;; Configure emacs' treatment of tabs. ;; ;; See ;; https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Directory-Variables.html ;; for a description of this file. ;; ;; The 'nil' below applies to all modes. ((nil . ((indent-tabs-mode . t) (tab-width . 2))) (haskell-mode . ( ;; Highlight leading space characters, to avoid indenting with ;; spaces. ;; ;; Emacs will prompt you about this, saying it's unsafe, but ;; you can permanently store an exception by pressing "!", ;; which inserts ;; ;; (safe-local-variable-values . (quote ((eval highlight-regexp "^ *")))) ;; ;; in your ~/.emacs ... except the exception doesn't work, and ;; emacs still asks you on each file you open :P (eval . (highlight-regexp "^ *")))))