/** \file env.c Functions for setting and getting environment variables. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_NCURSES_H #include #else #include #endif #if HAVE_TERMIO_H #include #endif #include #include #include "util.h" #include "wutil.h" #include "proc.h" #include "common.h" #include "env.h" #include "sanity.h" #include "expand.h" #include "history.h" #include "reader.h" #include "parser.h" #include "env_universal.h" #include "input_common.h" #include "event.h" /** Command used to start fishd */ #define FISHD_CMD L"if which fishd >/dev/null; fishd ^/tmp/fishd.%s.log; end" /** Value denoting a null string */ #define ENV_NULL L"\x1d" /** At init, we read all the environment variables from this array */ extern char **environ; /** Struct representing one level in the function variable stack */ typedef struct env_node { /** Variable table */ hash_table_t env; /** Does this node imply a new variable scope? If yes, all non-global variables below this one in the stack are invisible. If new_scope is set for the global variable node, the universe will explode. */ int new_scope; /** Does this node contain any variables which are exported to subshells */ int export; /** Pointer to next level */ struct env_node *next; } env_node_t; /** A variable entry. Stores the value of a variable and whether it should be exported. Obviously, it needs to be allocated large enough to fit the value string. */ typedef struct var_entry { int export; /**< Whether the variable should be exported */ wchar_t val[0]; /**< The value of the variable */ } var_entry_t; /** Top node on the function stack */ static env_node_t *top=0; /** Bottom node on the function stack */ static env_node_t *global_env = 0; /** Table for global variables */ static hash_table_t *global; /** Table of variables that may not be set using the set command. */ static hash_table_t env_read_only; /** Table of variables whose value is dynamically calculated, such as umask, status, etc */ static hash_table_t env_electric; /** Exported variable array used by execv */ static char **export_arr=0; /** Buffer used for storing string contents for export_arr */ static buffer_t export_buffer; /** Flag for checking if we need to regenerate the exported variable array */ static int has_changed = 1; /** Free hash key and hash value */ static void clear_hash_entry( const void *key, const void *data ) { var_entry_t *entry = (var_entry_t *)data; if( entry->export ) has_changed = 1; free( (void *)key ); free( (void *)data ); } /** This stringbuffer is used to store the value of dynamically generated variables, such as history. */ static string_buffer_t dyn_var; /** Variable used by env_get_names to communicate auxiliary information to add_key_to_hash */ static int get_names_show_exported; /** Variable used by env_get_names to communicate auxiliary information to add_key_to_hash */ static int get_names_show_unexported; /** When fishd isn't started, this function is provided to env_universal as a callback, it tries to start up fishd. It's implementation is a bit of a hack, since it evaluates a bit of shellscript, and it might be used at times when that might not be the best idea. */ static void start_fishd() { string_buffer_t cmd; struct passwd *pw; sb_init( &cmd ); pw = getpwuid(getuid()); debug( 3, L"Spawning new copy of fishd" ); if( !pw ) { debug( 0, L"Could not get user information" ); return; } sb_printf( &cmd, FISHD_CMD, pw->pw_name ); eval( (wchar_t *)cmd.buff, 0, TOP ); sb_destroy( &cmd ); } /** Return the current umask value. */ static mode_t get_umask() { mode_t res; res = umask( 0 ); umask( res ); return res; } /** Universal variable callback function. This function makes sure the proper events are triggered when an event occurs. */ static void universal_callback( int type, const wchar_t *name, const wchar_t *val ) { wchar_t *str=0; switch( type ) { case SET: case SET_EXPORT: str=L"SET"; break; case ERASE: str=L"ERASE"; break; } if( str ) { array_list_t arg; event_t ev; has_changed=1; ev.type=EVENT_VARIABLE; ev.param1.variable=name; ev.function_name=0; al_init( &arg ); al_push( &arg, L"VARIABLE" ); al_push( &arg, str ); al_push( &arg, name ); event_fire( &ev, &arg ); al_destroy( &arg ); } } void env_init() { char **p; struct passwd *pw; wchar_t *uname, *path; sb_init( &dyn_var ); b_init( &export_buffer ); /* These variables can not be altered directly by the user */ hash_init( &env_read_only, &hash_wcs_func, &hash_wcs_cmp ); hash_put( &env_read_only, L"status", L"" ); hash_put( &env_read_only, L"history", L"" ); hash_put( &env_read_only, L"_", L"" ); hash_put( &env_read_only, L"LINES", L"" ); hash_put( &env_read_only, L"COLUMNS", L"" ); hash_put( &env_read_only, L"PWD", L"" ); /* Names of all dynamically calculated variables */ hash_init( &env_electric, &hash_wcs_func, &hash_wcs_cmp ); hash_put( &env_electric, L"history", L"" ); hash_put( &env_electric, L"status", L"" ); hash_put( &env_electric, L"umask", L"" ); /* HOME and USER should be writeable by root, since this can be a convenient way to install software. */ if( getuid() != 0 ) { hash_put( &env_read_only, L"HOME", L"" ); hash_put( &env_read_only, L"USER", L"" ); } top = malloc( sizeof(env_node_t) ); top->next = 0; top->new_scope = 0; top->export=0; hash_init( &top->env, &hash_wcs_func, &hash_wcs_cmp ); global_env = top; global = &top->env; /* Import environment variables */ for( p=environ; *p; p++ ) { wchar_t *key, *val; wchar_t *pos; key = str2wcs(*p); if( !key ) continue; val = wcschr( key, L'=' ); if( val == 0 ) env_set( key, L"", ENV_EXPORT ); else { *val = L'\0'; val++; pos=val; //fwprintf( stderr, L"Set $%ls to %ls\n", key, val ); while( *pos ) { if( *pos == L':' ) *pos = ARRAY_SEP; pos++; } env_set( key, val, ENV_EXPORT | ENV_GLOBAL ); } free(key); } path = env_get( L"PATH" ); if( !path ) { env_set( L"PATH", L"/bin" ARRAY_SEP_STR L"/usr/bin", ENV_EXPORT | ENV_GLOBAL ); path = env_get( L"PATH" ); } else { int i, j; array_list_t l; al_init( &l ); expand_variable_array( path, &l ); const wchar_t *path_el[] = { L"/bin", L"/usr/bin", PREFIX L"/bin", 0 } ; for( j=0; path_el[j]; j++ ) { int has_el=0; for( i=0; i 0) && (el[len-1]==L'/') ) len--; if( (wcslen( path_el[j] ) == len) && (wcsncmp( el, path_el[j], len)==0) ) { has_el = 1; } } if( !has_el ) { string_buffer_t b; sb_init( &b ); sb_append2( &b, path, ARRAY_SEP_STR, path_el[j], (void *)0 ); env_set( L"PATH", (wchar_t *)b.buff, ENV_GLOBAL | ENV_EXPORT ); sb_destroy( &b ); path = env_get( L"PATH" ); } } al_foreach( &l, (void (*)(const void *))&free ); al_destroy( &l ); } pw = getpwuid( getuid() ); if( pw ) { uname = str2wcs( pw->pw_name ); env_set( L"USER", uname, ENV_GLOBAL | ENV_EXPORT ); free( uname ); } env_universal_init( env_get( L"FISHD_SOKET_DIR"), env_get( L"USER" ), &start_fishd, &universal_callback ); } void env_destroy() { env_universal_destroy(); sb_destroy( &dyn_var ); b_destroy( &export_buffer ); while( &top->env != global ) env_pop(); hash_destroy( &env_read_only ); hash_destroy( &env_electric ); hash_foreach( global, &clear_hash_entry ); hash_destroy( global ); free( top ); free( export_arr ); } /** Find the scope hashtable containing the variable with the specified key */ static env_node_t *env_get_node( const wchar_t *key ) { var_entry_t* res; env_node_t *env = top; while( env != 0 ) { res = (var_entry_t *) hash_get( &env->env, key ); if( res != 0 ) { return env; } if( env->new_scope ) env = global_env; else env = env->next; } return 0; } void env_set( const wchar_t *key, const wchar_t *val, int var_mode ) { int free_val = 0; var_entry_t *entry; env_node_t *node; int has_changed_old = has_changed; int has_changed_new = 0; var_entry_t *e=0; int done=0; event_t ev; array_list_t ev_list; int is_universal = 0; if( (var_mode & ENV_USER ) && hash_get( &env_read_only, key ) ) { return; } if( wcscmp(key, L"LANG" )==0 ) { fish_setlocale(LC_ALL,val); } if( wcscmp( key, L"umask" ) == 0) { wchar_t *end; int mask; /* Set the new umask */ if( val && wcslen(val) ) { errno=0; mask = wcstol( val, &end, 8 ); if( !errno && (!*end) && (mask <= 0777) && (mask >= 0) ) { umask( mask ); } } /* Do not actually create a umask variable, on env_get, it will be calculated dynamically */ return; } /* Zero element arrays are internaly not coded as null but as this placeholder string */ if( !val && ( var_mode & ENV_USER ) ) { val = ENV_NULL; } if( var_mode & ENV_UNIVERSAL ) { int export = 0; if( !(var_mode & ENV_EXPORT ) && !(var_mode & ENV_UNEXPORT ) ) { env_universal_get_export( key ); } else export = (var_mode & ENV_EXPORT ); env_universal_set( key, val, export ); is_universal = 1; } else { if( val == 0 ) { wchar_t *prev_val; free_val = 1; prev_val = env_get( key ); val = wcsdup( prev_val?prev_val:L"" ); } node = env_get_node( key ); if( node && &node->env != 0 ) { e = (var_entry_t *) hash_get( &node->env, key ); if( e->export ) has_changed_new = 1; } if( (var_mode & ENV_LOCAL) || (var_mode & ENV_GLOBAL) ) { node = ( var_mode & ENV_GLOBAL )?global_env:top; } else { if( node ) { if( !(var_mode & ENV_EXPORT ) && !(var_mode & ENV_UNEXPORT ) ) { var_mode = e->export?ENV_EXPORT:0; } } else { if( !proc_had_barrier) env_universal_barrier(); if( env_universal_get( key ) ) { int export = 0; if( !(var_mode & ENV_EXPORT ) && !(var_mode & ENV_UNEXPORT ) ) { env_universal_get_export( key ); } else export = (var_mode & ENV_EXPORT ); env_universal_set( key, val, export ); is_universal = 1; done = 1; } else { /* New variable with unspecified scope. The default scope is the innermost scope that is shadowing */ node = top; while( node->next && !node->new_scope ) node = node->next; } } } if( !done ) { void *k, *v; hash_remove( &node->env, key, (const void **)&k, (const void **)&v ); free( k ); free( v ); entry = malloc( sizeof( var_entry_t ) + sizeof(wchar_t )*(wcslen(val)+1)); if( var_mode & ENV_EXPORT) { entry->export = 1; has_changed_new = 1; } else entry->export = 0; wcscpy( entry->val, val ); hash_put( &node->env, wcsdup(key), entry ); if( entry->export ) { node->export=1; } if( free_val ) free((void *)val); has_changed = has_changed_old || has_changed_new; } } if( !is_universal ) { ev.type=EVENT_VARIABLE; ev.param1.variable = key; ev.function_name = 0; al_init( &ev_list ); al_push( &ev_list, L"VARIABLE" ); al_push( &ev_list, key ); // debug( 1, L"env_set: fire events on variable %ls", key ); event_fire( &ev, &ev_list ); // debug( 