/* * Copyright 2018 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/auth/firebase_credentials_provider_apple.h" #import #import #import #include "Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/util/firebase_assert.h" #include "Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/util/string_apple.h" namespace firebase { namespace firestore { namespace auth { FirebaseCredentialsProvider::FirebaseCredentialsProvider(FIRApp* app) : contents_(std::make_shared(app, User::FromUid([app getUID]))) { std::weak_ptr weak_contents = contents_; auth_listener_handle_ = [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserverForName:FIRAuthStateDidChangeInternalNotification object:nil queue:nil usingBlock:^(NSNotification* notification) { std::shared_ptr contents = weak_contents.lock(); if (!contents) { return; } std::unique_lock lock(contents->mutex); NSDictionary* user_info = notification.userInfo; // ensure we're only notifiying for the current app. FIRApp* notified_app = user_info[FIRAuthStateDidChangeInternalNotificationAppKey]; if (![contents->app isEqual:notified_app]) { return; } NSString* user_id = user_info[FIRAuthStateDidChangeInternalNotificationUIDKey]; User new_user(util::MakeStringView(user_id)); if (new_user != contents->current_user) { contents->current_user = new_user; contents->user_counter++; UserChangeListener listener = user_change_listener_; if (listener) { listener(contents->current_user); } } }]; } FirebaseCredentialsProvider::~FirebaseCredentialsProvider() { if (auth_listener_handle_) { // Even though iOS 9 (and later) and macOS 10.11 (and later) keep a weak // reference to the observer so we could avoid this removeObserver call, we // still support iOS 8 which requires it. [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:auth_listener_handle_]; } } void FirebaseCredentialsProvider::GetToken(bool force_refresh, TokenListener completion) { FIREBASE_ASSERT_MESSAGE(auth_listener_handle_, "GetToken cannot be called after listener removed."); // Take note of the current value of the userCounter so that this method can // fail if there is a user change while the request is outstanding. int initial_user_counter = contents_->user_counter; std::weak_ptr weak_contents = contents_; void (^get_token_callback)(NSString*, NSError*) = ^( NSString* _Nullable token, NSError* _Nullable error) { std::shared_ptr contents = weak_contents.lock(); if (!contents) { return; } std::unique_lock lock(contents->mutex); if (initial_user_counter != contents->user_counter) { // Cancel the request since the user changed while the request was // outstanding so the response is likely for a previous user (which // user, we can't be sure). completion({"", User::Unauthenticated()}, "getToken aborted due to user change."); } else { completion( {util::MakeStringView(token), contents->current_user}, error == nil ? "" : util::MakeStringView(error.localizedDescription)); } }; [contents_->app getTokenForcingRefresh:force_refresh withCallback:get_token_callback]; } void FirebaseCredentialsProvider::SetUserChangeListener( UserChangeListener listener) { std::unique_lock lock(contents_->mutex); if (listener) { FIREBASE_ASSERT_MESSAGE(!user_change_listener_, "set user_change_listener twice!"); // Fire initial event. listener(contents_->current_user); } else { FIREBASE_ASSERT_MESSAGE(auth_listener_handle_, "removed user_change_listener twice!"); FIREBASE_ASSERT_MESSAGE(user_change_listener_, "user_change_listener removed without being set!"); [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:auth_listener_handle_]; auth_listener_handle_ = nil; } user_change_listener_ = listener; } } // namespace auth } // namespace firestore } // namespace firebase