// Copyright 2018 Google // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #import #import const static NSString *const kKey = @"testKey1"; const static NSString *const kValue = @"testValue1"; const static NSString *const kKey2 = @"testKey2"; const static NSString *const kValue2 = @"testValue2"; @interface GULMutableDictionaryTest : XCTestCase @property(nonatomic) GULMutableDictionary *dictionary; @end @implementation GULMutableDictionaryTest - (void)setUp { [super setUp]; self.dictionary = [[GULMutableDictionary alloc] init]; } - (void)tearDown { self.dictionary = nil; [super tearDown]; } - (void)testSetGetAndRemove { XCTAssertNil([self.dictionary objectForKey:kKey]); [self.dictionary setObject:kValue forKey:kKey]; XCTAssertEqual(kValue, [self.dictionary objectForKey:kKey]); [self.dictionary removeObjectForKey:kKey]; XCTAssertNil([self.dictionary objectForKey:kKey]); } - (void)testSetGetAndRemoveKeyed { XCTAssertNil(self.dictionary[kKey]); self.dictionary[kKey] = kValue; XCTAssertEqual(kValue, self.dictionary[kKey]); [self.dictionary removeObjectForKey:kKey]; XCTAssertNil(self.dictionary[kKey]); } - (void)testRemoveAll { XCTAssertNil(self.dictionary[kKey]); XCTAssertNil(self.dictionary[kKey2]); self.dictionary[kKey] = kValue; self.dictionary[kKey2] = kValue2; [self.dictionary removeAllObjects]; XCTAssertNil(self.dictionary[kKey]); XCTAssertNil(self.dictionary[kKey2]); } - (void)testCount { XCTAssertEqual([self.dictionary count], 0); self.dictionary[kKey] = kValue; XCTAssertEqual([self.dictionary count], 1); self.dictionary[kKey2] = kValue2; XCTAssertEqual([self.dictionary count], 2); [self.dictionary removeAllObjects]; XCTAssertEqual([self.dictionary count], 0); } - (void)testUnderlyingDictionary { XCTAssertEqual([self.dictionary count], 0); self.dictionary[kKey] = kValue; self.dictionary[kKey2] = kValue2; NSDictionary *dict = self.dictionary.dictionary; XCTAssertEqual([dict count], 2); XCTAssertEqual(dict[kKey], kValue); XCTAssertEqual(dict[kKey2], kValue2); } @end