/* * Copyright 2017 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #import "Firestore/Source/Local/FSTLevelDBQueryCache.h" #include #include #include #import "Firestore/Protos/objc/firestore/local/Target.pbobjc.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Core/FSTQuery.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Local/FSTLevelDBKey.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Local/FSTLocalSerializer.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Local/FSTQueryData.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Local/FSTWriteGroup.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Model/FSTDocumentKey.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Util/FSTAssert.h" NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN using Firestore::StringView; using leveldb::DB; using leveldb::Iterator; using leveldb::ReadOptions; using leveldb::Slice; using leveldb::Status; using leveldb::WriteOptions; /** * Returns a standard set of read options. * * For now this is paranoid, but perhaps disable that in production builds. */ static ReadOptions GetStandardReadOptions() { ReadOptions options; options.verify_checksums = true; return options; } @interface FSTLevelDBQueryCache () /** A write-through cached copy of the metadata for the query cache. */ @property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) FSTPBTargetGlobal *metadata; @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly) FSTLocalSerializer *serializer; @end @implementation FSTLevelDBQueryCache { // The DB pointer is shared with all cooperating LevelDB-related objects. std::shared_ptr _db; /** * The last received snapshot version. This is part of `metadata` but we store it separately to * avoid extra conversion to/from GPBTimestamp. */ FSTSnapshotVersion *_lastRemoteSnapshotVersion; } - (instancetype)initWithDB:(std::shared_ptr)db serializer:(FSTLocalSerializer *)serializer { if (self = [super init]) { FSTAssert(db, @"db must not be NULL"); _db = db; _serializer = serializer; } return self; } - (void)start { std::string key = [FSTLevelDBTargetGlobalKey key]; FSTPBTargetGlobal *metadata = [self metadataForKey:key]; if (!metadata) { metadata = [FSTPBTargetGlobal message]; } _lastRemoteSnapshotVersion = [self.serializer decodedVersion:metadata.lastRemoteSnapshotVersion]; self.metadata = metadata; } #pragma mark - FSTQueryCache implementation - (FSTTargetID)highestTargetID { return self.metadata.highestTargetId; } - (FSTListenSequenceNumber)highestListenSequenceNumber { return self.metadata.highestListenSequenceNumber; } - (FSTSnapshotVersion *)lastRemoteSnapshotVersion { return _lastRemoteSnapshotVersion; } - (void)setLastRemoteSnapshotVersion:(FSTSnapshotVersion *)snapshotVersion group:(FSTWriteGroup *)group { _lastRemoteSnapshotVersion = snapshotVersion; self.metadata.lastRemoteSnapshotVersion = [self.serializer encodedVersion:snapshotVersion]; [group setMessage:self.metadata forKey:[FSTLevelDBTargetGlobalKey key]]; } - (void)shutdown { _db.reset(); } - (void)addQueryData:(FSTQueryData *)queryData group:(FSTWriteGroup *)group { FSTTargetID targetID = queryData.targetID; std::string key = [FSTLevelDBTargetKey keyWithTargetID:targetID]; [group setMessage:[self.serializer encodedQueryData:queryData] forKey:key]; NSString *canonicalID = queryData.query.canonicalID; std::string indexKey = [FSTLevelDBQueryTargetKey keyWithCanonicalID:canonicalID targetID:targetID]; std::string emptyBuffer; [group setData:emptyBuffer forKey:indexKey]; BOOL saveMetadata = NO; FSTPBTargetGlobal *metadata = self.metadata; if (targetID > metadata.highestTargetId) { metadata.highestTargetId = targetID; saveMetadata = YES; } if (queryData.sequenceNumber > metadata.highestListenSequenceNumber) { metadata.highestListenSequenceNumber = queryData.sequenceNumber; saveMetadata = YES; } if (saveMetadata) { [group setMessage:metadata forKey:[FSTLevelDBTargetGlobalKey key]]; } } - (void)removeQueryData:(FSTQueryData *)queryData group:(FSTWriteGroup *)group { FSTTargetID targetID = queryData.targetID; [self removeMatchingKeysForTargetID:targetID group:group]; std::string key = [FSTLevelDBTargetKey keyWithTargetID:targetID]; [group removeMessageForKey:key]; std::string indexKey = [FSTLevelDBQueryTargetKey keyWithCanonicalID:queryData.query.canonicalID targetID:targetID]; [group removeMessageForKey:indexKey]; } /** * Looks up the query global metadata associated with the given key. * * @return the parsed protocol buffer message or nil if the row referenced by the given key does * not exist. */ - (nullable FSTPBTargetGlobal *)metadataForKey:(const std::string &)key { std::string value; Status status = _db->Get(GetStandardReadOptions(), key, &value); if (status.IsNotFound()) { return nil; } else if (!status.ok()) { FSTFail(@"metadataForKey: failed loading key %s with status: %s", key.c_str(), status.ToString().c_str()); } NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytesNoCopy:(void *)value.data() length:value.size() freeWhenDone:NO]; NSError *error; FSTPBTargetGlobal *proto = [FSTPBTargetGlobal parseFromData:data error:&error]; if (!proto) { FSTFail(@"FSTPBTargetGlobal failed to parse: %@", error); } return proto; } /** * Parses the given bytes as an FSTPBTarget protocol buffer and then converts to the equivalent * query data. */ - (FSTQueryData *)decodedTargetWithSlice:(Slice)slice { NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytesNoCopy:(void *)slice.data() length:slice.size() freeWhenDone:NO]; NSError *error; FSTPBTarget *proto = [FSTPBTarget parseFromData:data error:&error]; if (!proto) { FSTFail(@"FSTPBTarget failed to parse: %@", error); } return [self.serializer decodedQueryData:proto]; } - (nullable FSTQueryData *)queryDataForQuery:(FSTQuery *)query { // Scan the query-target index starting with a prefix starting with the given query's canonicalID. // Note that this is a scan rather than a get because canonicalIDs are not required to be unique // per target. Slice canonicalID = StringView(query.canonicalID); std::unique_ptr indexItererator(_db->NewIterator(GetStandardReadOptions())); std::string indexPrefix = [FSTLevelDBQueryTargetKey keyPrefixWithCanonicalID:canonicalID]; indexItererator->Seek(indexPrefix); // Simultaneously scan the targets table. This works because each (canonicalID, targetID) pair is // unique and ordered, so when scanning a table prefixed by exactly one canonicalID, all the // targetIDs will be unique and in order. std::string targetPrefix = [FSTLevelDBTargetKey keyPrefix]; std::unique_ptr targetIterator(_db->NewIterator(GetStandardReadOptions())); FSTLevelDBQueryTargetKey *rowKey = [[FSTLevelDBQueryTargetKey alloc] init]; for (; indexItererator->Valid(); indexItererator->Next()) { Slice indexKey = indexItererator->key(); // Only consider rows matching exactly the specific canonicalID of interest. if (!indexKey.starts_with(indexPrefix) || ![rowKey decodeKey:indexKey] || canonicalID != rowKey.canonicalID) { // End of this canonicalID's possible targets. break; } // Each row is a unique combination of canonicalID and targetID, so this foreign key reference // can only occur once. std::string targetKey = [FSTLevelDBTargetKey keyWithTargetID:rowKey.targetID]; targetIterator->Seek(targetKey); if (!targetIterator->Valid() || targetIterator->key() != targetKey) { NSString *foundKeyDescription = @"the end of the table"; if (targetIterator->Valid()) { foundKeyDescription = [FSTLevelDBKey descriptionForKey:targetIterator->key()]; } FSTFail( @"Dangling query-target reference found: " @"%@ points to %@; seeking there found %@", [FSTLevelDBKey