{- management of the git-annex branch - - Copyright 2011 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} module Annex.Branch ( name, hasOrigin, hasSibling, create, update, get, change, commit, files, ) where import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L import Common.Annex import Annex.Exception import Annex.BranchState import Annex.Journal import qualified Git import qualified Git.Ref import qualified Git.Branch import qualified Git.UnionMerge import qualified Git.HashObject import Annex.CatFile {- Name of the branch that is used to store git-annex's information. -} name :: Git.Ref name = Git.Ref "git-annex" {- Fully qualified name of the branch. -} fullname :: Git.Ref fullname = Git.Ref $ "refs/heads/" ++ show name {- Branch's name in origin. -} originname :: Git.Ref originname = Git.Ref $ "origin/" ++ show name {- Does origin/git-annex exist? -} hasOrigin :: Annex Bool hasOrigin = inRepo $ Git.Ref.exists originname {- Does the git-annex branch or a sibling foo/git-annex branch exist? -} hasSibling :: Annex Bool hasSibling = not . null <$> siblingBranches {- List of git-annex (refs, branches), including the main one and any - from remotes. Duplicate refs are filtered out. -} siblingBranches :: Annex [(Git.Ref, Git.Branch)] siblingBranches = inRepo $ Git.Ref.matching name {- Creates the branch, if it does not already exist. -} create :: Annex () create = do _ <- getBranch return () {- Returns the ref of the branch, creating it first if necessary. -} getBranch :: Annex (Git.Ref) getBranch = maybe (hasOrigin >>= go >>= use) (return) =<< branchsha where go True = do inRepo $ Git.run "branch" [Param $ show name, Param $ show originname] fromMaybe (error $ "failed to create " ++ show name) <$> branchsha go False = withIndex' True $ do inRepo $ Git.commit "branch created" fullname [] use sha = do setIndexSha sha return sha branchsha = inRepo $ Git.Ref.sha fullname {- Ensures that the branch and index are is up-to-date; should be - called before data is read from it. Runs only once per git-annex run. - - Before refs are merged into the index, it's important to first stage the - journal into the index. Otherwise, any changes in the journal would - later get staged, and might overwrite changes made during the merge. - - (It would be cleaner to handle the merge by updating the journal, not the - index, with changes from the branches.) - - The branch is fast-forwarded if possible, otherwise a merge commit is - made. -} update :: Annex () update = runUpdateOnce $ do -- ensure branch exists, and get its current ref branchref <- getBranch -- check what needs updating before taking the lock dirty <- journalDirty (refs, branches) <- unzip <$> newerSiblings if (not dirty && null refs) then updateIndex branchref else withIndex $ lockJournal $ do when dirty stageJournal let merge_desc = if null branches then "update" else "merging " ++ unwords (map Git.Ref.describe branches) ++ " into " ++ show name unless (null branches) $ do showSideAction merge_desc mergeIndex branches ff <- if dirty then return False else inRepo $ Git.Branch.fastForward fullname refs if ff then updateIndex branchref else commitBranch branchref merge_desc (nub $ fullname:refs) invalidateCache where newerSiblings = filterM isnewer =<< siblingBranches isnewer (_, b) = inRepo $ Git.Branch.changed fullname b {- Gets the content of a file on the branch, or content from the journal, or - staged in the index. - - Returns an empty string if the file doesn't exist yet. -} get :: FilePath -> Annex String get = get' False {- Like get, but does not merge the branch, so the info returned may not - reflect changes in remotes. (Changing the value this returns, and then - merging is always the same as using get, and then changing its value.) -} getStale :: FilePath -> Annex String getStale = get' True get' :: Bool -> FilePath -> Annex String get' staleok file = fromcache =<< getCache file where fromcache (Just content) = return content fromcache Nothing = fromjournal =<< getJournalFile file fromjournal (Just content) = cache content fromjournal Nothing | staleok = withIndex frombranch | otherwise = withIndexUpdate $ frombranch >>= cache frombranch = L.unpack <$> catFile fullname file cache content = do setCache file content return content {- Applies a function to modifiy the content of a file. - - Note that this does not cause the branch to be merged, it only - modifes the current content of the file on the branch. -} change :: FilePath -> (String -> String) -> Annex () change file a = lockJournal $ getStale file >>= return . a >>= set file {- Records new content of a file into the journal and cache. -} set :: FilePath -> String -> Annex () set file content = do setJournalFile file content setCache file content {- Stages the journal, and commits staged changes to the