/* * Copyright 2018 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/util/executor_libdispatch.h" namespace firebase { namespace firestore { namespace util { namespace internal { namespace { absl::string_view StringViewFromDispatchLabel(const char* const label) { // Make sure string_view's data is not null, because it's used for logging. return label ? absl::string_view{label} : absl::string_view{""}; } void RunSynchronized(const ExecutorLibdispatch* const executor, std::function&& work) { if (executor->IsCurrentExecutor()) { work(); } else { DispatchSync(executor->dispatch_queue(), std::move(work)); } } } // namespace void DispatchAsync(const dispatch_queue_t queue, std::function&& work) { // Dynamically allocate the function to make sure the object is valid by the // time libdispatch gets to it. const auto wrap = new std::function{std::move(work)}; dispatch_async_f(queue, wrap, [](void* const raw_work) { const auto unwrap = static_cast*>(raw_work); (*unwrap)(); delete unwrap; }); } void DispatchSync(const dispatch_queue_t queue, Executor::Operation work) { // Unlike dispatch_async_f, dispatch_sync_f blocks until the work passed to it // is done, so passing a reference to a local variable is okay. dispatch_sync_f(queue, &work, [](void* const raw_work) { const auto unwrap = static_cast(raw_work); (*unwrap)(); }); } // Represents a "busy" time slot on the schedule. // // Since libdispatch doesn't provide a way to cancel a scheduled operation, once // a slot is created, it will always stay in the schedule until the time is // past. Consequently, it is more useful to think of a time slot than // a particular scheduled operation -- by the time the slot comes, operation may // or may not be there (imagine getting to a meeting and finding out it's been // canceled). // // Precondition: all member functions, including the constructor, are *only* // invoked on the Firestore queue. // // Ownership: // // - `TimeSlot` is exclusively owned by libdispatch; // - `ExecutorLibdispatch` contains non-owning pointers to `TimeSlot`s; // - invariant: if the executor contains a pointer to a `TimeSlot`, it is // a valid object. It is achieved because when libdispatch invokes // a `TimeSlot`, it always removes it from the executor before deleting it. // The reverse is not true: a canceled time slot is removed from the executor, // but won't be destroyed until its original due time is past. class TimeSlot { public: TimeSlot(ExecutorLibdispatch* executor, Executor::Milliseconds delay, Executor::TaggedOperation&& operation); // Returns the operation that was scheduled for this time slot and turns the // slot into a no-op. Executor::TaggedOperation Unschedule(); bool operator<(const TimeSlot& rhs) const { return target_time_ < rhs.target_time_; } bool operator==(const Executor::Tag tag) const { return tagged_.tag == tag; } void MarkDone() { done_ = true; } static void InvokedByLibdispatch(void* const raw_self); private: void Execute(); void RemoveFromSchedule(); using TimePoint = std::chrono::time_point; ExecutorLibdispatch* const executor_; const TimePoint target_time_; // Used for sorting Executor::TaggedOperation tagged_; // True if the operation has either been run or canceled. // // Note on thread-safety: because the precondition is that all member // functions of this class are executed on the dispatch queue, no // synchronization is required for `done_`. bool done_ = false; }; TimeSlot::TimeSlot(ExecutorLibdispatch* const executor, const Executor::Milliseconds delay, Executor::TaggedOperation&& operation) : executor_{executor}, target_time_{std::chrono::time_point_cast( std::chrono::steady_clock::now()) + delay}, tagged_{std::move(operation)} { } Executor::TaggedOperation TimeSlot::Unschedule() { if (!done_) { RemoveFromSchedule(); } return std::move(tagged_); } void TimeSlot::InvokedByLibdispatch(void* const raw_self) { auto const self = static_cast(raw_self); self->Execute(); delete self; } void TimeSlot::Execute() { if (done_) { // `done_` might mean that the executor is already destroyed, so don't call // `RemoveFromSchedule`. return; } RemoveFromSchedule(); FIREBASE_ASSERT_MESSAGE(tagged_.operation, "TimeSlot contains an invalid function object"); tagged_.operation(); } void TimeSlot::RemoveFromSchedule() { executor_->RemoveFromSchedule(this); } // ExecutorLibdispatch