/* * Copyright 2017 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #import "Firestore/Source/Model/FSTMutation.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Core/FSTSnapshotVersion.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Core/FSTTimestamp.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Model/FSTDocument.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Model/FSTDocumentKey.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Model/FSTFieldValue.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Model/FSTPath.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Util/FSTAssert.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Util/FSTClasses.h" NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN #pragma mark - FSTFieldMask @implementation FSTFieldMask - (instancetype)initWithFields:(NSArray *)fields { if (self = [super init]) { _fields = fields; } return self; } - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)other { if (other == self) { return YES; } if (![other isKindOfClass:[FSTFieldMask class]]) { return NO; } FSTFieldMask *otherMask = (FSTFieldMask *)other; return [self.fields isEqual:otherMask.fields]; } - (NSUInteger)hash { return self.fields.hash; } @end #pragma mark - FSTServerTimestampTransform @implementation FSTServerTimestampTransform + (instancetype)serverTimestampTransform { static FSTServerTimestampTransform *sharedInstance = nil; static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ sharedInstance = [[FSTServerTimestampTransform alloc] init]; }); return sharedInstance; } - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)other { if (other == self) { return YES; } return [other isKindOfClass:[FSTServerTimestampTransform class]]; } - (NSUInteger)hash { // arbitrary number since all instances are equal. return 37; } @end #pragma mark - FSTFieldTransform @implementation FSTFieldTransform - (instancetype)initWithPath:(FSTFieldPath *)path transform:(id)transform { self = [super init]; if (self) { _path = path; _transform = transform; } return self; } - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)other { if (other == self) return YES; if (![[other class] isEqual:[self class]]) return NO; FSTFieldTransform *otherFieldTransform = other; return [self.path isEqual:otherFieldTransform.path] && [self.transform isEqual:otherFieldTransform.transform]; } - (NSUInteger)hash { NSUInteger hash = [self.path hash]; hash = hash * 31 + [self.transform hash]; return hash; } @end #pragma mark - FSTPrecondition @implementation FSTPrecondition + (FSTPrecondition *)preconditionWithExists:(BOOL)exists { FSTPreconditionExists existsEnum = exists ? FSTPreconditionExistsYes : FSTPreconditionExistsNo; return [[FSTPrecondition alloc] initWithUpdateTime:nil exists:existsEnum]; } + (FSTPrecondition *)preconditionWithUpdateTime:(FSTSnapshotVersion *)updateTime { return [[FSTPrecondition alloc] initWithUpdateTime:updateTime exists:FSTPreconditionExistsNotSet]; } + (FSTPrecondition *)none { static dispatch_once_t onceToken; static FSTPrecondition *noPrecondition; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ noPrecondition = [[FSTPrecondition alloc] initWithUpdateTime:nil exists:FSTPreconditionExistsNotSet]; }); return noPrecondition; } - (instancetype)initWithUpdateTime:(FSTSnapshotVersion *_Nullable)updateTime exists:(FSTPreconditionExists)exists { if (self = [super init]) { _updateTime = updateTime; _exists = exists; } return self; } - (BOOL)isValidForDocument:(FSTMaybeDocument *_Nullable)maybeDoc { if (self.updateTime) { return [maybeDoc isKindOfClass:[FSTDocument class]] && [maybeDoc.version isEqual:self.updateTime]; } else if (self.exists != FSTPreconditionExistsNotSet) { if (self.exists == FSTPreconditionExistsYes) { return [maybeDoc isKindOfClass:[FSTDocument class]]; } else { FSTAssert(self.exists == FSTPreconditionExistsNo, @"Invalid precondition"); return maybeDoc == nil || [maybeDoc isKindOfClass:[FSTDeletedDocument class]]; } } else { FSTAssert(self.isNone, @"Precondition should be empty"); return YES; } } - (BOOL)isNone { return self.updateTime == nil && self.exists == FSTPreconditionExistsNotSet; } - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)other { if (self == other) { return YES; } if (![other isKindOfClass:[FSTPrecondition class]]) { return NO; } FSTPrecondition *otherPrecondition = (FSTPrecondition *)other; // Compare references to cover nil equality return (self.updateTime == otherPrecondition.updateTime || [self.updateTime isEqual:otherPrecondition.updateTime]) && self.exists == otherPrecondition.exists; } - (NSUInteger)hash { NSUInteger hash = [self.updateTime hash]; hash = hash * 31 + self.exists; return hash; } - (NSString *)description { if (self.isNone) { return @">"; } else { NSString *existsString; switch (self.exists) { case FSTPreconditionExistsYes: existsString = @"yes"; break; case FSTPreconditionExistsNo: existsString = @"no"; break; default: existsString = @""; break; } return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"", self.updateTime, existsString]; } } @end #pragma mark - FSTMutationResult @implementation FSTMutationResult - (instancetype)initWithVersion:(FSTSnapshotVersion *_Nullable)version transformResults:(NSArray *_Nullable)transformResults { if (self = [super init]) { _version = version; _transformResults = transformResults; } return self; } @end #pragma mark - FSTMutation @implementation FSTMutation - (instancetype)initWithKey:(FSTDocumentKey *)key precondition:(FSTPrecondition *)precondition { if (self = [super init]) { _key = key; _precondition = precondition; } return self; } - (nullable FSTMaybeDocument *)applyTo:(nullable FSTMaybeDocument *)maybeDoc baseDocument:(nullable FSTMaybeDocument *)baseDoc localWriteTime:(FSTTimestamp *)localWriteTime mutationResult:(nullable FSTMutationResult *)mutationResult { @throw FSTAbstractMethodException(); // NOLINT } - (nullable FSTMaybeDocument *)applyTo:(nullable FSTMaybeDocument *)maybeDoc baseDocument:(nullable FSTMaybeDocument *)baseDoc localWriteTime:(nullable FSTTimestamp *)localWriteTime { return [self applyTo:maybeDoc baseDocument:baseDoc localWriteTime:localWriteTime mutationResult:nil]; } @end #pragma mark - FSTSetMutation @implementation FSTSetMutation - (instancetype)initWithKey:(FSTDocumentKey *)key value:(FSTObjectValue *)value precondition:(FSTPrecondition *)precondition { if (self = [super initWithKey:key precondition:precondition]) { _value = value; } return self; } - (NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"", self.key, self.value, self.precondition]; } - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)other { if (other == self) { return YES; } if (![other isKindOfClass:[FSTSetMutation class]]) { return NO; } FSTSetMutation *otherMutation = (FSTSetMutation *)other; return [self.key isEqual:otherMutation.key] && [self.value isEqual:otherMutation.value] && [self.precondition isEqual:otherMutation.precondition]; } - (NSUInteger)hash { NSUInteger result = [self.key hash]; result = 31 * result + [self.precondition hash]; result = 31 * result + [self.value hash]; return result; } - (nullable FSTMaybeDocument *)applyTo:(nullable FSTMaybeDocument *)maybeDoc baseDocument:(nullable FSTMaybeDocument *)baseDoc localWriteTime:(FSTTimestamp *)localWriteTime mutationResult:(nullable FSTMutationResult *)mutationResult { if (mutationResult) { FSTAssert(!mutationResult.transformResults, @"Transform results received by FSTSetMutation."); } if (![self.precondition isValidForDocument:maybeDoc]) { return maybeDoc; } BOOL hasLocalMutations = (mutationResult == nil); if (!maybeDoc || [maybeDoc isMemberOfClass:[FSTDeletedDocument class]]) { // If the document didn't exist before, create it. return [FSTDocument documentWithData:self.value key:self.key version:[FSTSnapshotVersion noVersion] hasLocalMutations:hasLocalMutations]; } FSTAssert([maybeDoc isMemberOfClass:[FSTDocument class]], @"Unknown MaybeDocument type %@", [maybeDoc class]); FSTDocument *doc = (FSTDocument *)maybeDoc; FSTAssert([doc.key isEqual:self.key], @"Can only set a document with the same key"); return [FSTDocument documentWithData:self.value key:doc.key version:doc.version hasLocalMutations:hasLocalMutations]; } @end #pragma mark - FSTPatchMutation @implementation FSTPatchMutation - (instancetype)initWithKey:(FSTDocumentKey *)key