/* * Copyright 2017 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "Firestore/Port/ordered_code.h" // #include // #include #include #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "testing/base/public/gunit.h" #include #include "util/random/acmrandom.h" using Firestore::OrderedCode; using leveldb::Slice; // Make Slices writeable to ostream, making all the CHECKs happy below. namespace { void WritePadding(std::ostream& o, size_t pad) { char fill_buf[32]; memset(fill_buf, o.fill(), sizeof(fill_buf)); while (pad) { size_t n = std::min(pad, sizeof(fill_buf)); o.write(fill_buf, n); pad -= n; } } } // namespace namespace leveldb { std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const Slice slice) { std::ostream::sentry sentry(o); if (sentry) { size_t lpad = 0; size_t rpad = 0; if (o.width() > slice.size()) { size_t pad = o.width() - slice.size(); if ((o.flags() & o.adjustfield) == o.left) { rpad = pad; } else { lpad = pad; } } if (lpad) WritePadding(o, lpad); o.write(slice.data(), slice.size()); if (rpad) WritePadding(o, rpad); o.width(0); } return o; } } // namespace leveldb static std::string RandomString(ACMRandom* rnd, int len) { std::string x; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { x += rnd->Uniform(256); } return x; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Utility template functions (they help templatize the tests below) // Read/WriteIncreasing are defined for string, uint64_t, int64_t below. template static void OCWriteIncreasing(std::string* dest, const T& val); template static bool OCReadIncreasing(Slice* src, T* result); // Read/WriteIncreasing template <> void OCWriteIncreasing(std::string* dest, const std::string& val) { OrderedCode::WriteString(dest, val); } template <> bool OCReadIncreasing(Slice* src, std::string* result) { return OrderedCode::ReadString(src, result); } // Read/WriteIncreasing template <> void OCWriteIncreasing(std::string* dest, const uint64_t& val) { OrderedCode::WriteNumIncreasing(dest, val); } template <> bool OCReadIncreasing(Slice* src, uint64_t* result) { return OrderedCode::ReadNumIncreasing(src, result); } enum Direction { INCREASING = 0 }; // Read/WriteIncreasing template <> void OCWriteIncreasing(std::string* dest, const int64_t& val) { OrderedCode::WriteSignedNumIncreasing(dest, val); } template <> bool OCReadIncreasing(Slice* src, int64_t* result) { return OrderedCode::ReadSignedNumIncreasing(src, result); } template std::string OCWrite(T val, Direction direction) { std::string result; OCWriteIncreasing(&result, val); return result; } template void OCWriteToString(std::string* result, T val, Direction direction) { OCWriteIncreasing(result, val); } template bool OCRead(Slice* s, T* val, Direction direction) { return OCReadIncreasing(s, val); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Numbers template static T TestRead(Direction d, const std::string& a) { // gracefully reject any proper prefix of an encoding for (int i = 0; i < a.size() - 1; ++i) { Slice s(a.data(), i); CHECK(!OCRead(&s, NULL, d)); CHECK_EQ(s, a.substr(0, i)); } Slice s(a); T v; CHECK(OCRead(&s, &v, d)); CHECK(s.empty()); return v; } template static void TestWriteRead(Direction d, T expected) { EXPECT_EQ(expected, TestRead(d, OCWrite(expected, d))); } // Verifies that the second Write* call appends a non-empty std::string to its // output. template static void TestWriteAppends(Direction