function __fish_netctl_needs_command set cmd (commandline -opc) if [ (count $cmd) -eq 1 -a $cmd[1] = 'netctl' ] return 0 end return 1 end function __fish_netctl_using_command set cmd (commandline -opc) if [ (count $cmd) -gt 1 ] if [ $argv[1] = $cmd[2] ] return 0 end end return 1 end function __fish_netctl_get_profiles command netctl list | sed -e 's/^[ \t*]*//' end complete -f -c netctl -l help -d 'Display help' complete -f -c netctl -l version -d 'Display version' complete -f -c netctl -n '__fish_netctl_needs_command' -a list -d 'List available profiles' complete -f -c netctl -n '__fish_netctl_needs_command' -a store -d 'Save which profiles are active' complete -f -c netctl -n '__fish_netctl_needs_command' -a restore -d 'Load saved profiles' complete -f -c netctl -n '__fish_netctl_needs_command' -a stop-all -d 'Stops all profiles' complete -f -c netctl -n '__fish_netctl_needs_command' -a start -d 'Start a profile' complete -f -c netctl -n '__fish_netctl_using_command start' -a '(__fish_netctl_get_profiles)' -d 'Profile' complete -f -c netctl -n '__fish_netctl_needs_command' -a stop -d 'Stop a profile' complete -f -c netctl -n '__fish_netctl_using_command stop' -a '(__fish_netctl_get_profiles)' -d 'Profile' complete -f -c netctl -n '__fish_netctl_needs_command' -a restart -d 'Restart a profile' complete -f -c netctl -n '__fish_netctl_using_command restart' -a '(__fish_netctl_get_profiles)' -d 'Profile' complete -f -c netctl -n '__fish_netctl_needs_command' -a switch-to -d 'Switch to a profile' complete -f -c netctl -n '__fish_netctl_using_command switch-to' -a '(__fish_netctl_get_profiles)' -d 'Profile' complete -f -c netctl -n '__fish_netctl_needs_command' -a status -d 'Show runtime status of a profile' complete -f -c netctl -n '__fish_netctl_using_command status' -a '(__fish_netctl_get_profiles)' -d 'Profile' complete -f -c netctl -n '__fish_netctl_needs_command' -a enable -d 'Enable the systemd unit for a profile' complete -f -c netctl -n '__fish_netctl_using_command enable' -a '(__fish_netctl_get_profiles)' -d 'Profile' complete -f -c netctl -n '__fish_netctl_needs_command' -a disable -d 'Disable the systemd unit for a profile' complete -f -c netctl -n '__fish_netctl_using_command disable' -a '(__fish_netctl_get_profiles)' -d 'Profile' complete -f -c netctl -n '__fish_netctl_needs_command' -a reenable -d 'Reenable the systemd unit for a profile' complete -f -c netctl -n '__fish_netctl_using_command reenable' -a '(__fish_netctl_get_profiles)' -d 'Profile'