ExecutorLibdispatch::ExecutorLibdispatch(const dispatch_queue_t dispatch_queue) : dispatch_queue_{dispatch_queue} { } ExecutorLibdispatch::ExecutorLibdispatch() : ExecutorLibdispatch{dispatch_queue_create("com.google.firebase.firestore", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL)} { } ExecutorLibdispatch::~ExecutorLibdispatch() { // Turn any operations that might still be in the queue into no-ops, lest // they try to access `ExecutorLibdispatch` after it gets destroyed. Because // the queue is serial, by the time libdispatch gets to the newly-enqueued // work, the pending operations that might have been in progress would have // already finished. RunSynchronized(this, [this] { for (auto slot : schedule_) { slot->MarkDone(); } }); } bool ExecutorLibdispatch::IsCurrentExecutor() const { return GetCurrentQueueLabel().data() == GetTargetQueueLabel().data(); } std::string ExecutorLibdispatch::CurrentExecutorName() const { return GetCurrentQueueLabel().data(); } std::string ExecutorLibdispatch::Name() const { return GetTargetQueueLabel().data(); } void ExecutorLibdispatch::Execute(Operation&& operation) { DispatchAsync(dispatch_queue(), std::move(operation)); } void ExecutorLibdispatch::ExecuteBlocking(Operation&& operation) { DispatchSync(dispatch_queue(), std::move(operation)); } DelayedOperation ExecutorLibdispatch::Schedule(const Milliseconds delay, TaggedOperation&& operation) { namespace chr = std::chrono; const dispatch_time_t delay_ns = dispatch_time( DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, chr::duration_cast(delay).count()); // Ownership is fully transferred to libdispatch -- because it's impossible // to truly cancel work after it's been dispatched, libdispatch is // guaranteed to outlive the executor, and it's possible for work to be // invoked by libdispatch after the executor is destroyed. Executor only // stores an observer pointer to the operation. auto const time_slot = new TimeSlot{this, delay, std::move(operation)}; dispatch_after_f(delay_ns, dispatch_queue(), time_slot, TimeSlot::InvokedByLibdispatch); RunSynchronized(this, [this, time_slot] { schedule_.push_back(time_slot); }); return DelayedOperation{[this, time_slot] { // `time_slot` might be destroyed by the time cancellation function runs. // Therefore, don't access any methods on `time_slot`, only use it as // a handle to remove from `schedule_`. RemoveFromSchedule(time_slot); }}; } void ExecutorLibdispatch::RemoveFromSchedule(const TimeSlot* const to_remove) { RunSynchronized(this, [this, to_remove] { const auto found = std::find_if( schedule_.begin(), schedule_.end(), [to_remove](const TimeSlot* op) { return op == to_remove; }); // It's possible for the operation to be missing if libdispatch gets to run // it after it was force-run, for example. if (found != schedule_.end()) { (*found)->MarkDone(); schedule_.erase(found); } }); } // GetLabel functions are guaranteed to never return a "null" string_view // (i.e. data() != nullptr). absl::string_view ExecutorLibdispatch::GetCurrentQueueLabel() const { // Note: dispatch_queue_get_label may return nullptr if the queue wasn't // initialized with a label. return StringViewFromDispatchLabel( dispatch_queue_get_label(DISPATCH_CURRENT_QUEUE_LABEL)); } absl::string_view ExecutorLibdispatch::GetTargetQueueLabel() const { return StringViewFromDispatchLabel( dispatch_queue_get_label(dispatch_queue())); } // Test-only methods bool ExecutorLibdispatch::IsScheduled(const Tag tag) const { bool result = false; RunSynchronized(this, [this, tag, &result] { result = std::find_if(schedule_.begin(), schedule_.end(), [&tag](const TimeSlot* const operation) { return *operation == tag; }) != schedule_.end(); }); return result; } absl::optional ExecutorLibdispatch::PopFromSchedule() { absl::optional result; RunSynchronized(this, [this, &result] { if (schedule_.empty()) { return; } // Sorting upon each call to `PopFromSchedule` is inefficient, which is // consciously ignored because this function is only ever called from tests. std::sort( schedule_.begin(), schedule_.end(), [](const TimeSlot* lhs, const TimeSlot* rhs) { return *lhs < *rhs; }); const auto nearest = schedule_.begin(); result = (*nearest)->Unschedule(); }); return result; } } // namespace internal } // namespace util } // namespace firestore } // namespace firebase