/* * Copyright 2017 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #import #import "Firestore/Source/Util/FSTAssert.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Util/FSTDispatchQueue.h" NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN /** * removeDelayedCallback is used by FSTDelayedCallback and so we pre-declare it before the rest of * the FSTDispatchQueue private interface. */ @interface FSTDispatchQueue () - (void)removeDelayedCallback:(FSTDelayedCallback *)callback; @end #pragma mark - FSTDelayedCallback /** * Represents a callback scheduled to be run in the future on an FSTDispatchQueue. * * It is created via [FSTDelayedCallback createAndScheduleWithQueue]. * * Supports cancellation (via cancel) and early execution (via skipDelay). */ @interface FSTDelayedCallback () @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly) FSTDispatchQueue *queue; @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) FSTTimerID timerID; @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSTimeInterval targetTime; @property(nonatomic, copy) void (^callback)(); /** YES if the callback has been run or canceled. */ @property(nonatomic, getter=isDone) BOOL done; /** * Creates and returns an FSTDelayedCallback that has been scheduled on the provided queue with the * provided delay. * * @param queue The FSTDispatchQueue to run the callback on. * @param timerID A FSTTimerID identifying the type of the delayed callback. * @param delay The delay before the callback should be scheduled. * @param callback The callback block to run. * @return The created FSTDelayedCallback instance. */ + (instancetype)createAndScheduleWithQueue:(FSTDispatchQueue *)queue timerID:(FSTTimerID)timerID delay:(NSTimeInterval)delay callback:(void (^)(void))callback; /** * Queues the callback to run immediately (if it hasn't already been run or canceled). */ - (void)skipDelay; @end @implementation FSTDelayedCallback - (instancetype)initWithQueue:(FSTDispatchQueue *)queue timerID:(FSTTimerID)timerID targetTime:(NSTimeInterval)targetTime callback:(void (^)(void))callback { if (self = [super init]) { _queue = queue; _timerID = timerID; _targetTime = targetTime; _callback = callback; _done = NO; } return self; } + (instancetype)createAndScheduleWithQueue:(FSTDispatchQueue *)queue timerID:(FSTTimerID)timerID delay:(NSTimeInterval)delay callback:(void (^)(void))callback { NSTimeInterval targetTime = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] + delay; FSTDelayedCallback *delayedCallback = [[FSTDelayedCallback alloc] initWithQueue:queue timerID:timerID targetTime:targetTime callback:callback]; [delayedCallback startWithDelay:delay]; return delayedCallback; } /** * Starts the timer. This is called immediately after construction by createAndScheduleWithQueue. */ - (void)startWithDelay:(NSTimeInterval)delay { dispatch_time_t delayNs = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(delay * NSEC_PER_SEC)); dispatch_after(delayNs, self.queue.queue, ^{ [self.queue enterCheckedOperation:^{ [self delayDidElapse]; }]; }); } - (void)skipDelay { [self.queue dispatchAsyncAllowingSameQueue:^{ [self delayDidElapse]; }]; } - (void)cancel { [self.queue verifyIsCurrentQueue]; if (!self.isDone) { // PORTING NOTE: There's no way to actually cancel the dispatched callback, but it'll be a no-op // since we set done to YES. [self markDone]; } } - (void)delayDidElapse { [self.queue verifyIsCurrentQueue]; if (!self.isDone) { [self markDone]; self.callback(); } } /** * Marks this delayed callback as done, and notifies the FSTDispatchQueue that it should be removed. */ - (void)markDone { self.done = YES; [self.queue removeDelayedCallback:self]; } @end #pragma mark - FSTDispatchQueue @interface FSTDispatchQueue () /** * Callbacks scheduled to be queued in the future. Callbacks are automatically removed after they * are run or canceled. */ @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSMutableArray *delayedCallbacks; /** * Flag set while an FSTDispatchQueue operation is currently executing. Used for assertion * sanity-checks. */ @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL operationInProgress; - (instancetype)initWithQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; @end @implementation FSTDispatchQueue + (instancetype)queueWith:(dispatch_queue_t)dispatchQueue { return [[FSTDispatchQueue alloc] initWithQueue:dispatchQueue]; } - (instancetype)initWithQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue { if (self = [super init]) { _queue = queue; _delayedCallbacks = [NSMutableArray array]; _operationInProgress = NO; } return self; } - (void)verifyIsCurrentQueue { FSTAssert([self onTargetQueue], @"We are running on the wrong dispatch queue. Expected '%@' Actual: '%@'", [self targetQueueLabel], [self currentQueueLabel]); FSTAssert(_operationInProgress, @"verifyIsCurrentQueue called outside enterCheckedOperation on queue '%@'", [self currentQueueLabel]); } - (void)enterCheckedOperation:(void (^)(void))block { FSTAssert(!