#import NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @interface FSTArraySortedDictionaryEnumerator : NSEnumerator - (id)init __attribute__((unavailable("Use initWithKeys:startPos:endPos:isReverse: instead."))); /** * An enumerator for use with a dictionary. * * @param keys The keys to enumerator within. * @param start The index of the initial key to return. * @param end If end is after (or equal to) start (or before, if reverse), then the enumerator will * stop and not return the value once it reaches end. */ - (instancetype)initWithKeys:(NSArray *)keys startPos:(int)start endPos:(int)end isReverse:(BOOL)reverse NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; - (_Nullable ValueType)nextObject; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END