/* * Copyright 2017 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #import "Firestore/Source/Local/FSTLocalStore.h" #include #import "FIRTimestamp.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Core/FSTListenSequence.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Core/FSTQuery.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Local/FSTGarbageCollector.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Local/FSTLocalDocumentsView.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Local/FSTLocalViewChanges.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Local/FSTLocalWriteResult.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Local/FSTMutationQueue.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Local/FSTPersistence.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Local/FSTQueryCache.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Local/FSTQueryData.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Local/FSTReferenceSet.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Local/FSTRemoteDocumentCache.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Model/FSTDocument.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Model/FSTDocumentDictionary.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Model/FSTMutation.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Model/FSTMutationBatch.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Remote/FSTRemoteEvent.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Util/FSTAssert.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Util/FSTLogger.h" #include "Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/auth/user.h" #include "Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/core/target_id_generator.h" #include "Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/model/document_key.h" #include "Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/model/snapshot_version.h" using firebase::firestore::auth::User; using firebase::firestore::core::TargetIdGenerator; using firebase::firestore::model::DocumentKey; using firebase::firestore::model::SnapshotVersion; using firebase::firestore::model::DocumentKeySet; using firebase::firestore::model::DocumentVersionMap; NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @interface FSTLocalStore () /** Manages our in-memory or durable persistence. */ @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly) id persistence; /** The set of all mutations that have been sent but not yet been applied to the backend. */ @property(nonatomic, strong) id mutationQueue; /** The set of all cached remote documents. */ @property(nonatomic, strong) id remoteDocumentCache; /** The "local" view of all documents (layering mutationQueue on top of remoteDocumentCache). */ @property(nonatomic, strong) FSTLocalDocumentsView *localDocuments; /** The set of document references maintained by any local views. */ @property(nonatomic, strong) FSTReferenceSet *localViewReferences; /** * The garbage collector collects documents that should no longer be cached (e.g. if they are no * longer retained by the above reference sets and the garbage collector is performing eager * collection). */ @property(nonatomic, strong) id garbageCollector; /** Maps a query to the data about that query. */ @property(nonatomic, strong) id queryCache; /** Maps a targetID to data about its query. */ @property(nonatomic, strong) NSMutableDictionary *targetIDs; @property(nonatomic, strong) FSTListenSequence *listenSequence; /** * A heldBatchResult is a mutation batch result (from a write acknowledgement) that arrived before * the watch stream got notified of a snapshot that includes the write.  