{- adjusted branch - - Copyright 2016 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} module Annex.AdjustedBranch ( Adjustment(..), OrigBranch, AdjBranch, originalToAdjusted, adjustedToOriginal, fromAdjustedBranch, getAdjustment, enterAdjustedBranch, updateAdjustedBranch, propigateAdjustedCommits, ) where import Annex.Common import qualified Annex import Git import Git.Types import qualified Git.Branch import qualified Git.Ref import qualified Git.Command import qualified Git.Tree import qualified Git.DiffTree import Git.Tree (TreeItem(..)) import Git.Sha import Git.Env import Git.Index import Git.FilePath import qualified Git.LockFile import Annex.CatFile import Annex.Link import Annex.AutoMerge import Annex.Content import qualified Database.Keys import qualified Data.Map as M data Adjustment = UnlockAdjustment | LockAdjustment | HideMissingAdjustment | ShowMissingAdjustment deriving (Show, Eq) reverseAdjustment :: Adjustment -> Adjustment reverseAdjustment UnlockAdjustment = LockAdjustment reverseAdjustment LockAdjustment = UnlockAdjustment reverseAdjustment HideMissingAdjustment = ShowMissingAdjustment reverseAdjustment ShowMissingAdjustment = HideMissingAdjustment {- How to perform various adjustments to a TreeItem. -} adjustTreeItem :: Adjustment -> TreeItem -> Annex (Maybe TreeItem) adjustTreeItem UnlockAdjustment ti@(TreeItem f m s) | toBlobType m == Just SymlinkBlob = do mk <- catKey s case mk of Just k -> do Database.Keys.addAssociatedFile k f Just . TreeItem f (fromBlobType FileBlob) <$> hashPointerFile k Nothing -> return (Just ti) | otherwise = return (Just ti) adjustTreeItem LockAdjustment ti@(TreeItem f m s) | toBlobType m /= Just SymlinkBlob = do mk <- catKey s case mk of Just k -> do absf <- inRepo $ \r -> absPath $ fromTopFilePath f r linktarget <- calcRepo $ gitAnnexLink absf k Just . TreeItem f (fromBlobType SymlinkBlob) <$> hashSymlink linktarget Nothing -> return (Just ti) | otherwise = return (Just ti) adjustTreeItem HideMissingAdjustment ti@(TreeItem _ _ s) = do mk <- catKey s case mk of Just k -> ifM (inAnnex k) ( return (Just ti) , return Nothing ) Nothing -> return (Just ti) adjustTreeItem ShowMissingAdjustment ti = return (Just ti) type OrigBranch = Branch type AdjBranch = Branch adjustedBranchPrefix :: String adjustedBranchPrefix = "refs/heads/adjusted/" serialize :: Adjustment -> String serialize UnlockAdjustment = "unlocked" serialize LockAdjustment = "locked" serialize HideMissingAdjustment = "present" serialize ShowMissingAdjustment = "showmissing" deserialize :: String -> Maybe Adjustment deserialize "unlocked" = Just UnlockAdjustment deserialize "locked" = Just UnlockAdjustment deserialize "present" = Just HideMissingAdjustment deserialize _ = Nothing originalToAdjusted :: OrigBranch -> Adjustment -> AdjBranch originalToAdjusted orig adj = Ref $ adjustedBranchPrefix ++ base ++ '(' : serialize adj ++ ")" where base = fromRef (Git.Ref.basename orig) adjustedToOriginal :: AdjBranch -> Maybe (Adjustment, OrigBranch) adjustedToOriginal b | adjustedBranchPrefix `isPrefixOf` bs = do let (base, as) = separate (== '(') (drop prefixlen bs) adj <- deserialize (takeWhile (/= ')') as) Just (adj, Git.Ref.under "refs/heads" (Ref base)) | otherwise = Nothing where bs = fromRef b prefixlen = length adjustedBranchPrefix getAdjustment :: Branch -> Maybe Adjustment getAdjustment = fmap fst . adjustedToOriginal fromAdjustedBranch :: Branch -> OrigBranch fromAdjustedBranch b = maybe b snd (adjustedToOriginal b) originalBranch :: Annex (Maybe OrigBranch) originalBranch = fmap fromAdjustedBranch <$> inRepo Git.Branch.current {- Enter an adjusted version of current branch (or, if already in an - adjusted version of a branch, changes the adjustment of the