_operationInProgress, @"enterCheckedOperation may not be called when an operation is in progress"); @try { _operationInProgress = YES; [self verifyIsCurrentQueue]; block(); } @finally { _operationInProgress = NO; } } - (void)dispatchAsync:(void (^)(void))block { FSTAssert(!_operationInProgress || ![self onTargetQueue], @"dispatchAsync called when we are already running on target dispatch queue '%@'", [self targetQueueLabel]); dispatch_async(self.queue, ^{ [self enterCheckedOperation:block]; }); } - (void)dispatchAsyncAllowingSameQueue:(void (^)(void))block { dispatch_async(self.queue, ^{ [self enterCheckedOperation:block]; }); } - (void)dispatchSync:(void (^)(void))block { FSTAssert(!_operationInProgress || ![self onTargetQueue], @"dispatchSync called when we are already running on target dispatch queue '%@'", [self targetQueueLabel]); dispatch_sync(self.queue, ^{ [self enterCheckedOperation:block]; }); } - (FSTDelayedCallback *)dispatchAfterDelay:(NSTimeInterval)delay timerID:(FSTTimerID)timerID block:(void (^)(void))block { // While not necessarily harmful, we currently don't expect to have multiple callbacks with the // same timerID in the queue, so defensively reject them. FSTAssert(![self containsDelayedCallbackWithTimerID:timerID], @"Attempted to schedule multiple callbacks with id %ld", (unsigned long)timerID); FSTDelayedCallback *delayedCallback = [FSTDelayedCallback createAndScheduleWithQueue:self timerID:timerID delay:delay callback:block]; [self.delayedCallbacks addObject:delayedCallback]; return delayedCallback; } - (BOOL)containsDelayedCallbackWithTimerID:(FSTTimerID)timerID { NSUInteger matchIndex = [self.delayedCallbacks indexOfObjectPassingTest:^BOOL(FSTDelayedCallback *obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) { return obj.timerID == timerID; }]; return matchIndex != NSNotFound; } - (void)runDelayedCallbacksUntil:(FSTTimerID)lastTimerID { dispatch_semaphore_t doneSemaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0); [self dispatchAsync:^{ FSTAssert(lastTimerID == FSTTimerIDAll || [self containsDelayedCallbackWithTimerID:lastTimerID], @"Attempted to run callbacks until missing timer ID: %ld", (unsigned long)lastTimerID); [self sortDelayedCallbacks]; for (FSTDelayedCallback *callback in self.delayedCallbacks) { [callback skipDelay]; if (lastTimerID != FSTTimerIDAll && callback.timerID == lastTimerID) { break; } } // Now that the callbacks are queued, we want to enqueue an additional item to release the // 'done' semaphore. [self dispatchAsyncAllowingSameQueue:^{ dispatch_semaphore_signal(doneSemaphore); }]; }]; dispatch_semaphore_wait(doneSemaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); } // NOTE: For performance we could store the callbacks sorted (e.g. using std::priority_queue), // but this sort only happens in tests (if runDelayedCallbacksUntil: is called), and the size // is guaranteed to be small since we don't allow duplicate TimerIds (of which there are only 4). - (void)sortDelayedCallbacks { // We want to run callbacks in the same order they'd run if they ran naturally. [self.delayedCallbacks sortUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(FSTDelayedCallback *a, FSTDelayedCallback *b) { return a.targetTime < b.targetTime ? NSOrderedAscending : a.targetTime > b.targetTime ? NSOrderedDescending : NSOrderedSame; }]; } /** Called by FSTDelayedCallback when a callback is run or canceled. */ - (void)removeDelayedCallback:(FSTDelayedCallback *)callback { NSUInteger index = [self.delayedCallbacks indexOfObject:callback]; FSTAssert(index != NSNotFound, @"Delayed callback not found."); [self.delayedCallbacks removeObjectAtIndex:index]; } #pragma mark - Private Methods - (NSString *)currentQueueLabel { return [NSString stringWithUTF8String:dispatch_queue_get_label(DISPATCH_CURRENT_QUEUE_LABEL)]; } - (NSString *)targetQueueLabel { return [NSString stringWithUTF8String:dispatch_queue_get_label(self.queue)]; } - (BOOL)onTargetQueue { return [[self currentQueueLabel] isEqualToString:[self targetQueueLabel]]; } @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END