/** \file halloc.h A hierarchical memory allocation system. Works mostly like talloc used in Samba, except that an arbitrary block allocated with malloc() can be registered to be freed by halloc_free. */ #ifndef FISH_HALLOC_H #define FISH_HALLOC_H /** Allocate new memory using specified parent memory context. Context _must_ be either 0 or the result of a previous call to halloc. If \c context is null, the resulting block is a root block, and must be freed with a call to halloc_free(). If \c context is not null, context must be a halloc root block. the resulting memory block is a child context, and must never be explicitly freed, it will be automatically freed whenever the parent context is freed. Child blocks can never be used as the context in calls to halloc_register_function, halloc_free, etc. */ void *halloc( void *context, size_t size ); /** Make the specified function run whenever context is free'd, using data as argument. \c context a halloc root block */ void halloc_register_function( void *context, void (*func)(void *), void *data ); /** Free memory context and all children contexts. Only root contexts may be freed explicitly. All functions registered with halloc_register_function are run in the order they where added. Afterwards, all memory allocated using halloc itself is free'd. \c context a halloc root block */ void halloc_free( void *context ); #endif