/* * Copyright 2018 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/local/local_serializer.h" #include #include #include "Firestore/Protos/nanopb/firestore/local/maybe_document.nanopb.h" #include "Firestore/Protos/nanopb/google/firestore/v1beta1/document.nanopb.h" #include "Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/model/field_value.h" #include "Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/model/no_document.h" #include "Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/nanopb/tag.h" #include "Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/util/hard_assert.h" namespace firebase { namespace firestore { namespace local { using firebase::firestore::model::ObjectValue; using firebase::firestore::nanopb::Reader; using firebase::firestore::nanopb::Tag; using firebase::firestore::nanopb::Writer; using firebase::firestore::util::Status; Status LocalSerializer::EncodeMaybeDocument( const model::MaybeDocument& document, std::vector* out_bytes) const { Writer writer = Writer::Wrap(out_bytes); EncodeMaybeDocument(&writer, document); return writer.status(); } void LocalSerializer::EncodeMaybeDocument( Writer* writer, const model::MaybeDocument& maybe_doc) const { switch (maybe_doc.type()) { case model::MaybeDocument::Type::Document: writer->WriteTag( {PB_WT_STRING, firestore_client_MaybeDocument_document_tag}); writer->WriteNestedMessage([&](Writer* writer) { EncodeDocument(writer, static_cast(maybe_doc)); }); return; case model::MaybeDocument::Type::NoDocument: // TODO(rsgowman) abort(); case model::MaybeDocument::Type::Unknown: // TODO(rsgowman) abort(); } UNREACHABLE(); } std::unique_ptr LocalSerializer::DecodeMaybeDocument( Reader* reader) const { if (!reader->status().ok()) return nullptr; // Initialize MaybeDocument fields to their default values. (Due to the // 'oneof' in MaybeDocument, only one of 'no_document' or 'document' should // ever be set.) std::unique_ptr no_document; std::unique_ptr document; while (reader->bytes_left()) { Tag tag = reader->ReadTag(); if (!reader->status().ok()) return nullptr; // Ensure the tag matches the wire type switch (tag.field_number) { case firestore_client_MaybeDocument_document_tag: if (!reader->RequireWireType(PB_WT_STRING, tag)) return nullptr; // 'no_document' and 'document' are part of a oneof. The proto docs // claim that if both are set on the wire, the last one wins. no_document = nullptr; // TODO(rsgowman): If multiple '_document' values are found, we should // merge them (rather than using the last one.) document = reader->ReadNestedMessage>( [&](Reader* reader) -> std::unique_ptr { return rpc_serializer_.DecodeDocument(reader); }); break; case firestore_client_MaybeDocument_no_document_tag: if (!reader->RequireWireType(PB_WT_STRING, tag)) return nullptr; // 'no_document' and 'document' are part of a oneof. The proto docs // claim that if both are set on the wire, the last one wins. document = nullptr; // TODO(rsgowman): Parse the no_document field. abort(); break; default: // Unknown tag. According to the proto spec, we need to ignore these. reader->SkipField(tag); } } if (no_document) { return no_document; } else if (document) { return document; } else { reader->set_status(Status(FirestoreErrorCode::DataLoss, "Invalid MaybeDocument message: Neither " "'no_document' nor 'document' fields set.")); return nullptr; } } void LocalSerializer::EncodeDocument(Writer* writer, const model::Document& doc) const { // Encode Document.name writer->WriteTag({PB_WT_STRING, google_firestore_v1beta1_Document_name_tag}); writer->WriteString(rpc_serializer_.EncodeKey(doc.key())); // Encode Document.fields (unless it's empty) const ObjectValue& object_value = doc.data().object_value(); if (!object_value.internal_value.empty()) { rpc_serializer_.EncodeObjectMap( writer, object_value.internal_value, google_firestore_v1beta1_Document_fields_tag, google_firestore_v1beta1_Document_FieldsEntry_key_tag, google_firestore_v1beta1_Document_FieldsEntry_value_tag); } // Encode Document.update_time writer->WriteTag( {PB_WT_STRING, google_firestore_v1beta1_Document_update_time_tag}); writer->WriteNestedMessage([&](Writer* writer) { rpc_serializer_.EncodeVersion(writer, doc.version()); }); // Ignore Document.create_time. (We don't use this in our on-disk protos.) } util::StatusOr> LocalSerializer::DecodeMaybeDocument(const uint8_t* bytes, size_t length) const { Reader reader = Reader::Wrap(bytes, length); std::unique_ptr maybe_doc = DecodeMaybeDocument(&reader); if (reader.status().ok()) { return std::move(maybe_doc); } else { return reader.status(); } } } // namespace local } // namespace firestore } // namespace firebase