d, T first, U second) { std::string encoded; OCWriteToString(&encoded, first, d); std::string encoded_first_only = encoded; OCWriteToString(&encoded, second, d); EXPECT_NE(encoded, encoded_first_only); EXPECT_TRUE(Slice(encoded).starts_with(encoded_first_only)); } template static void TestNumbers(T multiplier) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { const Direction d = static_cast(j); // first test powers of 2 (and nearby numbers) for (T x = std::numeric_limits().max(); x != 0; x /= 2) { TestWriteRead(d, multiplier * (x - 1)); TestWriteRead(d, multiplier * x); if (x != std::numeric_limits::max()) { TestWriteRead(d, multiplier * (x + 1)); } else if (multiplier < 0 && multiplier == -1) { TestWriteRead(d, -x - 1); } } ACMRandom rnd(301); for (int bits = 1; bits <= std::numeric_limits().digits; ++bits) { // test random non-negative numbers with given number of significant bits const uint64_t mask = (~0ULL) >> (64 - bits); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { T x = rnd.Next64() & mask; TestWriteRead(d, multiplier * x); T y = rnd.Next64() & mask; TestWriteAppends(d, multiplier * x, multiplier * y); } } } } // Return true iff 'a' is "before" 'b' according to 'direction' static bool CompareStrings(const std::string& a, const std::string& b, Direction d) { return (INCREASING == d) ? (a < b) : (b < a); } template static void TestNumberOrdering() { const Direction d = INCREASING; // first the negative numbers (if T is signed, otherwise no-op) std::string laststr = OCWrite(std::numeric_limits().min(), d); for (T num = std::numeric_limits().min() / 2; num != 0; num /= 2) { std::string strminus1 = OCWrite(num - 1, d); std::string str = OCWrite(num, d); std::string strplus1 = OCWrite(num + 1, d); CHECK(CompareStrings(strminus1, str, d)); CHECK(CompareStrings(str, strplus1, d)); // Compare 'str' with 'laststr'. When we approach 0, 'laststr' is // not necessarily before 'strminus1'. CHECK(CompareStrings(laststr, str, d)); laststr = str; } // then the positive numbers laststr = OCWrite(0, d); T num = 1; while (num < std::numeric_limits().max() / 2) { num *= 2; std::string strminus1 = OCWrite(num - 1, d); std::string str = OCWrite(num, d); std::string strplus1 = OCWrite(num + 1, d); CHECK(CompareStrings(strminus1, str, d)); CHECK(CompareStrings(str, strplus1, d)); // Compare 'str' with 'laststr'. CHECK(CompareStrings(laststr, str, d)); laststr = str; } } // Helper routine for testing TEST_SkipToNextSpecialByte static int FindSpecial(const std::string& x) { const char* p = x.data(); const char* limit = p + x.size(); const char* result = OrderedCode::TEST_SkipToNextSpecialByte(p, limit); return result - p; } TEST(OrderedCode, SkipToNextSpecialByte) { for (int len = 0; len < 256; len++) { ACMRandom rnd(301); std::string x; while (x.size() < len) { char c = 1 + rnd.Uniform(254); ASSERT_NE(c, 0); ASSERT_NE(c, 255); x += c; // No 0 bytes, no 255 bytes } EXPECT_EQ(FindSpecial(x), x.size()); for (int special_pos = 0; special_pos < len; special_pos++) { for (int special_test = 0; special_test < 2; special_test++) { const char special_byte = (special_test == 0) ? 0 : 255; std::string y = x; y[special_pos] = special_byte; EXPECT_EQ(FindSpecial(y), special_pos); if (special_pos < 16) { // Add some special bytes after the one at special_pos to make sure // we still return the earliest special byte in the string for (int rest = special_pos + 1; rest < len; rest++) { if (rnd.OneIn(3)) { y[rest] = rnd.OneIn(2) ? 