## Usage First, make sure you have necessary prereqs for building: ``` brew install automake libtool protobuf ``` Take a nap while that completes. Then, build protobuf and nanopb: ``` cd firebase-ios-sdk mkdir -p build cd build cmake .. make -j protobuf nanopb ``` Next, build the protos: ``` cd firebase-ios-sdk/Firestore/Protos ./build-protos.sh ``` Verify diffs (you'll likely need to re-add copyright notices, etc.), make sure tests still pass, and create a PR. ### Script Details Get the protoc and the gRPC plugin. See [here](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/tree/master/src/objective-c). The easiest way I found was to add `pod '!ProtoCompiler-gRPCPlugin'` to a Podfile and do `pod update`. After running the protoc, shell commands run to fix up the generated code: * Flatten import paths for CocoaPods library build. * Remove unneeded extensionRegistry functions. * Remove non-buildable code from Annotations.pbobjc.*.