#import "Firestore/third_party/Immutable/FSTLLRBValueNode.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Util/FSTAssert.h" #import "Firestore/third_party/Immutable/FSTLLRBEmptyNode.h" NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @interface FSTLLRBValueNode () @property(nonatomic, assign) FSTLLRBColor color; @property(nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger count; @property(nonatomic, strong) id key; @property(nonatomic, strong) id value; @property(nonatomic, strong) id right; @end @implementation FSTLLRBValueNode - (NSString *)colorDescription { NSString *color = @"unspecified"; if (self.color == FSTLLRBColorRed) { color = @"red"; } else if (self.color == FSTLLRBColorBlack) { color = @"black"; } return color; } - (NSString *)description { NSString *color = self.colorDescription; return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"[key=%@ val=%@ color=%@]", self.key, self.value, color]; } // Designated initializer. - (instancetype)initWithKey:(id _Nullable)aKey withValue:(id _Nullable)aValue withColor:(FSTLLRBColor)aColor withLeft:(id _Nullable)aLeft withRight:(id _Nullable)aRight { self = [super init]; if (self) { _key = aKey; _value = aValue; _color = aColor != FSTLLRBColorUnspecified ? aColor : FSTLLRBColorRed; _left = aLeft != nil ? aLeft : [FSTLLRBEmptyNode emptyNode]; _right = aRight != nil ? aRight : [FSTLLRBEmptyNode emptyNode]; _count = NSNotFound; } return self; } - (instancetype)copyWith:(id _Nullable)aKey withValue:(id _Nullable)aValue withColor:(FSTLLRBColor)aColor withLeft:(id _Nullable)aLeft withRight:(id _Nullable)aRight { return [[FSTLLRBValueNode alloc] initWithKey:(aKey != nil) ? aKey : self.key withValue:(aValue != nil) ? aValue : self.value withColor:(aColor != FSTLLRBColorUnspecified) ? aColor : self.color withLeft:(aLeft != nil) ? aLeft : self.left withRight:(aRight != nil) ? aRight : self.right]; } - (void)setLeft:(nullable id)left { // Setting the left node should be only done by the builder, so doing it after someone has // memoized count is an error. FSTAssert(_count == NSNotFound, @"Can't update left node after using count"); _left = left; } - (NSUInteger)count { if (_count == NSNotFound) { _count = _left.count + 1 + _right.count; } return _count; } - (BOOL)isEmpty { return NO; } /** * Early terminates if action returns YES. * * @return The first truthy value returned by action, or the last falsey value returned by action. */ - (BOOL)inorderTraversal:(BOOL (^)(id key, id value))action { return [self.left inorderTraversal:action] || action(self.key, self.value) || [self.right inorderTraversal:action]; } - (BOOL)reverseTraversal:(BOOL (^)(id key, id value))action { return [self.right reverseTraversal:action] || action(self.key, self.value) || [self.left reverseTraversal:action]; } - (id)min { if ([self.left isEmpty]) { return self; } else { return [self.left min]; } } - (nullable id)minKey { return [[self min] key]; } - (nullable id)maxKey { if ([self.right isEmpty]) { return self.key; } else { return [self.right maxKey]; } } - (id)insertKey:(id)aKey forValue:(id)aValue withComparator:(NSComparator)aComparator { NSComparisonResult cmp = aComparator(aKey, self.key); FSTLLRBValueNode *n = self; if (cmp == NSOrderedAscending) { n = [n copyWith:nil withValue:nil withColor:FSTLLRBColorUnspecified withLeft:[n.left insertKey:aKey forValue:aValue withComparator:aComparator] withRight:nil]; } else if (cmp == NSOrderedSame) { n = [n copyWith:nil withValue:aValue withColor:FSTLLRBColorUnspecified withLeft:nil withRight:nil]; } else { n = [n copyWith:nil withValue:nil withColor:FSTLLRBColorUnspecified withLeft:nil withRight:[n.right insertKey:aKey forValue:aValue withComparator:aComparator]]; } return [n fixUp]; } - (id)removeMin { if ([self.left isEmpty]) { return [FSTLLRBEmptyNode emptyNode]; } FSTLLRBValueNode *n = self; if (![n.left isRed] && ![n.left.left