So we "hold" it until * the watch stream catches up. It ensures that the local write remains visible (latency * compensation) and doesn't temporarily appear reverted because the watch stream is slower than * the write stream and so wasn't reflecting it. * * NOTE: Eventually we want to move this functionality into the remote store. */ @property(nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *heldBatchResults; @end @implementation FSTLocalStore { /** Used to generate targetIDs for queries tracked locally. */ TargetIdGenerator _targetIDGenerator; } - (instancetype)initWithPersistence:(id)persistence garbageCollector:(id)garbageCollector initialUser:(const User &)initialUser { if (self = [super init]) { _persistence = persistence; _mutationQueue = [persistence mutationQueueForUser:initialUser]; _remoteDocumentCache = [persistence remoteDocumentCache]; _queryCache = [persistence queryCache]; _localDocuments = [FSTLocalDocumentsView viewWithRemoteDocumentCache:_remoteDocumentCache mutationQueue:_mutationQueue]; _localViewReferences = [[FSTReferenceSet alloc] init]; [_persistence.referenceDelegate addInMemoryPins:_localViewReferences]; _garbageCollector = garbageCollector; [_garbageCollector addGarbageSource:_queryCache]; [_garbageCollector addGarbageSource:_localViewReferences]; [_garbageCollector addGarbageSource:_mutationQueue]; _targetIDs = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; _heldBatchResults = [NSMutableArray array]; _targetIDGenerator = TargetIdGenerator::LocalStoreTargetIdGenerator(0); } return self; } - (void)start { [self startMutationQueue]; [self startQueryCache]; } - (void)startMutationQueue { self.persistence.run("Start MutationQueue", [&]() { [self.mutationQueue start]; // If we have any leftover mutation batch results from a prior run, just drop them. // TODO(http://b/33446471): We probably need to repopulate heldBatchResults or similar instead, // but that is not straightforward since we're not persisting the write ack versions. [self.heldBatchResults removeAllObjects]; // TODO(mikelehen): This is the only usage of getAllMutationBatchesThroughBatchId:. Consider // removing it in favor of a getAcknowledgedBatches method. FSTBatchID highestAck = [self.mutationQueue highestAcknowledgedBatchID]; if (highestAck != kFSTBatchIDUnknown) { NSArray *batches = [self.mutationQueue allMutationBatchesThroughBatchID:highestAck]; if (batches.count > 0) { // NOTE: This could be more efficient if we had a removeBatchesThroughBatchID, but this set // should be very small and this code should go away eventually. [self.mutationQueue removeMutationBatches:batches]; } } }); } - (void)startQueryCache { [self.queryCache start]; FSTTargetID targetID = [self.queryCache highestTargetID]; _targetIDGenerator = TargetIdGenerator::LocalStoreTargetIdGenerator(targetID); FSTListenSequenceNumber sequenceNumber = [self.queryCache highestListenSequenceNumber]; self.listenSequence = [[FSTListenSequence alloc] initStartingAfter:sequenceNumber]; } - (FSTMaybeDocumentDictionary *)userDidChange:(const User &)user { // Swap out the mutation queue, grabbing the pending mutation batches before and after. NSArray *oldBatches = self.persistence.run( "OldBatches", [&]() -> NSArray * { return [self.mutationQueue allMutationBatches]; }); [self.garbageCollector removeGarbageSource:self.mutationQueue]; self.mutationQueue = [self.persistence mutationQueueForUser:user]; [self.garbageCollector addGarbageSource:self.mutationQueue]; [self startMutationQueue]; return self.persistence.run("NewBatches", [&]() -> FSTMaybeDocumentDictionary * { NSArray *newBatches = [self.mutationQueue allMutationBatches]; // Recreate our LocalDocumentsView using the new MutationQueue. self.localDocuments = [FSTLocalDocumentsView viewWithRemoteDocumentCache:self.remoteDocumentCache mutationQueue:self.mutationQueue]; // Union the old/new changed keys. DocumentKeySet changedKeys; for (NSArray *batches in @[ oldBatches, newBatches ]) { for (FSTMutationBatch *batch in batches) { for (FSTMutation *mutation in batch.mutations) { changedKeys = changedKeys.insert(mutation.key); } } } // Return the set of all (potentially) changed documents as the result of the user change. return [self.localDocuments documentsForKeys:changedKeys]; }); } - (FSTLocalWriteResult *)locallyWriteMutations:(NSArray *)mutations { return self.persistence.run("Locally write mutations", [&]() -> FSTLocalWriteResult * { FIRTimestamp *localWriteTime = [FIRTimestamp timestamp]; FSTMutationBatch *batch = [self.mutationQueue addMutationBatchWithWriteTime:localWriteTime mutations:mutations]; DocumentKeySet keys = [batch keys]; FSTMaybeDocumentDictionary *changedDocuments = [self.localDocuments documentsForKeys:keys]; return [FSTLocalWriteResult resultForBatchID:batch.batchID changes:changedDocuments]; }); } - (FSTMaybeDocumentDictionary *)acknowledgeBatchWithResult:(FSTMutationBatchResult *)batchResult { return self.persistence.run("Acknowledge batch", [&]() -> FSTMaybeDocumentDictionary * { id mutationQueue = self.mutationQueue; [mutationQueue acknowledgeBatch:batchResult.batch streamToken:batchResult.streamToken]; DocumentKeySet affected; if ([self shouldHoldBatchResultWithVersion:batchResult.commitVersion]) { [self.heldBatchResults addObject:batchResult]; } else { affected = [self releaseBatchResults:@[ batchResult ]]; } [self.mutationQueue performConsistencyCheck]; return [self.localDocuments documentsForKeys:affected]; }); } - (FSTMaybeDocumentDictionary *)rejectBatchID:(FSTBatchID)batchID { return self.persistence.run("Reject batch", [&]() -> FSTMaybeDocumentDictionary * { FSTMutationBatch *toReject = [self.mutationQueue lookupMutationBatch:batchID]; FSTAssert(toReject, @"Attempt to reject nonexistent batch!"); FSTBatchID lastAcked = [self.mutationQueue highestAcknowledgedBatchID]; FSTAssert(batchID > lastAcked, @"Acknowledged batches can't be rejected."); DocumentKeySet affected = [self removeMutationBatch:toReject]; [self.mutationQueue performConsistencyCheck]; return [self.localDocuments documentsForKeys:affected]; }); } - (nullable NSData *)lastStreamToken { return [self.mutationQueue lastStreamToken]; } - (void)setLastStreamToken:(nullable NSData *)streamToken { self.persistence.run("Set stream token", [&]() { [self.mutationQueue setLastStreamToken:streamToken]; }); } - (const SnapshotVersion &)lastRemoteSnapshotVersion { return [self.queryCache lastRemoteSnapshotVersion]; } - (FSTMaybeDocumentDictionary *)applyRemoteEvent:(FSTRemoteEvent *)remoteEvent { return self.persistence.run("Apply remote event", [&]() -> FSTMaybeDocumentDictionary * { // TODO(gsoltis): move the sequence number into the reference delegate. FSTListenSequenceNumber sequenceNumber = [self.listenSequence next]; id queryCache = self.queryCache; [remoteEvent.targetChanges enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^( NSNumber *targetIDNumber, FSTTargetChange *change, BOOL *stop) { FSTTargetID targetID = targetIDNumber.intValue; // Do not ref/unref unassigned targetIDs - it may lead to leaks. FSTQueryData *queryData = self.targetIDs[targetIDNumber]; if (!queryData) { return; } // Update the resume token if the change includes one. Don't clear any preexisting value. // Bump the sequence number as well, so that documents being removed now are ordered later // than documents that were previously removed from this target. NSData *resumeToken = change.resumeToken; if (resumeToken.length > 0) { queryData = [queryData queryDataByReplacingSnapshotVersion:change.snapshotVersion resumeToken:resumeToken sequenceNumber:sequenceNumber]; self.targetIDs[targetIDNumber] = queryData; [self.queryCache updateQueryData:queryData]; } FSTTargetMapping *mapping = change.mapping; if (mapping) { // First make sure that all references are deleted. if ([mapping isKindOfClass:[FSTResetMapping class]]) { FSTResetMapping *reset = (FSTResetMapping *)mapping; [queryCache removeMatchingKeysForTargetID:targetID]; [queryCache addMatchingKeys:reset.documents forTargetID:targetID]; } else if ([mapping isKindOfClass:[FSTUpdateMapping class]]) { FSTUpdateMapping *update = (FSTUpdateMapping *)mapping; [queryCache removeMatchingKeys:update.removedDocuments forTargetID:targetID]; [queryCache addMatchingKeys:update.addedDocuments forTargetID:targetID]; } else { FSTFail(@"Unknown mapping type: %@", mapping); } } }]; // TODO(klimt): This could probably be an NSMutableDictionary. DocumentKeySet changedDocKeys; const DocumentKeySet &limboDocuments = remoteEvent.limboDocumentChanges; for (const auto &kv : remoteEvent.documentUpdates) { const DocumentKey &key = kv.first; FSTMaybeDocument *doc = kv.second; changedDocKeys = changedDocKeys.insert(key); FSTMaybeDocument *existingDoc = [self.remoteDocumentCache entryForKey:key]; // Make sure we don't apply an old document version to the remote cache, though