0 : 255; EXPECT_EQ(FindSpecial(y), special_pos); } } } } } } } TEST(OrderedCode, ExhaustiveFindSpecial) { char buf[16]; char* limit = buf + sizeof(buf); int count = 0; for (int start_offset = 0; start_offset <= 5; start_offset += 5) { // We test exhaustively with all combinations of 3 bytes starting // at offset 0 and offset 5 (so as to test with the bytes at both // ends of a 64-bit word). for (char& c : buf) { c = 'a'; // Not a special byte } for (int b0 = 0; b0 < 256; b0++) { for (int b1 = 0; b1 < 256; b1++) { for (int b2 = 0; b2 < 256; b2++) { buf[start_offset + 0] = b0; buf[start_offset + 1] = b1; buf[start_offset + 2] = b2; char* expected; if (b0 == 0 || b0 == 255) { expected = &buf[start_offset]; } else if (b1 == 0 || b1 == 255) { expected = &buf[start_offset + 1]; } else if (b2 == 0 || b2 == 255) { expected = &buf[start_offset + 2]; } else { expected = limit; } count++; EXPECT_EQ(expected, OrderedCode::TEST_SkipToNextSpecialByte(buf, limit)); } } } } EXPECT_EQ(count, 256 * 256 * 256 * 2); } TEST(Uint64, EncodeDecode) { TestNumbers(1); } TEST(Uint64, Ordering) { TestNumberOrdering(); } TEST(Int64, EncodeDecode) { TestNumbers(1); TestNumbers(-1); } TEST(Int64, Ordering) { TestNumberOrdering(); } // Returns the bitwise complement of s. static inline std::string StrNot(const std::string& s) { std::string result; for (const char c : s) result.push_back(~c); return result; } template static void TestInvalidEncoding(Direction d, const std::string& s) { Slice p(s); EXPECT_FALSE(OCRead(&p, static_cast(NULL), d)); EXPECT_EQ(s, p); } TEST(OrderedCodeInvalidEncodingsTest, Overflow) { // 1U << 64, increasing const std::string k2xx64U = "\x09\x01" + std::string(8, 0); TestInvalidEncoding(INCREASING, k2xx64U); // 1 << 63 and ~(1 << 63), increasing const std::string k2xx63 = "\xff\xc0\x80" + std::string(7, 0); TestInvalidEncoding(INCREASING, k2xx63); TestInvalidEncoding(INCREASING, StrNot(k2xx63)); } TEST(OrderedCodeInvalidEncodingsTest, NonCanonical) { // Test DCHECK failures of "ambiguous"/"non-canonical" encodings. // These are non-minimal (but otherwise "valid") encodings that // differ from the minimal encoding chosen by OrderedCode::WriteXXX // and thus should be avoided to not mess up the string ordering of // encodings. ACMRandom rnd(301); for (int n = 2; n <= 9; ++n) { // The zero in non_minimal[1] is "redundant". std::string non_minimal = std::string(1, n - 1) + std::string(1, 0) + RandomString(&rnd, n - 2); EXPECT_EQ(n, non_minimal.length()); EXPECT_NE(OCWrite(0, INCREASING), non_minimal); if (DEBUG_MODE) { Slice s(non_minimal); EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(OrderedCode::ReadNumIncreasing(&s, NULL), "ssertion failed"); } else { TestRead(INCREASING, non_minimal); } } for (int n = 2; n <= 10; ++n) { // Header with 1 sign bit and n-1 size bits. std::string header = std::string(n / 8, 0xff) + std::string(1, 0xff << (8 - (n % 8))); // There are more than 7 zero bits between header bits and "payload". std::string non_minimal = header + std::string(1, rnd.Uniform(256) & ~*header.rbegin()) + RandomString(&rnd, n - header.length() - 1); EXPECT_EQ(n, non_minimal.length()); EXPECT_NE(OCWrite(0, INCREASING), non_minimal); if (DEBUG_MODE) { Slice s(non_minimal); EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(OrderedCode::ReadSignedNumIncreasing(&s, NULL), "ssertion