{- git-annex toplevel code -} module Annex ( State, startAnnex, annexFile, unannexFile ) where import System.Posix.Files import System.Directory import GitRepo import Utility import Locations import Backend import BackendList import LocationLog -- git-annex's runtime state data State = State { repo :: GitRepo, gitconfig :: GitConfig } data GitConfig = GitConfig { annex_name :: String, annex_numcopies :: Int, annex_backends :: [Backend] } {- An annexed file's content is stored somewhere under .git/annex/ -} annexDir :: GitRepo -> Key -> IO FilePath annexDir repo key = do dir <- gitDir repo return $ dir ++ "/annex/" ++ key {- On startup, examine the git repo, prepare it, and record state for - later. -} startAnnex :: IO State startAnnex = do r <- gitRepoCurrent config <- getConfig r gitPrep r return State { repo = r, gitconfig = config } {- Query the git repo for relevant configuration settings. -} getConfig :: GitRepo -> IO GitConfig getConfig repo = do -- a name can be configured, if none is, use the repository path name <- gitConfigGet "annex.name" (gitRepoTop repo) -- default number of copies to keep of file contents is 1 numcopies <- gitConfigGet "annex.numcopies" "1" backends <- gitConfigGet "annex.backends" "" return GitConfig { annex_name = name, annex_numcopies = read numcopies, annex_backends = parseBackendList backends } {- Annexes a file, storing it in a backend, and then moving it into - the annex directory and setting up the symlink pointing to its content. -} annexFile :: State -> FilePath -> IO () annexFile state file = do alreadyannexed <- lookupBackend backends (repo state) file case (alreadyannexed) of Just _ -> error $ "already annexed: " ++ file Nothing -> do checkLegal file stored <- storeFile (annex_backends $ gitconfig state) (repo state) file case (stored) of Nothing -> error $ "no backend could store: " ++ file Just key -> symlink key where symlink key = do dest <- annexDir (repo state) key createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir dest) renameFile file dest createSymbolicLink dest file gitAdd (repo state) file checkLegal file = do s <- getSymbolicLinkStatus file if ((isSymbolicLink s) || (not $ isRegularFile s)) then error $ "not a regular file: " ++ file else return () backends = annex_backends $ gitconfig state {- Inverse of annexFile. -} unannexFile :: State -> FilePath -> IO () unannexFile state file = do alreadyannexed <- lookupBackend backends (repo state) file case (alreadyannexed) of Nothing -> error $ "not annexed " ++ file Just _ -> do mkey <- dropFile backends (repo state) file case (mkey) of Nothing -> return () Just key -> do src <- annexDir (repo state) key removeFile file renameFile src file return () where backends = annex_backends $ gitconfig state {- Sets up a git repo for git-annex. May be called repeatedly. -} gitPrep :: GitRepo -> IO () gitPrep repo = do -- configure git to use union merge driver on state files let attrLine = stateLoc ++ "/*.log merge=union" attributes <- gitAttributes repo exists <- doesFileExist attributes if (not exists) then do writeFile attributes $ attrLine ++ "\n" gitAdd repo attributes else do content <- readFile attributes if (all (/= attrLine) (lines content)) then do appendFile attributes $ attrLine ++ "\n" gitAdd repo attributes else return ()