/** \file util.h Generic utilities library. All containers in this library except strinb_buffer_t are written so that they don't allocate any memory until the first element is inserted into them. That way it is known to be very cheap to initialize various containers at startup, supporting the fish notion of doing as much lazy initalization as possible. */ #ifndef FISH_UTIL_H #define FISH_UTIL_H #include #include #include /** Typedef for a generic function pointer */ typedef void (*func_ptr_t)(); /** A union of all types that can be stored in an array_list_t. This is used to make sure that the pointer type can fit whatever we want to insert. */ typedef union { /** long value */ long long_val; /** pointer value */ void *ptr_val; /** function pointer value */ func_ptr_t func_val; } anything_t; /** Internal struct used by hash_table_t. */ typedef struct { /** Hash key*/ void *key; /** Value */ void *data; } hash_struct_t; /** Data structure for the hash table implementaion. A hash table allows for retrieval and removal of any element in O(1), so long as a proper hash function is supplied. The hash table is implemented using a single hash function and element storage directly in the array. When a collision occurs, the hashtable iterates until a zero element is found. When the table is 75% full, it will automatically reallocate itself. This reallocation takes O(n) time. The table is guaranteed to never be more than 75% full or less than 30% full (Unless the table is nearly empty). Its size is always a Mersenne number. */ typedef struct hash_table { /** The array containing the data */ hash_struct_t *arr; /** A simple one item cache. This should always point to the index of the last item to be used */ int cache; /** Number of elements */ int count; /** Length of array */ int size; /** Hash function */ int (*hash_func)( void *key ); /** Comparison function */ int (*compare_func)( void *key1, void *key2 ); } hash_table_t; /** Data structure for an automatically resizing dynamically allocated priority queue. A priority queue allows quick retrieval of the smallest element of a set (This implementation uses O(log n) time). This implementation uses a heap for storing the queue. */ typedef struct priority_queue { /** Array contining the data */ void **arr; /** Number of elements*/ int count; /** Length of array */ int size; /** Comparison function */ int (*compare)(void *e1, void *e2); } priority_queue_t; /** Array list struct. A dynamically growing list that supports stack operations. */ typedef struct array_list { /** Array containing the data */ anything_t *arr; /** Internal cursor position of the array_list_t. This is the position to append elements at. This is also what the array_list_t considers to be its true size, as reported by al_get_count(), etc. Calls to e.g. al_insert will preserve the values of all elements up to pos. */ size_t pos; /** Amount of memory allocated in arr, expressed in number of elements. */ size_t size; } array_list_t; /** Linked list node. */ typedef struct _ll_node { /** Next node */ struct _ll_node *next, /** Previous node */ *prev; /** Node data */ void *data; } ll_node_t; /** Buffer for concatenating arbitrary data. */ typedef struct buffer { char *buff; /** T al_list_to(array_list_t *list) { T result; int i, c = al_get_count(list); for (i=0; i < c; i++) { void *val = al_get(list, i); result.push_back(val); } return result; } /** Compares two wide character strings with an (arguably) intuitive ordering. This function tries to order strings in a way which is intuitive to humans with regards to sorting strings containing numbers. Most sorting functions would sort the strings 'file1.txt' 'file5.txt' and 'file12.txt' as: file1.txt file12.txt file5.txt This function regards any sequence of digits as a single entity when performing comparisons, so the output is instead: file1.txt file5.txt file12.txt Which most people would find more intuitive. This won't return the optimum results for numbers in bases higher than ten, such as hexadecimal, but at least a stable sort order will result. This function performs a two-tiered sort, where difference in case and in number of leading zeroes in numbers only have effect if no other differences between strings are found. This way, a 'file1' and 'File1' will not be considered identical, and hence their internal sort order is not arbitrary, but the names 'file1', 'File2' and 'file3' will still be sorted in the order given above. */ int wcsfilecmp( const wchar_t *a, const wchar_t *b ); /* String buffer functions */ /** Initialize the specified string_buffer */ void sb_init( string_buffer_t * ); /** Allocate memory for storing a stringbuffer and init it */ string_buffer_t *sb_new(); /** Append a part of a string to the buffer. */ void sb_append_substring( string_buffer_t *, const wchar_t *, size_t ); /** Append a character to the buffer. */ void sb_append_char( string_buffer_t *, wchar_t ); /** Append all specified items to buffer. */ #define sb_append( sb,... ) sb_append_internal( sb, __VA_ARGS__, NULL ) /** Append a null terminated list of strings to the buffer. Example: sb_append2( my_buff, L"foo", L"bar", NULL ); Do not forget to cast the last 0 to (void *), or you might encounter errors on 64-bit platforms! */ __sentinel void sb_append_internal( string_buffer_t *, ... ); /** Append formated string data to the buffer. This function internally relies on \c vswprintf, so any filter options supported by that function is also supported by this function. */ int sb_printf( string_buffer_t *buffer, const wchar_t *format, ... ); /** Vararg version of sb_printf. */ int sb_vprintf( string_buffer_t *buffer, const wchar_t *format, va_list va_orig ); /** Destroy the buffer and free its memory */ void sb_destroy( string_buffer_t * ); /** Completely truncate the buffer. This will not deallocate the memory used, it will only set the contents of the string to L"\\0". */ void sb_clear( string_buffer_t * ); /** Truncate the string to the specified number of characters. This will not deallocate the memory used. */ void sb_truncate( string_buffer_t *, int chars_left ); /** Return the number of characters in the string */ ssize_t sb_length( string_buffer_t * ); /* Buffer functions */ /** Initialize the specified buffer_t */ void b_init( buffer_t *b); /** Destroy the specified buffer_t */ void b_destroy( buffer_t *b ); /** Add data of the specified length to the specified buffer_t \return 0 on error, non-zero otherwise */ int b_append( buffer_t *b, const void *d, ssize_t len ); /** Get the current time in microseconds since Jan 1, 1970 */ long long get_time(); #endif