# vim: set filetype=expect: spawn $fish expect_prompt send_line "bind '~' 'handle_tilde'" expect_prompt # printing the current buffer should not remove quoting send_line "function handle_tilde; echo; echo '@GUARD:1@'; commandline -b; echo '@/GUARD:1@'; commandline -b ''; end" expect_prompt send_line {echo \en one "two three" four'five six'{7} 'eight~} expect_prompt -re {\r\n@GUARD:1@\r\n(.*)\r\n@/GUARD:1@\r\n} { puts "a:" puts $expect_out(1,string) } unmatched { abort "Couldn't find guard 1" } # printing the buffer with -o should remove quoting send_line "function handle_tilde; echo; echo '@GUARD:2@'; commandline -bo; echo '@/GUARD:2@'; commandline -b ''; end" expect_prompt send_line {echo one "two three" four'five six'{7} 'eight~} expect_prompt -re {\r\n@GUARD:2@\r\n(.*)\r\n@/GUARD:2@\r\n} { puts "b:" puts [string map {\r {}} $expect_out(1,string)] } unmatched { abort "Couldn't find guard 2" }