#!/usr/bin/ruby # Copyright 2018 Google # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Syncs Xcode project folder and target structure with the filesystem. This # script finds all files on the filesystem that match the patterns supplied # below and changes the project to match what it found. # # Run this script after adding/removing tests to keep the project in sync. require 'pathname' # Note that xcodeproj 1.5.8 appears to be broken # https://github.com/CocoaPods/Xcodeproj/issues/572 gem 'xcodeproj', '!= 1.5.8' require 'xcodeproj' def main() # Make all filenames relative to the project root. Dir.chdir(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')) sync_firestore() end def sync_firestore() project = Xcodeproj::Project.open('Firestore/Example/Firestore.xcodeproj') # Enable warnings after opening the project to avoid the warnings in # xcodeproj itself $VERBOSE = true s = Syncer.new(project, Dir.pwd) # Files on the filesystem that should be ignored. s.ignore_files = [ 'CMakeLists.txt', 'InfoPlist.strings', '*.plist', # b/79496027 'Firestore/core/test/firebase/firestore/remote/serializer_test.cc', ] # Folder groups in the Xcode project that contain tests. s.test_groups = [ 'Tests', 'CoreTests', 'CoreTestsProtos', 'SwiftTests', ] s.target 'Firestore_Tests_iOS' do |t| t.source_files = [ 'Firestore/Example/Tests/**', 'Firestore/core/test/**', 'Firestore/Protos/cpp/**', 'Firestore/third_party/Immutable/Tests/**', ] t.exclude_files = [ # needs to be in project but not in target 'Firestore/Example/Tests/Tests-Info.plist', # These files are integration tests, handled below 'Firestore/Example/Tests/Integration/**', # These files are already provided by the ProtobufCpp pod. 'Firestore/Protos/cpp/google/protobuf/**', ] end s.target 'Firestore_IntegrationTests_iOS' do |t| t.source_files = [ 'Firestore/Example/Tests/Integration/**', 'Firestore/Example/Tests/Util/FSTEventAccumulator.mm', 'Firestore/Example/Tests/Util/FSTHelpers.mm', 'Firestore/Example/Tests/Util/FSTIntegrationTestCase.mm', 'Firestore/Example/Tests/Util/XCTestCase+Await.mm', 'Firestore/Example/Tests/en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings', ] end s.sync() sort_project(project) if project.dirty? project.save() end end # The definition of a test target including the target name, its source_files # and exclude_files. A file is considered part of a target if it matches a # pattern in source_files but does not match a pattern in exclude_files. class TargetDef def initialize(name) @name = name @source_files = [] @exclude_files = [] end attr_accessor :name, :source_files, :exclude_files # Returns true if the given relative_path matches this target's source_files # but not its exclude_files. # # Args: # - relative_path: a Pathname instance with a path relative to the project # root. def matches?(relative_path) return matches_patterns(relative_path, @source_files) && !matches_patterns(relative_path, @exclude_files) end private # Evaluates the relative_path against the given list of fnmatch patterns. def matches_patterns(relative_path, patterns) patterns.each do |pattern| if relative_path.fnmatch?(pattern) return true end end return false end end class Syncer def initialize(project, root_dir) @project = project @root_dir = Pathname.new(root_dir) @finder = DirectoryLister.new(@root_dir) @seen_groups = {} @test_groups = [] @targets = [] end # Considers the given fnmatch glob patterns to be ignored by the syncer. # Patterns are matched both against the basename and project-relative # qualified pathname. def ignore_files=(patterns) @finder.add_patterns(patterns) end # Names the groups within the project that serve as roots for tests within # the project. def test_groups=(groups) @test_groups = [] groups.each do |group| project_group = @project[group] if project_group.nil? raise "Project does not contain group #{group}" end @test_groups.push(@project[group]) end end # Starts a new target block. Creates a new TargetDef and yields it. def target(name, &block) t = TargetDef.new(name) @targets.push(t) block.call(t) end # Synchronizes the filesystem with the project. # # Generally there are three separate ways a file is referenced within a project: # # 1. The file must be in the global list of files, assigning it a UUID. # 2. The file must be added to folder groups, describing where it is in the # folder view of the Project Navigator. # 3. The file must be added to a target descrbing how it's built. # # The Xcodeproj library handles (1) for us automatically if we do (2). # # Synchronization essentially proceeds in two steps: # # 1. Sync the filesystem structure with the folder group structure. This has # the effect of bringing (1) and (2) into sync. # 2. Sync the global list of files with the targets. def sync() group_differ = GroupDiffer.new(@finder) group_diffs = group_differ.diff(@test_groups) sync_groups(group_diffs) @targets.each do |target_def| sync_target(target_def) end end private def sync_groups(diff_entries) diff_entries.each do |entry| if !entry.in_source && entry.in_target remove_from_project(entry.ref) end if entry.in_source && !entry.in_target add_to_project(entry.path) end end end # Removes the given file reference from the project after the file is found # missing but references to it still exist in the project. def remove_from_project(file_ref) group = file_ref.parents[-1] mark_change_in_group(relative_path(group)) puts " #{basename(file_ref)} - removed" # If the file is gone, any build phase that refers to must also remove the # file. Without this, the project will have build file references that # contain no actual file. @project.native_targets.each do |target| target.build_phases.each do |phase| if phase.include?(file_ref) phase.remove_file_reference(file_ref) end end end file_ref.remove_from_project end # Adds the given file to the project, in a path starting from the test root # that fully prefixes the file. def add_to_project(path) root_group = find_test_group_containing(path) # Find or create the group to contain the path. dir_rel_path = path.relative_path_from(root_group.real_path).dirname group = root_group.find_subpath(dir_rel_path.to_s, true) mark_change_in_group(relative_path(group)) file_ref = group.new_file(path.to_s) puts " #{basename(file_ref)} - added" return file_ref end # Finds a test group whose path prefixes the given entry. Starting from the # project root may not work since not all test directories exist within the # example app. def find_test_group_containing(path) @test_groups.each do |group| rel = path.relative_path_from(group.real_path) next if rel.to_s.start_with?('..') return group end raise "Could not find an existing test group that's a parent of #{entry.path}" end def mark_change_in_group(group) path = group.to_s if !@seen_groups.has_key?(path) puts "#{path} ..." @seen_groups[path] = true end end SOURCES = %w{.c .cc .m .mm} def sync_target(target_def) target = @project.native_targets.find { |t| t.name == target_def.name } if !target raise "Missing target #{target_def.name}" end files = find_files_for_target(target_def) sources, resources = classify_files(files) sync_build_phase(target, target.source_build_phase, sources) end def classify_files(files) sources = {} resources = {} files.each do |file| path = file.real_path ext = path.extname if SOURCES.include?(ext) sources[path] = file end end return sources, resources end def sync_build_phase(target, phase, sources) # buffer changes to the phase to avoid modifying the array we're iterating # over. to_remove = [] phase.files.each do |build_file| source_path = build_file.file_ref.real_path if sources.has_key?(source_path) # matches spec and existing target no action taken sources.delete(source_path) else # in the phase but now missing in the groups to_remove.push(build_file) end end to_remove.each do |build_file| mark_change_in_group(target.name) source_path = build_file.file_ref.real_path puts " #{relative_path(source_path)} - removed" phase.remove_build_file(build_file) end sources.each do |path, file_ref| mark_change_in_group(target.name) phase.add_file_reference(file_ref) puts " #{relative_path(file_ref)} - added" end end def find_files_for_target(target_def) result = [] @project.files.each do |file_ref| next if file_ref.source_tree != '' rel = relative_path(file_ref) if target_def.matches?