failed") << n; s = non_minimal; } else { TestRead(INCREASING, non_minimal); } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Strings TEST(String, Infinity) { const std::string value("\xff\xff foo"); bool is_inf; std::string encoding, parsed; Slice s; // Check encoding/decoding of "infinity" for ascending order encoding.clear(); OrderedCode::WriteInfinity(&encoding); encoding.push_back('a'); s = encoding; EXPECT_TRUE(OrderedCode::ReadInfinity(&s)); EXPECT_EQ(1, s.size()); s = encoding; is_inf = false; EXPECT_TRUE(OrderedCode::ReadStringOrInfinity(&s, NULL, &is_inf)); EXPECT_EQ(1, s.size()); EXPECT_TRUE(is_inf); // Check ReadStringOrInfinity() can parse ordinary strings encoding.clear(); OrderedCode::WriteString(&encoding, value); encoding.push_back('a'); s = encoding; is_inf = false; parsed.clear(); EXPECT_TRUE(OrderedCode::ReadStringOrInfinity(&s, &parsed, &is_inf)); EXPECT_EQ(1, s.size()); EXPECT_FALSE(is_inf); EXPECT_EQ(value, parsed); } TEST(String, EncodeDecode) { ACMRandom rnd(301); for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { const Direction d = static_cast(i); for (int len = 0; len < 256; len++) { const std::string a = RandomString(&rnd, len); TestWriteRead(d, a); for (int len2 = 0; len2 < 64; len2++) { const std::string b = RandomString(&rnd, len2); TestWriteAppends(d, a, b); std::string out; OCWriteToString(&out, a, d); OCWriteToString(&out, b, d); std::string a2, b2, dummy; Slice s = out; Slice s2 = out; CHECK(OCRead(&s, &a2, d)); CHECK(OCRead(&s2, NULL, d)); CHECK_EQ(s, s2); CHECK(OCRead(&s, &b2, d)); CHECK(OCRead(&s2, NULL, d)); CHECK_EQ(s, s2); CHECK(!OCRead(&s, &dummy, d)); CHECK(!OCRead(&s2, NULL, d)); CHECK_EQ(a, a2); CHECK_EQ(b, b2); CHECK(s.empty()); CHECK(s2.empty()); } } } } // 'str' is a static C-style string that may contain '\0' #define STATIC_STR(str) Slice((str), sizeof(str) - 1) static std::string EncodeStringIncreasing(Slice value) { std::string encoded; OrderedCode::WriteString(&encoded, value); return encoded; } TEST(String, Increasing) { // Here are a series of strings in non-decreasing order, including // consecutive strings such that the second one is equal to, a proper // prefix of, or has the same length as the first one. Most also contain // the special escaping characters '\x00' and '\xff'. ASSERT_EQ(EncodeStringIncreasing(STATIC_STR("")), EncodeStringIncreasing(STATIC_STR(""))); ASSERT_LT(EncodeStringIncreasing(STATIC_STR("")), EncodeStringIncreasing(STATIC_STR("\x00"))); ASSERT_EQ(EncodeStringIncreasing(STATIC_STR("\x00")), EncodeStringIncreasing(STATIC_STR("\x00"))); ASSERT_LT(EncodeStringIncreasing(STATIC_STR("\x00")), EncodeStringIncreasing(STATIC_STR("\x01"))); ASSERT_LT(EncodeStringIncreasing(STATIC_STR("\x01")), EncodeStringIncreasing(STATIC_STR("a"))); ASSERT_EQ(EncodeStringIncreasing(STATIC_STR("a")), EncodeStringIncreasing(STATIC_STR("a"))); ASSERT_LT(EncodeStringIncreasing(STATIC_STR("a")), EncodeStringIncreasing(STATIC_STR("aa"))); ASSERT_LT(EncodeStringIncreasing(STATIC_STR("aa")), EncodeStringIncreasing(STATIC_STR("\xff"))); ASSERT_LT(EncodeStringIncreasing(STATIC_STR("\xff")), EncodeStringIncreasing(STATIC_STR("\xff\x00"))); ASSERT_LT(EncodeStringIncreasing(STATIC_STR("\xff\x00")), EncodeStringIncreasing(STATIC_STR("\xff\x01"))); std::string infinity; OrderedCode::WriteInfinity(&infinity); ASSERT_LT(EncodeStringIncreasing(std::string(1 << 20, '\xff')), infinity); }