/* * Copyright 2017 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #import #import "Firestore/third_party/Immutable/FSTImmutableSortedDictionary.h" #include "Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/model/database_id.h" #include "Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/model/field_path.h" @class FSTDocumentKey; @class FIRTimestamp; @class FSTFieldValueOptions; @class FIRGeoPoint; @class FIRSnapshotOptions; NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN /** The order of types in Firestore; this order is defined by the backend. */ typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, FSTTypeOrder) { FSTTypeOrderNull, FSTTypeOrderBoolean, FSTTypeOrderNumber, FSTTypeOrderTimestamp, FSTTypeOrderString, FSTTypeOrderBlob, FSTTypeOrderReference, FSTTypeOrderGeoPoint, FSTTypeOrderArray, FSTTypeOrderObject, }; /** Defines the return value for pending server timestamps. */ typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, FSTServerTimestampBehavior) { FSTServerTimestampBehaviorNone, FSTServerTimestampBehaviorEstimate, FSTServerTimestampBehaviorPrevious }; /** Holds properties that define field value deserialization options. */ @interface FSTFieldValueOptions : NSObject @property(nonatomic, readonly, assign) FSTServerTimestampBehavior serverTimestampBehavior; - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE; /** * Creates an FSTFieldValueOptions instance that specifies deserialization behavior for pending * server timestamps. */ - (instancetype)initWithServerTimestampBehavior:(FSTServerTimestampBehavior)serverTimestampBehavior NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; /** Creates an FSTFieldValueOption instance from FIRSnapshotOptions. */ + (instancetype)optionsForSnapshotOptions:(FIRSnapshotOptions *)value; @end /** * Abstract base class representing an immutable data value as stored in Firestore. FSTFieldValue * represents all the different kinds of values that can be stored in fields in a document. * * Supported types are: * - Null * - Boolean * - Long * - Double * - Timestamp * - ServerTimestamp (a sentinel used in uncommitted writes) * - String * - Binary * - (Document) References * - GeoPoint * - Array * - Object */ @interface FSTFieldValue <__covariant T> : NSObject /** Returns the FSTTypeOrder for this value. */ - (FSTTypeOrder)typeOrder; /** * Converts an FSTFieldValue into the value that users will see in document snapshots. * * TODO(mikelehen): This conversion should probably happen at the API level and right now `value` is * used inappropriately in the serializer implementation, etc. We need to do some reworking. */ - (T)value; /** * Converts an FSTFieldValue into the value that users will see in document snapshots. * * Options can be provided to configure the deserialization of some field values (such as server * timestamps). */ - (T)valueWithOptions:(FSTFieldValueOptions *)options; /** Compares against another FSTFieldValue. */ - (NSComparisonResult)compare:(FSTFieldValue *)other; @end /** * A null value stored in Firestore. The |value| of a FSTNullValue is [NSNull null]. */ @interface FSTNullValue : FSTFieldValue + (instancetype)nullValue; @end /** * A boolean value stored in Firestore. */ @interface FSTBooleanValue : FSTFieldValue + (instancetype)trueValue; + (instancetype)falseValue; + (instancetype)booleanValue:(BOOL)value; @end /** * Base class inherited from by FSTIntegerValue and FSTDoubleValue. It implements proper number * comparisons between the two types. */ @interface FSTNumberValue : FSTFieldValue @end /** * An integer value stored in Firestore. */ @interface FSTIntegerValue : FSTNumberValue + (instancetype)integerValue:(int64_t)value; - (int64_t)internalValue; @end /** * A double-precision floating point number stored in Firestore. */ @interface FSTDoubleValue : FSTNumberValue + (instancetype)doubleValue:(double)value; + (instancetype)nanValue; - (double)internalValue; @end /** * A string stored in Firestore. */ @interface FSTStringValue : FSTFieldValue + (instancetype)stringValue:(NSString *)value; @end /** * A timestamp value stored in Firestore. */ @interface FSTTimestampValue : FSTFieldValue + (instancetype)timestampValue:(FIRTimestamp *)value; - (FIRTimestamp *)internalValue; @end /** * Represents a locally-applied Server Timestamp. * * Notes: * - FSTServerTimestampValue instances are created as the result of applying an FSTTransformMutation * (see [FSTTransformMutation applyTo]). They can only exist in the local view of a document. * Therefore they do not need to be parsed or serialized. * - When evaluated locally (e.g. via FSTDocumentSnapshot data), they by default evaluate to NSNull. * This behavior can be configured by passing custom FSTFieldValueOptions to `valueWithOptions:`. * - They sort after all FSTTimestampValues. With respect to other FSTServerTimestampValues, they * sort by their localWriteTime. */ @interface FSTServerTimestampValue : FSTFieldValue + (instancetype)serverTimestampValueWithLocalWriteTime:(FIRTimestamp *)localWriteTime previousValue:(nullable FSTFieldValue *)previousValue; @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly) FIRTimestamp *localWriteTime; @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) FSTFieldValue *previousValue; @end /** * A geo point value stored in Firestore. */ @interface FSTGeoPointValue : FSTFieldValue + (instancetype)geoPointValue:(FIRGeoPoint *)value; - (FIRGeoPoint *)valueWithOptions:(FSTFieldValueOptions *)options; @end /** * A blob value stored in Firestore. */ @interface FSTBlobValue : FSTFieldValue + (instancetype)blobValue:(NSData *)value; - (NSData *)valueWithOptions:(FSTFieldValueOptions *)options; @end /** * A reference value stored in Firestore. */ @interface FSTReferenceValue : FSTFieldValue + (instancetype)referenceValue:(FSTDocumentKey *)value databaseID:(const firebase::firestore::model::DatabaseId *)databaseID; - (FSTDocumentKey *)valueWithOptions:(FSTFieldValueOptions *)options; // Does not own this DatabaseId. @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) const firebase::firestore::model::DatabaseId *databaseID; @end /** * A structured object value stored in Firestore. */ // clang-format off @interface FSTObjectValue : FSTFieldValue < NSDictionary * > - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE; // clang-format on /** Returns an empty FSTObjectValue. */ + (instancetype)objectValue; /** * Initializes this FSTObjectValue with the given dictionary. */ - (instancetype)initWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)value; /** * Initializes this FSTObjectValue with the given immutable dictionary. */ - (instancetype)initWithImmutableDictionary: (FSTImmutableSortedDictionary *)value NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; - (NSDictionary *)valueWithOptions:(FSTFieldValueOptions *)options; - (FSTImmutableSortedDictionary *)internalValue; /** Returns the value at the given path if it exists. Returns nil otherwise. */ - (nullable FSTFieldValue *)valueForPath:(const firebase::firestore::model::FieldPath &)fieldPath; /** * Returns a new object where the field at the named path has its value set to the given value. * This object remains unmodified. */ - (FSTObjectValue *)objectBySettingValue:(FSTFieldValue *)value forPath:(const firebase::firestore::model::FieldPath &)fieldPath; /** * Returns a new object where the field at the named path has been removed. If any segment of the * path does not exist within this object's structure, no change is performed. */ - (FSTObjectValue *)objectByDeletingPath:(const firebase::firestore::model::FieldPath &)fieldPath; @end /** * An array value stored in Firestore. */ // clang-format off @interface FSTArrayValue : FSTFieldValue < NSArray * > - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE; // clang-format on /** * Initializes this instance with the given array of wrapped values. * * @param value An immutable array of FSTFieldValue objects. Caller is responsible for copying the * value or releasing all references. */ - (instancetype)initWithValueNoCopy:(NSArray *)value NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; - (NSArray *)internalValue; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END