1, L"env_set: return from event firing" ); al_destroy( &ev_list ); } } /** Attempt to remove/free the specified key/value pair from the specified hash table. */ static int try_remove( env_node_t *n, const wchar_t *key ) { wchar_t *old_key, *old_val; if( n == 0 ) return 0; hash_remove( &n->env, key, (const void **)&old_key, (const void **)&old_val ); if( old_key != 0 ) { var_entry_t * v = (var_entry_t *)old_val; if( v->export ) { has_changed = 1; } free(old_key); free(old_val); return 1; } if( n->new_scope ) return try_remove( global_env, key ); else return try_remove( n->next, key ); } void env_remove( const wchar_t *key, int var_mode ) { if( (var_mode & ENV_USER ) && hash_get( &env_read_only, key ) ) { return; } if( !try_remove( top, key ) ) { env_universal_remove( key ); } } wchar_t *env_get( const wchar_t *key ) { var_entry_t *res; env_node_t *env = top; wchar_t *item; if( wcscmp( key, L"history" ) == 0 ) { wchar_t *current; int i; int add_current=0; sb_clear( &dyn_var ); current = reader_get_buffer(); if( current && wcslen( current ) ) { add_current=1; sb_append( &dyn_var, current ); } for( i=add_current; i<8; i++ ) { wchar_t *next = history_get( i-add_current ); if( !next ) { debug( 1, L"No history at idx %d\n", i ); break; } if( i!=0) sb_append( &dyn_var, ARRAY_SEP_STR ); sb_append( &dyn_var, next ); } return (wchar_t *)dyn_var.buff; } else if( wcscmp( key, L"COLUMNS" )==0 ) { sb_clear( &dyn_var ); sb_printf( &dyn_var, L"%d", common_get_width() ); return (wchar_t *)dyn_var.buff; } else if( wcscmp( key, L"LINES" )==0 ) { sb_clear( &dyn_var ); sb_printf( &dyn_var, L"%d", common_get_height() ); return (wchar_t *)dyn_var.buff; } else if( wcscmp( key, L"status" )==0 ) { sb_clear( &dyn_var ); sb_printf( &dyn_var, L"%d", proc_get_last_status() ); return (wchar_t *)dyn_var.buff; } else if( wcscmp( key, L"umask" )==0 ) { sb_clear( &dyn_var ); sb_printf( &dyn_var, L"0%0.3o", get_umask() ); return (wchar_t *)dyn_var.buff; } while( env != 0 ) { res = (var_entry_t *) hash_get( &env->env, key ); if( res != 0 ) { if( wcscmp( res->val, ENV_NULL )==0) { return 0; } else return res->val; } if( env->new_scope ) env = global_env; else env = env->next; } if( !proc_had_barrier) env_universal_barrier(); item = env_universal_get( key ); if( !item || (wcscmp( item, ENV_NULL )==0)) { return 0; } else return item; } int env_exist( const wchar_t *key ) { var_entry_t *res; env_node_t *env = top; wchar_t *item; if( hash_get( &env_read_only, key ) || hash_get( &env_electric, key ) ) { return 1; } while( env != 0 ) { res = (var_entry_t *) hash_get( &env->env, key ); if( res != 0 ) { return 1; } if( env->new_scope ) env = global_env; else env = env->next; } if( !proc_had_barrier) env_universal_barrier(); item = env_universal_get( key ); return item != 0; } /** Returns true if the specified scope or any non-shadowed non-global subscopes contain an exported variable. */ static int local_scope_exports( env_node_t *n ) { if( n==global_env ) return 0; if( n->export ) return 1; if( n->new_scope ) return 0; return local_scope_exports( n->next ); } void env_push( int new_scope ) { env_node_t *node = malloc( sizeof(env_node_t) ); node->next = top; node->export=0; hash_init( &node->env, &hash_wcs_func, &hash_wcs_cmp ); node->new_scope=new_scope; if( new_scope ) { has_changed |= local_scope_exports(top); } top = node; } void env_pop() { if( &top->env != global ) { env_node_t *killme = top; if( killme->new_scope ) { has_changed |= killme->export || local_scope_exports( killme->next ); } top = top->next; hash_foreach( &killme->env, &clear_hash_entry ); hash_destroy( &killme->env ); free( killme ); } else { debug( 0, L"Tried to pop empty environment stack." ); sanity_lose(); } } /** Function used with hash_foreach to insert keys of one table into another */ static void add_key_to_hash( const void *key, const void *data, void *aux ) { var_entry_t *e = (var_entry_t *)data; if( ( e->export && get_names_show_exported) || ( !e->export && get_names_show_unexported) ) hash_put( (hash_table_t *)aux, key, 0 ); } /** Add key to hashtable */ static void add_to_hash( const void *k, void *aux ) { hash_put( (hash_table_t *)aux, k, 0 ); } /** Add key to list */ static void add_key_to_list( const void * key, const void * val, void *aux ) { al_push( (array_list_t *)aux, key ); } void env_get_names( array_list_t *l, int flags ) { int show_local = flags & ENV_LOCAL; int show_global = flags & ENV_GLOBAL; int show_universal = flags & ENV_UNIVERSAL; hash_table_t names; env_node_t *n=top; get_names_show_exported = flags & ENV_EXPORT|| (!(flags & ENV_UNEXPORT)); get_names_show_unexported = flags & ENV_UNEXPORT|| (!(flags & ENV_EXPORT)); if( !show_local && !show_global && !show_universal ) { show_local =show_universal = show_global=1; } hash_init( &names, &hash_wcs_func, &hash_wcs_cmp ); if( show_local ) { while( n ) { if( n == global_env ) break; hash_foreach2( &n->env, add_key_to_hash, &names ); if( n->new_scope ) break; else n = n->next; } } if( show_global ) { hash_foreach2( &global_env->env, add_key_to_hash, &names ); if( get_names_show_unexported ) hash_foreach2( &env_electric, &add_key_to_list, l ); if( get_names_show_exported ) { al_push( l, L"COLUMNS" ); al_push( l, L"LINES" ); } } if( show_universal ) { array_list_t uni_list; al_init( &uni_list ); env_universal_get_names( &uni_list, get_names_show_exported, get_names_show_unexported ); al_foreach2( &uni_list, &add_to_hash, &names ); al_destroy( &uni_list ); } hash_get_keys( &names, l ); hash_destroy( &names ); } /** Function used by env_export_arr to iterate over hashtable of variables */ static void export_func1( const void *k, const void *v, void *aux ) { var_entry_t *val_entry = (var_entry_t *)v; if( val_entry->export ) { hash_table_t *h = (hash_table_t *)aux; if( !hash_get( h, k ) ) hash_put( h, k, val_entry->val ); } } /** Function used by env_export_arr to iterate over hashtable of variables */ static void export_func2( const void *k, const void *v, void *aux ) { wchar_t *key = (wchar_t *)k; wchar_t *val = (wchar_t *)v; char *ks = wcs2str( key ); char *vs = wcs2str( val ); char *pos = vs; buffer_t *out = (buffer_t *)aux; if( !ks || !vs ) { die_mem(); } /* Make arrays into colon-separated lists */ while( *pos ) { if( *pos == ARRAY_SEP ) *pos = ':'; pos++; } int nil = 0; b_append( out, ks, strlen(ks) ); b_append( out, "=", 1 ); b_append( out, vs, strlen(vs) ); b_append( out, &nil, 1 ); free( ks ); free( vs ); } char **env_export_arr( int recalc) { if( recalc && !proc_had_barrier) env_universal_barrier(); if( has_changed ) { array_list_t uni; hash_table_t vals; env_node_t *n=top; int prev_was_null=1; int pos=0; int i; debug( 4, L"env_export_arr() recalc" ); hash_init( &vals, &hash_wcs_func, &hash_wcs_cmp ); while( n ) { hash_foreach2( &n->env, &export_func1, &vals ); if( n->new_scope ) n = global_env; else n = n->next; } al_init( &uni ); env_universal_get_names( &uni, 1, 0 ); for( i=0; i