/* * Copyright 2018 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "Firestore/core/test/firebase/firestore/util/executor_test.h" #include // NOLINT(build/c++11) #include #include // NOLINT(build/c++11) #include #include // NOLINT(build/c++11) #include "Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/util/executor.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" namespace firebase { namespace firestore { namespace util { namespace chr = std::chrono; using internal::Executor; namespace { DelayedOperation Schedule(Executor* const executor, const Executor::Milliseconds delay, Executor::Operation&& operation) { const Executor::Tag no_tag = -1; return executor->Schedule( delay, Executor::TaggedOperation{no_tag, std::move(operation)}); } } // namespace TEST_P(ExecutorTest, Execute) { executor->Execute([&] { signal_finished(); }); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForTestToFinish()); } TEST_P(ExecutorTest, ExecuteBlocking) { bool finished = false; executor->ExecuteBlocking([&] { finished = true; }); EXPECT_TRUE(finished); } TEST_P(ExecutorTest, DestructorDoesNotBlockIfThereArePendingTasks) { const auto future = std::async(std::launch::async, [&] { auto another_executor = GetParam()(); Schedule(another_executor.get(), chr::minutes(5), [] {}); Schedule(another_executor.get(), chr::minutes(10), [] {}); // Destructor shouldn't block waiting for the 5/10-minute-away operations. }); ABORT_ON_TIMEOUT(future); } // TODO(varconst): this test is inherently flaky because it can't be guaranteed // that the enqueued asynchronous operation didn't finish before the code has // a chance to even enqueue the next operation. Delays are chosen so that the // test is unlikely to fail in practice. Need to revisit this. TEST_P(ExecutorTest, CanScheduleOperationsInTheFuture) { std::string steps; executor->Execute([&steps] { steps += '1'; }); Schedule(executor.get(), Executor::Milliseconds(20), [&] { steps += '4'; signal_finished(); }); Schedule(executor.get(), Executor::Milliseconds(10), [&steps] { steps += '3'; }); executor->Execute([&steps] { steps += '2'; }); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForTestToFinish()); EXPECT_EQ(steps, "1234"); } TEST_P(ExecutorTest, CanCancelDelayedOperations) { std::string steps; executor->Execute([&] { executor->Execute([&steps] { steps += '1'; }); DelayedOperation delayed_operation = Schedule( executor.get(), Executor::Milliseconds(1), [&steps] { steps += '2'; }); Schedule(executor.get(), Executor::Milliseconds(5), [&] { steps += '3'; signal_finished(); }); delayed_operation.Cancel(); }); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForTestToFinish()); EXPECT_EQ(steps, "13"); } TEST_P(ExecutorTest, DelayedOperationIsValidAfterTheOperationHasRun) { DelayedOperation delayed_operation = Schedule( executor.get(), Executor::Milliseconds(1), [&] { signal_finished(); }); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForTestToFinish()); EXPECT_NO_THROW(delayed_operation.Cancel()); } TEST_P(ExecutorTest, IsCurrentExecutor) { EXPECT_FALSE(executor->IsCurrentExecutor()); EXPECT_NE(executor->Name(), executor->CurrentExecutorName()); executor->ExecuteBlocking([&] { EXPECT_TRUE(executor->IsCurrentExecutor()); EXPECT_EQ(executor->Name(), executor->CurrentExecutorName()); }); executor->Execute([&] { EXPECT_TRUE(executor->IsCurrentExecutor()); EXPECT_EQ(executor->Name(), executor->CurrentExecutorName()); }); Schedule(executor.get(), Executor::Milliseconds(1), [&] { EXPECT_TRUE(executor->IsCurrentExecutor()); EXPECT_EQ(executor->Name(), executor->CurrentExecutorName()); signal_finished(); }); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForTestToFinish()); } TEST_P(ExecutorTest, OperationsCanBeRemovedFromScheduleBeforeTheyRun) { const Executor::Tag tag_foo = 1; const Executor::Tag tag_bar = 2; // Make sure the schedule is empty. EXPECT_FALSE(executor->IsScheduled(tag_foo)); EXPECT_FALSE(executor->IsScheduled(tag_bar)); EXPECT_FALSE(executor->PopFromSchedule().has_value()); // Add two operations to the schedule with different tags. // The exact delay doesn't matter as long as it's too far away to be executed // during the test. const auto far_away = chr::seconds(1); executor->Schedule(far_away, {tag_foo, [] {}}); // Scheduled operations can be distinguished by their tag. EXPECT_TRUE(executor->IsScheduled(tag_foo)); EXPECT_FALSE(executor->IsScheduled(tag_bar)); // This operation will be scheduled after the previous one (operations // scheduled with the same delay are FIFO ordered). executor->Schedule(far_away, {tag_bar, [] {}}); EXPECT_TRUE(executor->IsScheduled(tag_foo)); EXPECT_TRUE(executor->IsScheduled(tag_bar)); // Now pop the operations one by one without waiting for them to be executed, // check that operations are popped in the order they are scheduled and // preserve tags. Schedule should become empty as a result. auto maybe_operation = executor->PopFromSchedule(); ASSERT_TRUE(maybe_operation.has_value()); EXPECT_EQ(maybe_operation->tag, tag_foo); EXPECT_FALSE(executor->IsScheduled(tag_foo)); EXPECT_TRUE(executor->IsScheduled(tag_bar)); maybe_operation = executor->PopFromSchedule(); ASSERT_TRUE(maybe_operation.has_value()); EXPECT_EQ(maybe_operation->tag, tag_bar); EXPECT_FALSE(executor->IsScheduled(tag_bar)); // Schedule should now be empty. EXPECT_FALSE(executor->PopFromSchedule().has_value()); } TEST_P(ExecutorTest, DuplicateTagsOnOperationsAreAllowed) { const Executor::Tag tag_foo = 1; std::string steps; // Add two operations with the same tag to the schedule to verify that // duplicate tags are allowed. const auto far_away = chr::seconds(1); executor->Schedule(far_away, {tag_foo, [&steps] { steps += '1'; }}); executor->Schedule(far_away, {tag_foo, [&steps] { steps += '2'; }}); EXPECT_TRUE(executor->IsScheduled(tag_foo)); auto maybe_operation = executor->PopFromSchedule(); ASSERT_TRUE(maybe_operation.has_value()); EXPECT_EQ(maybe_operation->tag, tag_foo); // There's still another operation with the same tag in the schedule. EXPECT_TRUE(executor->IsScheduled(tag_foo)); maybe_operation->operation(); maybe_operation = executor->PopFromSchedule(); ASSERT_TRUE(maybe_operation.has_value()); EXPECT_EQ(maybe_operation->tag, tag_foo); EXPECT_FALSE(executor->IsScheduled(tag_foo)); maybe_operation->operation(); // Despite having the same tag, the operations should have been ordered // according to their scheduled time and preserved their identity. EXPECT_EQ(steps, "12"); } } // namespace util } // namespace firestore } // namespace firebase