isRed]) { n = [n moveRedLeft]; } n = [n copyWith:nil withValue:nil withColor:FSTLLRBColorUnspecified withLeft:[(FSTLLRBValueNode *)n.left removeMin] withRight:nil]; return [n fixUp]; } - (id)fixUp { FSTLLRBValueNode *n = self; if ([n.right isRed] && ![n.left isRed]) n = [n rotateLeft]; if ([n.left isRed] && [n.left.left isRed]) n = [n rotateRight]; if ([n.left isRed] && [n.right isRed]) n = [n colorFlip]; return n; } - (FSTLLRBValueNode *)moveRedLeft { FSTLLRBValueNode *n = [self colorFlip]; if ([n.right.left isRed]) { n = [n copyWith:nil withValue:nil withColor:FSTLLRBColorUnspecified withLeft:nil withRight:[(FSTLLRBValueNode *)n.right rotateRight]]; n = [n rotateLeft]; n = [n colorFlip]; } return n; } - (FSTLLRBValueNode *)moveRedRight { FSTLLRBValueNode *n = [self colorFlip]; if ([n.left.left isRed]) { n = [n rotateRight]; n = [n colorFlip]; } return n; } - (id)rotateLeft { id nl = [self copyWith:nil withValue:nil withColor:FSTLLRBColorRed withLeft:nil withRight:self.right.left]; return [self.right copyWith:nil withValue:nil withColor:self.color withLeft:nl withRight:nil]; } - (id)rotateRight { id nr = [self copyWith:nil withValue:nil withColor:FSTLLRBColorRed withLeft:self.left.right withRight:nil]; return [self.left copyWith:nil withValue:nil withColor:self.color withLeft:nil withRight:nr]; } - (id)colorFlip { FSTLLRBColor color = self.color == FSTLLRBColorBlack ? FSTLLRBColorRed : FSTLLRBColorBlack; FSTLLRBColor leftColor = self.left.color == FSTLLRBColorBlack ? FSTLLRBColorRed : FSTLLRBColorBlack; FSTLLRBColor rightColor = self.right.color == FSTLLRBColorBlack ? FSTLLRBColorRed : FSTLLRBColorBlack; id nleft = [self.left copyWith:nil withValue:nil withColor:leftColor withLeft:nil withRight:nil]; id nright = [self.right copyWith:nil withValue:nil withColor:rightColor withLeft:nil withRight:nil]; return [self copyWith:nil withValue:nil withColor:color withLeft:nleft withRight:nright]; } - (id)remove:(id)aKey withComparator:(NSComparator)comparator { id smallest; FSTLLRBValueNode *n = self; if (comparator(aKey, n.key) == NSOrderedAscending) { if (![n.left isEmpty] && ![n.left isRed] && ![n.left.left isRed]) { n = [n moveRedLeft]; } n = [n copyWith:nil withValue:nil withColor:FSTLLRBColorUnspecified withLeft:[n.left remove:aKey withComparator:comparator] withRight:nil]; } else { if ([n.left isRed]) { n = [n rotateRight]; } if (![n.right isEmpty] && ![n.right isRed] && ![n.right.left isRed]) { n = [n moveRedRight]; } if (comparator(aKey, n.key) == NSOrderedSame) { if ([n.right isEmpty]) { return [FSTLLRBEmptyNode emptyNode]; } else { smallest = [n.right min]; n = [n copyWith:smallest.key withValue:smallest.value withColor:FSTLLRBColorUnspecified withLeft:nil withRight:[(FSTLLRBValueNode *)n.right removeMin]]; } } n = [n copyWith:nil withValue:nil withColor:FSTLLRBColorUnspecified withLeft:nil withRight:[n.right remove:aKey withComparator:comparator]]; } return [n fixUp]; } - (BOOL)isRed { return self.color == FSTLLRBColorRed; } - (BOOL)checkMaxDepth { int blackDepth = [self check]; if (pow(2.0, blackDepth) <= ([self count] + 1)) { return YES; } else { return NO; } } - (int)check { int blackDepth = 0; if ([self isRed] && [self.left isRed]) { @throw [[NSException alloc] initWithName:@"check" reason:@"Red node has a red child" userInfo:nil]; } if ([self.right isRed]) { @throw [[NSException alloc] initWithName:@"check" reason:@"Right child is red" userInfo:nil]; } blackDepth = [self.left check]; if (blackDepth != [self.right check]) { NSString *err = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"(%@ -> %@)blackDepth: %d ; self.right check: %d", self.value, self.colorDescription, blackDepth, [self.right check]]; @throw [[NSException alloc] initWithName:@"check" reason:err userInfo:nil]; } else { int ret = blackDepth + ([self isRed] ? 0 : 1); return ret; } } @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END