key (keyFilename source)) ms liftIO $ nukeFile $ keyFilename source return (Just key, mcache) goindirect _ _ _ = failure "failed to generate a key" godirect (Just (key, _)) (Just cache) ms = do addInodeCache key cache maybe noop (genMetaData key (keyFilename source)) ms finishIngestDirect key source return (Just key, Just cache) godirect _ _ _ = failure "failed to generate a key" failure msg = do warning $ keyFilename source ++ " " ++ msg when (contentLocation source /= keyFilename source) $ liftIO $ nukeFile $ contentLocation source return (Nothing, Nothing) finishIngestDirect :: Key -> KeySource -> Annex () finishIngestDirect key source = do void $ addAssociatedFile key $ keyFilename source when (contentLocation source /= keyFilename source) $ liftIO $ nukeFile $ contentLocation source {- Copy to any other locations using the same key. -} otherfs <- filter (/= keyFilename source) <$> associatedFiles key forM_ otherfs $ addContentWhenNotPresent key (keyFilename source) {- On error, put the file back so it doesn't seem to have vanished. - This can be called before or after the symlink is in place. -} restoreFile :: FilePath -> Key -> SomeException -> Annex a restoreFile file key e = do whenM (inAnnex key) $ do liftIO $ nukeFile file -- The key could be used by other files too, so leave the -- content in the annex, and make a copy back to the file. obj <- calcRepo $ gitAnnexLocation key unlessM (liftIO $ copyFileExternal CopyTimeStamps obj file) $ warning $ "Unable to restore content of " ++ file ++ "; it should be located in " ++ obj thawContent file throwM e {- Creates the symlink to the annexed content, returns the link target. -} makeLink :: FilePath -> Key -> Maybe InodeCache -> Annex String makeLink file key mcache = flip catchNonAsync (restoreFile file key) $ do l <- calcRepo $ gitAnnexLink file key replaceFile file $ makeAnnexLink l -- touch symlink to have same time as the original file, -- as provided in the InodeCache case mcache of #if defined(WITH_CLIBS) && ! defined(__ANDROID__) Just c -> liftIO $ touch file (TimeSpec $ inodeCacheToMtime c) False #else Just _ -> noop #endif Nothing -> noop return l {- Creates the symlink to the annexed content, and stages it in git. - - As long as the filesystem supports symlinks, we use - git add, rather than directly staging the symlink to git. - Using git add is best because it allows the queuing to work - and is faster (staging the symlink runs hash-object commands each time). - Also, using git add allows it to skip gitignored files, unless forced - to include them. -} addLink :: FilePath -> Key -> Maybe InodeCache -> Annex () addLink file key mcache = ifM (coreSymlinks <$> Annex.getGitConfig) ( do _ <- makeLink file key mcache ps <- forceParams Annex.Queue.addCommand "add" (ps++[Param "--"]) [file] , do l <- makeLink file key mcache addAnnexLink l file ) {- Parameters to pass to git add, forcing addition of ignored files. -} forceParams :: Annex [CommandParam] forceParams = ifM (Annex.getState Annex.force) ( return [Param "-f"] , return [] )