descriptionForKey:indexKey], [FSTLevelDBKey descriptionForKey:targetKey], foundKeyDescription); } // Finally after finding a potential match, check that the query is actually equal to the // requested query. FSTQueryData *target = [self decodedTargetWithSlice:targetIterator->value()]; if ([target.query isEqual:query]) { return target; } } return nil; } #pragma mark Matching Key tracking - (void)addMatchingKeys:(FSTDocumentKeySet *)keys forTargetID:(FSTTargetID)targetID group:(FSTWriteGroup *)group { // Store an empty value in the index which is equivalent to serializing a GPBEmpty message. In the // future if we wanted to store some other kind of value here, we can parse these empty values as // with some other protocol buffer (and the parser will see all default values). std::string emptyBuffer; [keys enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(FSTDocumentKey *documentKey, BOOL *stop) { [group setData:emptyBuffer forKey:[FSTLevelDBTargetDocumentKey keyWithTargetID:targetID documentKey:documentKey]]; [group setData:emptyBuffer forKey:[FSTLevelDBDocumentTargetKey keyWithDocumentKey:documentKey targetID:targetID]]; }]; } - (void)removeMatchingKeys:(FSTDocumentKeySet *)keys forTargetID:(FSTTargetID)targetID group:(FSTWriteGroup *)group { [keys enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(FSTDocumentKey *key, BOOL *stop) { [group removeMessageForKey:[FSTLevelDBTargetDocumentKey keyWithTargetID:targetID documentKey:key]]; [group removeMessageForKey:[FSTLevelDBDocumentTargetKey keyWithDocumentKey:key targetID:targetID]]; [self.garbageCollector addPotentialGarbageKey:key]; }]; } - (void)removeMatchingKeysForTargetID:(FSTTargetID)targetID group:(FSTWriteGroup *)group { std::string indexPrefix = [FSTLevelDBTargetDocumentKey keyPrefixWithTargetID:targetID]; std::unique_ptr indexIterator(_db->NewIterator(GetStandardReadOptions())); indexIterator->Seek(indexPrefix); FSTLevelDBTargetDocumentKey *rowKey = [[FSTLevelDBTargetDocumentKey alloc] init]; for (; indexIterator->Valid(); indexIterator->Next()) { Slice indexKey = indexIterator->key(); // Only consider rows matching this specific targetID. if (![rowKey decodeKey:indexKey] || rowKey.targetID != targetID) { break; } FSTDocumentKey *documentKey = rowKey.documentKey; // Delete both index rows [group removeMessageForKey:indexKey]; [group removeMessageForKey:[FSTLevelDBDocumentTargetKey keyWithDocumentKey:documentKey targetID:targetID]]; [self.garbageCollector addPotentialGarbageKey:documentKey]; } } - (FSTDocumentKeySet *)matchingKeysForTargetID:(FSTTargetID)targetID { std::string indexPrefix = [FSTLevelDBTargetDocumentKey keyPrefixWithTargetID:targetID]; std::unique_ptr indexIterator(_db->NewIterator(GetStandardReadOptions())); indexIterator->Seek(indexPrefix); FSTDocumentKeySet *result = [FSTDocumentKeySet keySet]; FSTLevelDBTargetDocumentKey *rowKey = [[FSTLevelDBTargetDocumentKey alloc] init]; for (; indexIterator->Valid(); indexIterator->Next()) { Slice indexKey = indexIterator->key(); // Only consider rows matching this specific targetID. if (![rowKey decodeKey:indexKey] || rowKey.targetID != targetID) { break; } result = [result setByAddingObject:rowKey.documentKey]; } return result; } #pragma mark - FSTGarbageSource implementation - (BOOL)containsKey:(FSTDocumentKey *)key { std::string indexPrefix = [FSTLevelDBDocumentTargetKey keyPrefixWithResourcePath:key.path]; std::unique_ptr indexIterator(_db->NewIterator(GetStandardReadOptions())); indexIterator->Seek(indexPrefix); if (indexIterator->Valid()) { FSTLevelDBDocumentTargetKey *rowKey = [[FSTLevelDBDocumentTargetKey alloc] init]; if ([rowKey decodeKey:indexIterator->key()] && [rowKey.documentKey isEqualToKey:key]) { return YES; } } return NO; } @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END