fieldMask:(FSTFieldMask *)fieldMask value:(FSTObjectValue *)value precondition:(FSTPrecondition *)precondition { self = [super initWithKey:key precondition:precondition]; if (self) { _fieldMask = fieldMask; _value = value; } return self; } - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)other { if (other == self) { return YES; } if (![other isKindOfClass:[FSTPatchMutation class]]) { return NO; } FSTPatchMutation *otherMutation = (FSTPatchMutation *)other; return [self.key isEqual:otherMutation.key] && [self.fieldMask isEqual:otherMutation.fieldMask] && [self.value isEqual:otherMutation.value] && [self.precondition isEqual:otherMutation.precondition]; } - (NSUInteger)hash { NSUInteger result = [self.key hash]; result = 31 * result + [self.precondition hash]; result = 31 * result + [self.fieldMask hash]; result = 31 * result + [self.value hash]; return result; } - (NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"", self.key, self.fieldMask, self.value, self.precondition]; } - (nullable FSTMaybeDocument *)applyTo:(nullable FSTMaybeDocument *)maybeDoc baseDocument:(nullable FSTMaybeDocument *)baseDoc localWriteTime:(FSTTimestamp *)localWriteTime mutationResult:(nullable FSTMutationResult *)mutationResult { if (mutationResult) { FSTAssert(!mutationResult.transformResults, @"Transform results received by FSTPatchMutation."); } if (![self.precondition isValidForDocument:maybeDoc]) { return maybeDoc; } BOOL hasLocalMutations = (mutationResult == nil); if (!maybeDoc || [maybeDoc isMemberOfClass:[FSTDeletedDocument class]]) { // Precondition applied, so create the document if necessary FSTDocumentKey *key = maybeDoc ? maybeDoc.key : self.key; FSTSnapshotVersion *version = maybeDoc ? maybeDoc.version : [FSTSnapshotVersion noVersion]; maybeDoc = [FSTDocument documentWithData:[FSTObjectValue objectValue] key:key version:version hasLocalMutations:hasLocalMutations]; } FSTAssert([maybeDoc isMemberOfClass:[FSTDocument class]], @"Unknown MaybeDocument type %@", [maybeDoc class]); FSTDocument *doc = (FSTDocument *)maybeDoc; FSTAssert([doc.key isEqual:self.key], @"Can only patch a document with the same key"); FSTObjectValue *newData = [self patchObjectValue:doc.data]; return [FSTDocument documentWithData:newData key:doc.key version:doc.version hasLocalMutations:hasLocalMutations]; } - (FSTObjectValue *)patchObjectValue:(FSTObjectValue *)objectValue { FSTObjectValue *result = objectValue; for (FSTFieldPath *fieldPath in self.fieldMask.fields) { FSTFieldValue *newValue = [self.value valueForPath:fieldPath]; if (newValue) { result = [result objectBySettingValue:newValue forPath:fieldPath]; } else { result = [result objectByDeletingPath:fieldPath]; } } return result; } @end @implementation FSTTransformMutation - (instancetype)initWithKey:(FSTDocumentKey *)key fieldTransforms:(NSArray *)fieldTransforms { // NOTE: We set a precondition of exists: true as a safety-check, since we always combine // FSTTransformMutations with a FSTSetMutation or FSTPatchMutation which (if successful) should // end up with an existing document. if (self = [super initWithKey:key precondition:[FSTPrecondition preconditionWithExists:YES]]) { _fieldTransforms = fieldTransforms; } return self; } - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)other { if (other == self) { return YES; } if (![other isKindOfClass:[FSTTransformMutation class]]) { return NO; } FSTTransformMutation *otherMutation = (FSTTransformMutation *)other; return [self.key isEqual:otherMutation.key] && [self.fieldTransforms isEqual:otherMutation.fieldTransforms] && [self.precondition isEqual:otherMutation.precondition]; } - (NSUInteger)hash { NSUInteger result = [self.key hash]; result = 31 * result + [self.precondition hash]; result = 31 * result + [self.fieldTransforms hash]; return result; } - (NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"", self.key, self.fieldTransforms, self.precondition]; } - (nullable FSTMaybeDocument *)applyTo:(nullable FSTMaybeDocument *)maybeDoc baseDocument:(nullable FSTMaybeDocument *)baseDoc localWriteTime:(FSTTimestamp *)localWriteTime mutationResult:(nullable FSTMutationResult *)mutationResult { if (mutationResult) { FSTAssert(mutationResult.transformResults, @"Transform results missing for FSTTransformMutation."); } if (![self.precondition isValidForDocument:maybeDoc]) { return maybeDoc; } // We only support transforms with precondition exists, so we can only apply it to an existing // document FSTAssert([maybeDoc isMemberOfClass:[FSTDocument class]], @"Unknown MaybeDocument type %@", [maybeDoc class]); FSTDocument *doc = (FSTDocument *)maybeDoc; FSTAssert([doc.key isEqual:self.key], @"Can only patch a document with the same key"); BOOL hasLocalMutations = (mutationResult == nil); NSArray *transformResults = mutationResult ? mutationResult.transformResults : [self localTransformResultsWithBaseDocument:baseDoc writeTime:localWriteTime]; FSTObjectValue *newData = [self transformObject:doc.data transformResults:transformResults]; return [FSTDocument documentWithData:newData key:doc.key version:doc.version hasLocalMutations:hasLocalMutations]; } /** * Creates an array of "transform results" (a transform result is a field value representing the * result of applying a transform) for use when applying an FSTTransformMutation locally. * * @param baseDocument The document prior to applying this mutation batch. * @param localWriteTime The local time of the transform mutation (used to generate * FSTServerTimestampValues). * @return The transform results array. */ - (NSArray *)localTransformResultsWithBaseDocument: (FSTMaybeDocument *_Nullable)baseDocument writeTime:(FSTTimestamp *)localWriteTime { NSMutableArray *transformResults = [NSMutableArray array]; for (FSTFieldTransform *fieldTransform in self.fieldTransforms) { if ([fieldTransform.transform isKindOfClass:[FSTServerTimestampTransform class]]) { FSTFieldValue *previousValue = nil; if ([baseDocument isMemberOfClass:[FSTDocument class]]) { previousValue = [((FSTDocument *)baseDocument) fieldForPath:fieldTransform.path]; } [transformResults addObject:[FSTServerTimestampValue serverTimestampValueWithLocalWriteTime:localWriteTime previousValue:previousValue]]; } else { FSTFail(@"Encountered unknown transform: %@", fieldTransform); } } return transformResults; } - (FSTObjectValue *)transformObject:(FSTObjectValue *)objectValue transformResults:(NSArray *)transformResults { FSTAssert(transformResults.count == self.fieldTransforms.count, @"Transform results length mismatch."); for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < self.fieldTransforms.count; i++) { FSTFieldTransform *fieldTransform = self.fieldTransforms[i]; id transform = fieldTransform.transform; FSTFieldPath *fieldPath = fieldTransform.path; if ([transform isKindOfClass:[FSTServerTimestampTransform class]]) { objectValue = [objectValue objectBySettingValue:transformResults[i] forPath:fieldPath]; } else { FSTFail(@"Encountered unknown transform: %@", transform); } } return objectValue; } @end #pragma mark - FSTDeleteMutation @implementation FSTDeleteMutation - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)other { if (other == self) { return YES; } if (![other isKindOfClass:[FSTDeleteMutation class]]) { return NO; } FSTDeleteMutation *otherMutation = (FSTDeleteMutation *)other; return [self.key isEqual:otherMutation.key] && [self.precondition isEqual:otherMutation.precondition]; } - (NSUInteger)hash { NSUInteger result = [self.key hash]; result = 31 * result + [self.precondition hash]; return result; } - (NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"", self.key, self.precondition]; } - (nullable FSTMaybeDocument *)applyTo:(nullable FSTMaybeDocument *)maybeDoc baseDocument:(nullable FSTMaybeDocument *)baseDoc localWriteTime:(FSTTimestamp *)localWriteTime mutationResult:(nullable FSTMutationResult *)mutationResult { if (mutationResult) { FSTAssert(!mutationResult.transformResults, @"Transform results received by FSTDeleteMutation."); } if (![self.precondition isValidForDocument:maybeDoc]) { return maybeDoc; } if (maybeDoc) { FSTAssert([maybeDoc.key isEqual:self.key], @"Can only delete a document with the same key"); } return [FSTDeletedDocument documentWithKey:self.key version:[FSTSnapshotVersion noVersion]]; } @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END