/** \file sanity.c Functions for performing sanity checks on the program state */ #include #include "fallback.h" // IWYU pragma: keep #include "common.h" #include "sanity.h" #include "proc.h" #include "history.h" #include "reader.h" #include "kill.h" /** Status from earlier sanity checks */ static int insane; void sanity_lose() { debug(0, _(L"Errors detected, shutting down. Break on sanity_lose() to debug.")); insane = 1; } int sanity_check() { if (!insane) if (get_is_interactive()) history_sanity_check(); if (!insane) reader_sanity_check(); if (!insane) kill_sanity_check(); if (!insane) proc_sanity_check(); return insane; } void validate_pointer(const void *ptr, const wchar_t *err, int null_ok) { /* Test if the pointer data crosses a segment boundary. */ if ((0x00000003l & (intptr_t)ptr) != 0) { debug(0, _(L"The pointer '%ls' is invalid"), err); sanity_lose(); } if ((!null_ok) && (ptr==0)) { debug(0, _(L"The pointer '%ls' is null"), err); sanity_lose(); } }