branch. -} commit :: String -> Annex () commit message = whenM journalDirty $ lockJournal $ do stageJournal ref <- getBranch withIndex $ commitBranch ref message [fullname] {- Commits the staged changes in the index to the branch. - - Ensures that the branch's index file is first updated to the state - of the brannch at branchref, before running the commit action. This - is needed because the branch may have had changes pushed to it, that - are not yet reflected in the index. - - Also safely handles a race that can occur if a change is being pushed - into the branch at the same time. When the race happens, the commit will - be made on top of the newly pushed change, but without the index file - being updated to include it. The result is that the newly pushed - change is reverted. This race is detected and another commit made - to fix it. - - The branchref value can have been obtained using getBranch at any - previous point, though getting it a long time ago makes the race - more likely to occur. -} commitBranch :: Git.Ref -> String -> [Git.Ref] -> Annex () commitBranch branchref message parents = do updateIndex branchref committedref <- inRepo $ Git.commit message fullname parents setIndexSha committedref parentrefs <- commitparents <$> catObject committedref when (racedetected branchref parentrefs) $ fixrace committedref parentrefs where -- look for "parent ref" lines and return the refs commitparents = map (Git.Ref . snd) . filter isparent . map (toassoc . L.unpack) . L.lines toassoc = separate (== ' ') isparent (k,_) = k == "parent" {- The race can be detected by checking the commit's - parent, which will be the newly pushed branch, - instead of the expected ref that the index was updated to. -} racedetected expectedref parentrefs | expectedref `elem` parentrefs = False -- good parent | otherwise = True -- race! {- To recover from the race, union merge the lost refs - into the index, and recommit on top of the bad commit. -} fixrace committedref lostrefs = do mergeIndex lostrefs commitBranch committedref racemessage [committedref] racemessage = message ++ " (recovery from race)" {- Lists all files on the branch. There may be duplicates in the list. -} files :: Annex [FilePath] files = withIndexUpdate $ do bfiles <- inRepo $ Git.pipeNullSplit [Params "ls-tree --name-only -r -z", Param $ show fullname] jfiles <- getJournalledFiles return $ jfiles ++ bfiles {- Populates the branch's index file with the current branch contents. - - This is only done when the index doesn't yet exist, and the index - is used to build up changes to be commited to the branch, and merge - in changes from other branches. -} genIndex :: Git.Repo -> IO () genIndex g = Git.UnionMerge.stream_update_index g [Git.UnionMerge.ls_tree fullname g] {- Merges the specified branches into the index. - Any changes staged in the index will be preserved. -} mergeIndex :: [Git.Ref] -> Annex () mergeIndex branches = do h <- catFileHandle inRepo $ \g -> Git.UnionMerge.merge_index h g branches {- Runs an action using the branch's index file. -} withIndex :: Annex a -> Annex a withIndex = withIndex' False withIndex' :: Bool -> Annex a -> Annex a withIndex' bootstrapping a = do f <- fromRepo gitAnnexIndex bracketIO (Git.useIndex f) id $ do unlessM (liftIO $ doesFileExist f) $ do unless bootstrapping create liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory f unless bootstrapping $ inRepo genIndex a {- Runs an action using the branch's index file, first making sure that - the branch and index are up-to-date. -} withIndexUpdate :: Annex a -> Annex a withIndexUpdate a = update >> withIndex a {- Updates the branch's index to reflect the current contents of the branch. - Any changes staged in the index will be preserved. - - Compares the ref stored in the lock file with the current - ref of the branch to see if an update is needed. -} updateIndex :: Git.Ref -> Annex () updateIndex branchref = do lock <- fromRepo gitAnnexIndexLock lockref <- Git.Ref . firstLine <$> liftIO (catchDefaultIO (readFileStrict lock) "") when (lockref /= branchref) $ do withIndex $ mergeIndex [fullname] setIndexSha branchref {- Record that the branch's index has been updated to correspond to a - given ref of the branch. -} setIndexSha :: Git.Ref -> Annex () setIndexSha ref = do lock <- fromRepo gitAnnexIndexLock liftIO $ writeFile lock $ show ref ++ "\n" {- Stages the journal into the index. -} stageJournal :: Annex () stageJournal = do fs <- getJournalFiles g <- gitRepo withIndex $ liftIO $ do let dir = gitAnnexJournalDir g let paths = map (dir ) fs (shas, cleanup) <- Git.HashObject.hashFiles paths g Git.UnionMerge.update_index g $ index_lines shas (map fileJournal fs) cleanup mapM_ removeFile paths where index_lines shas = map genline . zip shas genline (sha, file) = Git.UnionMerge.update_index_line sha file