(rel) result.push(file_ref) end end return result end def normalize_to_pathname(file_ref) if !file_ref.is_a? Pathname if file_ref.is_a? String file_ref = Pathname.new(file_ref) else file_ref = file_ref.real_path end end return file_ref end def basename(file_ref) return normalize_to_pathname(file_ref).basename end def relative_path(file_ref) file_ref = normalize_to_pathname(file_ref) return file_ref.relative_path_from(@root_dir) end end def sort_project(project) project.groups.each do |group| sort_group(group) end project.targets.each do |target| target.build_phases.each do |phase| phase.files.sort! { |a, b| a.file_ref.real_path.basename <=> b.file_ref.real_path.basename } end end end def sort_group(group) group.groups.each do |child| sort_group(child) end group.children.sort! do |a, b| # Sort groups first if a.isa == 'PBXGroup' && b.isa != 'PBXGroup' -1 elsif a.isa != 'PBXGroup' && b.isa == 'PBXGroup' 1 elsif a.display_name && b.display_name File.basename(a.display_name) <=> File.basename(b.display_name) else 0 end end end # Tracks how a file is referenced: in the project file, on the filesystem, # neither, or both. class DiffEntry def initialize(path) @path = path @in_source = false @in_target = false @ref = nil end attr_reader :path attr_accessor :in_source, :in_target, :ref end # Diffs folder groups against the filesystem directories referenced by those # folder groups. # # This performs the diff starting from the directories referenced by the test # groups in the project, finding files contained within them. When comparing # the files it finds against the project this acts on absolute paths to avoid # problems with arbitary additional groupings in project structure that are # standard, e.g. "Supporting Files" or "en.lproj" which either act as aliases # for the parent or are folders that are omitted from the project view. # Processing the diff this way allows these warts to be tolerated, even if they # won't necessarily be recreated if an artifact is added to the filesystem. class GroupDiffer def initialize(dir_lister) @dir_lister = dir_lister @entries = {} @dirs = {} end # Finds all tests on the filesystem contained within the paths of the given # test groups and computes a list of DiffEntries describing the state of the # files. # # Args: # - groups: A list of PBXGroup objects representing folder groups within the # project that contain tests. # # Returns: # A list of DiffEntry objects, one for each test found. If the test exists on # the filesystem, :in_source will be true. If the test exists in the project # :in_target will be true and :ref will be set to the PBXFileReference naming # the file. def diff(groups) groups.each do |group| diff_project_files(group) end return @entries.values.sort { |a, b| a.path.basename <=> b.path.basename } end private # Recursively traverses all the folder groups in the Xcode project and finds # files both on the filesystem and the group file listing. def diff_project_files(group) find_fs_files(group.real_path) group.groups.each do |child| diff_project_files(child) end group.files.each do |file_ref| path = file_ref.real_path entry = track_file(path) entry.in_target = true entry.ref = file_ref if path.file? entry.in_source = true end end end def find_fs_files(parent_path) # Avoid re-traversing the filesystem if @dirs.has_key?(parent_path) return end @dirs[parent_path] = true @dir_lister.entries(parent_path).each do |path| if path.directory? find_fs_files(path) next end entry = track_file(path) entry.in_source = true end end def track_file(path) if @entries.has_key?(path) return @entries[path] end entry = DiffEntry.new(path) @entries[path] = entry return entry end end # Finds files on the filesystem while ignoring files that have been declared to # be ignored. class DirectoryLister def initialize(root_dir) @root_dir = root_dir @ignore_basenames = ['.', '..'] @ignore_pathnames = [] end def add_patterns(patterns) patterns.each do |pattern| if File.basename(pattern) != pattern @ignore_pathnames.push(File.join(@root_dir, pattern)) else @ignore_basenames.push(pattern) end end end # Finds filesystem entries that are immediate children of the given Pathname, # ignoring files that match the the global ignore_files patterns. def entries(path) result = [] path.entries.each do |entry| next if ignore_basename?(entry) file = path.join(entry) next if ignore_pathname?(file) result.push(file) end return result end private def ignore_basename?(basename) @ignore_basenames.each do |ignore| if basename.fnmatch(ignore) return true end end return false end def ignore_pathname?(file) @ignore_pathnames.each do |ignore| if file.fnmatch(ignore) return true end end return false end end if __FILE__ == $0 main() end