original - branch). - - Can fail, if no branch is checked out, or perhaps if staged changes - conflict with the adjusted branch. -} enterAdjustedBranch :: Adjustment -> Annex () enterAdjustedBranch adj = go =<< originalBranch where go (Just origbranch) = do adjbranch <- preventCommits $ const $ adjustBranch adj origbranch inRepo $ Git.Command.run [ Param "checkout" , Param $ fromRef $ Git.Ref.base $ adjbranch ] go Nothing = error "not on any branch!" adjustBranch :: Adjustment -> OrigBranch -> Annex AdjBranch adjustBranch adj origbranch = do sha <- adjust adj origbranch inRepo $ Git.Branch.update adjbranch sha return adjbranch where adjbranch = originalToAdjusted origbranch adj adjust :: Adjustment -> Ref -> Annex Sha adjust adj orig = do treesha <- adjustTree adj orig commitAdjustedTree treesha orig adjustTree :: Adjustment -> Ref -> Annex Sha adjustTree adj orig = do let toadj = adjustTreeItem adj treesha <- Git.Tree.adjustTree toadj [] [] orig =<< Annex.gitRepo return treesha type CommitsPrevented = Git.LockFile.LockHandle {- Locks git's index file, preventing git from making a commit, merge, - or otherwise changing the HEAD ref while the action is run. - - Throws an IO exception if the index file is already locked. -} preventCommits :: (CommitsPrevented -> Annex a) -> Annex a preventCommits = bracket setup cleanup where setup = do lck <- fromRepo indexFileLock liftIO $ Git.LockFile.openLock lck cleanup = liftIO . Git.LockFile.closeLock {- Commits a given adjusted tree, with the provided parent ref. - - This should always yield the same value, even if performed in different - clones of a repo, at different times. The commit message and other - metadata is based on the parent. -} commitAdjustedTree :: Sha -> Ref -> Annex Sha commitAdjustedTree treesha parent = go =<< catCommit parent where go Nothing = inRepo mkcommit go (Just parentcommit) = inRepo $ commitWithMetaData (commitAuthorMetaData parentcommit) (commitCommitterMetaData parentcommit) mkcommit mkcommit = Git.Branch.commitTree Git.Branch.AutomaticCommit adjustedBranchCommitMessage [parent] treesha adjustedBranchCommitMessage :: String adjustedBranchCommitMessage = "git-annex adjusted branch" {- Update the currently checked out adjusted branch, merging the provided - branch into it. -} updateAdjustedBranch :: Branch -> (OrigBranch, Adjustment) -> Git.Branch.CommitMode -> Annex Bool updateAdjustedBranch tomerge (origbranch, adj) commitmode = catchBoolIO $ do preventCommits $ \commitsprevented -> go commitsprevented =<< (,) <$> inRepo (Git.Ref.sha tomerge) <*> inRepo Git.Branch.current where go commitsprevented (Just mergesha, Just currbranch) = ifM (inRepo $ Git.Branch.changed currbranch mergesha) ( do propigateAdjustedCommits' origbranch (adj, currbranch) commitsprevented adjustedtomerge <- adjust adj mergesha ifM (inRepo $ Git.Branch.changed currbranch adjustedtomerge) ( do liftIO $ Git.LockFile.closeLock commitsprevented ifM (autoMergeFrom adjustedtomerge (Just currbranch) commitmode) ( preventCommits $ \commitsprevented' -> recommit commitsprevented' currbranch mergesha =<< catCommit currbranch , return False ) , return True -- no changes to merge ) , return True -- no changes to merge ) go _ _ = return False {- Once a merge commit has been made, re-do it, removing - the old version of the adjusted branch as a parent, and - making the only parent be the branch that was merged in. - - Doing this ensures that the same commit Sha is - always arrived at for a given commit from the merged in branch. -} recommit commitsprevented currbranch parent (Just commit) = do commitsha <- commitAdjustedTree (commitTree commit) parent inRepo $ Git.Branch.update currbranch commitsha propigateAdjustedCommits' origbranch (adj, currbranch) commitsprevented return True recommit _ _ _ Nothing = return False {- Check for any commits present on the adjusted branch that have not yet - been propigated to the orig branch, and propigate them. - - After propigating the commits back to the orig banch, - rebase the adjusted branch on top of the updated orig branch. -} propigateAdjustedCommits :: OrigBranch -> (Adjustment, AdjBranch) -> Annex () propigateAdjustedCommits origbranch (adj, currbranch) = preventCommits $ propigateAdjustedCommits' origbranch (adj, currbranch) propigateAdjustedCommits' :: OrigBranch -> (Adjustment, AdjBranch) -> CommitsPrevented -> Annex () propigateAdjustedCommits' origbranch (adj, currbranch) _commitsprevented = do ov <- inRepo $ Git.Ref.sha (Git.Ref.under "refs/heads" origbranch) case ov of Just origsha -> do cv <- catCommit currbranch case cv of Just currcommit -> do v <- newcommits >>= go origsha False case v of Left e -> do warning e return () Right newparent -> rebase currcommit newparent Nothing -> return () Nothing -> return () where newcommits = inRepo $ Git.Branch.changedCommits origbranch currbranch -- Get commits oldest first, so they can be processed -- in order made. [Param "--reverse"] go parent _ [] = do inRepo $ Git.Branch.update origbranch parent return (Right parent) go parent pastadjcommit (sha:l) = do mc <- catCommit sha case mc of Just c | commitMessage c == adjustedBranchCommitMessage -> go parent True l | pastadjcommit -> do v <- reverseAdjustedCommit parent adj (sha, c) origbranch case v of Left e -> return (Left e) Right commit -> go commit pastadjcommit l _ -> go parent pastadjcommit l rebase currcommit newparent = do -- Reuse the current adjusted tree, -- and reparent it on top of the new -- version of the origbranch. commitAdjustedTree (commitTree currcommit) newparent >>= inRepo . Git.Branch.update currbranch {- Reverses an adjusted commit, and commit on top of the provided newparent, - yielding a commit sha. - - Adjust the tree of the newparent, changing only the files that the - commit changed, and reverse adjusting those changes. - - Note that the commit message, and the author and committer metadata are - copied over. However, any gpg signature will be lost, and any other - headers are not copied either. -} reverseAdjustedCommit :: Sha -> Adjustment -> (Sha, Commit) -> OrigBranch -> Annex (Either String Sha) reverseAdjustedCommit newparent adj (csha, c) origbranch -- commitDiff does not support merge commits | length (commitParent c) > 1 = return $ Left $ "unable to propigate merge commit " ++ show csha ++ " back to " ++ show origbranch | otherwise = do (diff, cleanup) <- inRepo (Git.DiffTree.commitDiff csha) let (adds, others) = partition (\dti -> Git.DiffTree.srcsha dti == nullSha) diff let (removes, changes) = partition (\dti -> Git.DiffTree.dstsha dti == nullSha) others adds' <- catMaybes <$> mapM (adjustTreeItem reverseadj) (map diffTreeToTreeItem adds) treesha <- Git.Tree.adjustTree (propchanges changes) adds' (map Git.DiffTree.file removes) newparent =<< Annex.gitRepo void $ liftIO cleanup revadjcommit <- inRepo $ commitWithMetaData (commitAuthorMetaData c) (commitCommitterMetaData c) $ Git.Branch.commitTree Git.Branch.AutomaticCommit (commitMessage c) [newparent] treesha return (Right revadjcommit) where reverseadj = reverseAdjustment adj propchanges changes ti@(TreeItem f _ _) = case M.lookup f m of Nothing -> return (Just ti) -- not changed Just change -> adjustTreeItem reverseadj change where m = M.fromList $ map (\i@(TreeItem f' _ _) -> (f', i)) $ map diffTreeToTreeItem changes diffTreeToTreeItem :: Git.DiffTree.DiffTreeItem -> TreeItem diffTreeToTreeItem dti = TreeItem (Git.DiffTree.file dti) (Git.DiffTree.dstmode dti) (Git.DiffTree.dstsha dti)