we // make an exception for SnapshotVersion::None() which can happen for manufactured // events (e.g. in the case of a limbo document resolution failing). if (!existingDoc || SnapshotVersion{doc.version} == SnapshotVersion::None() || SnapshotVersion{doc.version} >= SnapshotVersion{existingDoc.version}) { [self.remoteDocumentCache addEntry:doc]; } else { FSTLog( @"FSTLocalStore Ignoring outdated watch update for %s. " "Current version: %s Watch version: %s", key.ToString().c_str(), existingDoc.version.timestamp().ToString().c_str(), doc.version.timestamp().ToString().c_str()); } // The document might be garbage because it was unreferenced by everything. // Make sure to mark it as garbage if it is... [self.garbageCollector addPotentialGarbageKey:key]; if (limboDocuments.contains(key)) { [self.persistence.referenceDelegate limboDocumentUpdated:key]; } } // HACK: The only reason we allow omitting snapshot version is so we can synthesize remote // events when we get permission denied errors while trying to resolve the state of a locally // cached document that is in limbo. const SnapshotVersion &lastRemoteVersion = [self.queryCache lastRemoteSnapshotVersion]; const SnapshotVersion &remoteVersion = remoteEvent.snapshotVersion; if (remoteVersion != SnapshotVersion::None()) { FSTAssert(remoteVersion >= lastRemoteVersion, @"Watch stream reverted to previous snapshot?? (%s < %s)", remoteVersion.timestamp().ToString().c_str(), lastRemoteVersion.timestamp().ToString().c_str()); [self.queryCache setLastRemoteSnapshotVersion:remoteVersion]; } DocumentKeySet releasedWriteKeys = [self releaseHeldBatchResults]; // Union the two key sets. DocumentKeySet keysToRecalc = changedDocKeys; for (const DocumentKey &key : releasedWriteKeys) { keysToRecalc = keysToRecalc.insert(key); } return [self.localDocuments documentsForKeys:keysToRecalc]; }); } - (void)notifyLocalViewChanges:(NSArray *)viewChanges { self.persistence.run("NotifyLocalViewChanges", [&]() { FSTReferenceSet *localViewReferences = self.localViewReferences; for (FSTLocalViewChanges *view in viewChanges) { FSTQueryData *queryData = [self.queryCache queryDataForQuery:view.query]; FSTAssert(queryData, @"Local view changes contain unallocated query."); FSTTargetID targetID = queryData.targetID; for (const DocumentKey &key : view.removedKeys) { [self->_persistence.referenceDelegate removeReference:key target:targetID]; } [localViewReferences addReferencesToKeys:view.addedKeys forID:targetID]; [localViewReferences removeReferencesToKeys:view.removedKeys forID:targetID]; } }); } - (nullable FSTMutationBatch *)nextMutationBatchAfterBatchID:(FSTBatchID)batchID { FSTMutationBatch *result = self.persistence.run("NextMutationBatchAfterBatchID", [&]() -> FSTMutationBatch * { return [self.mutationQueue nextMutationBatchAfterBatchID:batchID]; }); return result; } - (nullable FSTMaybeDocument *)readDocument:(const DocumentKey &)key { return self.persistence.run("ReadDocument", [&]() -> FSTMaybeDocument *_Nullable { return [self.localDocuments documentForKey:key]; }); } - (FSTQueryData *)allocateQuery:(FSTQuery *)query { FSTQueryData *queryData = self.persistence.run("Allocate query", [&]() -> FSTQueryData * { FSTQueryData *cached = [self.queryCache queryDataForQuery:query]; // TODO(mcg): freshen last accessed date if cached exists? if (!cached) { cached = [[FSTQueryData alloc] initWithQuery:query targetID:_targetIDGenerator.NextId() listenSequenceNumber:[self.listenSequence next] purpose:FSTQueryPurposeListen]; [self.queryCache addQueryData:cached]; } return cached; }); // Sanity check to ensure that even when resuming a query it's not currently active. FSTBoxedTargetID *boxedTargetID = @(queryData.targetID); FSTAssert(!self.targetIDs[boxedTargetID], @"Tried to allocate an already allocated query: %@", query); self.targetIDs[boxedTargetID] = queryData; return queryData; } - (void)releaseQuery:(FSTQuery *)query { self.persistence.run("Release query", [&]() { FSTQueryData *queryData = [self.queryCache queryDataForQuery:query]; FSTAssert(queryData, @"Tried to release nonexistent query: %@", query); [self.localViewReferences removeReferencesForID:queryData.targetID]; if (self.garbageCollector.isEager) { [self.queryCache removeQueryData:queryData]; } [self.persistence.referenceDelegate removeTarget:queryData]; [self.targetIDs removeObjectForKey:@(queryData.targetID)]; // If this was the last watch target, then we won't get any more watch snapshots, so we should // release any held batch results. if ([self.targetIDs count] == 0) { [self releaseHeldBatchResults]; } }); } - (FSTDocumentDictionary *)executeQuery:(FSTQuery *)query { return self.persistence.run("ExecuteQuery", [&]() -> FSTDocumentDictionary * { return [self.localDocuments documentsMatchingQuery:query]; }); } - (DocumentKeySet)remoteDocumentKeysForTarget:(FSTTargetID)targetID { return self.persistence.run("RemoteDocumentKeysForTarget", [&]() -> DocumentKeySet { return [self.queryCache matchingKeysForTargetID:targetID]; }); } - (void)collectGarbage { self.persistence.run("Garbage Collection", [&]() { // Call collectGarbage regardless of whether isGCEnabled so the referenceSet doesn't continue to // accumulate the garbage keys. std::set garbage = [self.garbageCollector collectGarbage]; if (garbage.size() > 0) { for (const DocumentKey &key : garbage) { [self.remoteDocumentCache removeEntryForKey:key]; } } }); } /** * Releases all the held mutation batches up to the current remote version received, and * applies their mutations to the docs in the remote documents cache. * * @return the set of keys of docs that were modified by those writes. */ - (DocumentKeySet)releaseHeldBatchResults { NSMutableArray *toRelease = [NSMutableArray array]; for (FSTMutationBatchResult *batchResult in self.heldBatchResults) { if (![self isRemoteUpToVersion:batchResult.commitVersion]) { break; } [toRelease addObject:batchResult]; } if (toRelease.count == 0) { return DocumentKeySet{}; } else { [self.heldBatchResults removeObjectsInRange:NSMakeRange(0, toRelease.count)]; return [self releaseBatchResults:toRelease]; } } - (BOOL)isRemoteUpToVersion:(const SnapshotVersion &)version { // If there are no watch targets, then we won't get remote snapshots, and are always "up-to-date." return version <= self.queryCache.lastRemoteSnapshotVersion || self.targetIDs.count == 0; } - (BOOL)shouldHoldBatchResultWithVersion:(const SnapshotVersion &)version { // Check if watcher isn't up to date or prior results are already held. return ![self isRemoteUpToVersion:version] || self.heldBatchResults.count > 0; } - (DocumentKeySet)releaseBatchResults:(NSArray *)batchResults { NSMutableArray *batches = [NSMutableArray array]; for (FSTMutationBatchResult *batchResult in batchResults) { [self applyBatchResult:batchResult]; [batches addObject:batchResult.batch]; } return [self removeMutationBatches:batches]; } - (DocumentKeySet)removeMutationBatch:(FSTMutationBatch *)batch { return [self removeMutationBatches:@[ batch ]]; } /** Removes all the mutation batches named in the given array. */ - (DocumentKeySet)removeMutationBatches:(NSArray *)batches { DocumentKeySet affectedDocs; for (FSTMutationBatch *batch in batches) { for (FSTMutation *mutation in batch.mutations) { const DocumentKey &key = mutation.key; affectedDocs = affectedDocs.insert(key); } } [self.mutationQueue removeMutationBatches:batches]; return affectedDocs; } - (void)applyBatchResult:(FSTMutationBatchResult *)batchResult { FSTMutationBatch *batch = batchResult.batch; DocumentKeySet docKeys = batch.keys; const DocumentVersionMap &versions = batchResult.docVersions; for (const DocumentKey &docKey : docKeys) { FSTMaybeDocument *_Nullable remoteDoc = [self.remoteDocumentCache entryForKey:docKey]; FSTMaybeDocument *_Nullable doc = remoteDoc; auto ackVersionIter = versions.find(docKey); FSTAssert(ackVersionIter != versions.end(), @"docVersions should contain every doc in the write."); const SnapshotVersion &ackVersion = ackVersionIter->second; if (!doc || doc.version < ackVersion) { doc = [batch applyTo:doc documentKey:docKey mutationBatchResult:batchResult]; if (!doc) { FSTAssert(!remoteDoc, @"Mutation batch %@ applied to document %@ resulted in nil.", batch, remoteDoc); } else { [self.remoteDocumentCache addEntry:doc]; } } } } @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END