/* * Copyright 2017 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #import "Firestore/Example/Tests/SpecTests/FSTSpecTests.h" #include #import #import #import "Firestore/Source/Core/FSTEventManager.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Core/FSTQuery.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Core/FSTSnapshotVersion.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Local/FSTEagerGarbageCollector.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Local/FSTNoOpGarbageCollector.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Local/FSTPersistence.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Local/FSTQueryData.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Model/FSTDocument.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Model/FSTDocumentKey.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Model/FSTFieldValue.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Model/FSTMutation.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Remote/FSTExistenceFilter.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Remote/FSTWatchChange.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Util/FSTAssert.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Util/FSTClasses.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Util/FSTDispatchQueue.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Util/FSTLogger.h" #import "Firestore/Example/Tests/Remote/FSTWatchChange+Testing.h" #import "Firestore/Example/Tests/SpecTests/FSTSyncEngineTestDriver.h" #import "Firestore/Example/Tests/Util/FSTHelpers.h" #include "Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/auth/user.h" #include "Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/util/string_apple.h" namespace util = firebase::firestore::util; using firebase::firestore::auth::User; NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN // Disables all other tests; useful for debugging. Multiple tests can have this tag and they'll all // be run (but all others won't). static NSString *const kExclusiveTag = @"exclusive"; // A tag for tests that should be excluded from execution (on iOS), useful to allow the platforms // to temporarily diverge. static NSString *const kNoIOSTag = @"no-ios"; @interface FSTSpecTests () @property(nonatomic, strong) FSTSyncEngineTestDriver *driver; // Some config info for the currently running spec; used when restarting the driver (for doRestart). @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL GCEnabled; @property(nonatomic, strong) id driverPersistence; @end @implementation FSTSpecTests - (id)persistence { @throw FSTAbstractMethodException(); // NOLINT } - (void)setUpForSpecWithConfig:(NSDictionary *)config { // Store persistence / GCEnabled so we can re-use it in doRestart. self.driverPersistence = [self persistence]; NSNumber *GCEnabled = config[@"useGarbageCollection"]; self.GCEnabled = [GCEnabled boolValue]; self.driver = [[FSTSyncEngineTestDriver alloc] initWithPersistence:self.driverPersistence garbageCollector:self.garbageCollector]; [self.driver start]; } - (void)tearDownForSpec { [self.driver shutdown]; [self.driverPersistence shutdown]; } /** * Creates the appropriate garbage collector for the test configuration: an eager collector if * GC is enabled or a no-op collector otherwise. */ - (id)garbageCollector { return self.GCEnabled ? [[FSTEagerGarbageCollector alloc] init] : [[FSTNoOpGarbageCollector alloc] init]; } /** * Xcode will run tests from any class that extends XCTestCase, but this doesn't work for * FSTSpecTests since it is incomplete without the implementations supplied by its subclasses. */ - (BOOL)isTestBaseClass { return [self class] == [FSTSpecTests class]; } #pragma mark - Methods for constructing objects from specs. - (nullable FSTQuery *)parseQuery:(id)querySpec { if ([querySpec isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { return FSTTestQuery(util::MakeStringView((NSString *)querySpec)); } else if ([querySpec isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) { NSDictionary *queryDict = (NSDictionary *)querySpec; NSString *path = queryDict[@"path"]; __block FSTQuery *query = FSTTestQuery(util::MakeStringView(path)); if (queryDict[@"limit"]) { NSNumber *limit = queryDict[@"limit"]; query = [query queryBySettingLimit:limit.integerValue]; } if (queryDict[@"filters"]) { NSArray *filters = queryDict[@"filters"]; [filters enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSArray *_Nonnull filter, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *_Nonnull stop) { query = [query queryByAddingFilter:FSTTestFilter(util::MakeStringView(filter[0]), filter[1], filter[2])]; }]; } if (queryDict[@"orderBys"]) { NSArray *orderBys = queryDict[@"orderBys"]; [orderBys enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSArray *_Nonnull orderBy, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *_Nonnull stop) { query = [query queryByAddingSortOrder:FSTTestOrderBy(util::MakeStringView(orderBy[0]), orderBy[1])]; }]; } return query; } else { XCTFail(@"Invalid query: %@", querySpec); return nil; } } - (FSTSnapshotVersion *)parseVersion:(NSNumber *_Nullable)version { return FSTTestVersion(version.longLongValue); } - (FSTDocumentViewChange *)parseChange:(NSArray *)change ofType:(FSTDocumentViewChangeType)type { BOOL hasMutations = NO; for (NSUInteger i = 3; i < change.count; ++i) { if ([change[i] isEqual:@"local"]) { hasMutations = YES; } } NSNumber *version = change[1]; XCTAssert([change[0] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]); FSTDocument *doc = FSTTestDoc(util::MakeStringView((NSString *)change[0]), version.longLongValue, change[2], hasMutations); return [FSTDocumentViewChange changeWithDocument:doc type:type]; } #pragma mark - Methods for doing the steps of the spec test. - (void)doListen:(NSArray *)listenSpec { FSTQuery *query = [self parseQuery:listenSpec[1]]; FSTTargetID actualID = [self.driver addUserListenerWithQuery:query]; FSTTargetID expectedID = [listenSpec[0] intValue]; XCTAssertEqual(actualID, expectedID, @"targetID assigned to listen"); } - (void)doUnlisten:(NSArray *)unlistenSpec { FSTQuery *query = [self parseQuery:unlistenSpec[1]]; [self.driver removeUserListenerWithQuery:query]; } - (void)doSet:(NSArray *)setSpec { [self.driver writeUserMutation:FSTTestSetMutation(setSpec[0], setSpec[1])]; } - (void)doPatch:(NSArray *)patchSpec { [self.driver writeUserMutation:FSTTestPatchMutation(util::MakeStringView(patchSpec[0]), patchSpec[1], {})]; } - (void)doDelete:(NSString *)key { [self.driver writeUserMutation:FSTTestDeleteMutation(key)]; } - (void)doWatchAck:(NSArray *)ackedTargets snapshot:(NSNumber *)watchSnapshot { FSTWatchTargetChange *change = [FSTWatchTargetChange changeWithState:FSTWatchTargetChangeStateAdded targetIDs:ackedTargets cause:nil]; [self.driver receiveWatchChange:change snapshotVersion:[self parseVersion:watchSnapshot]]; } - (void)doWatchCurrent:(NSArray *)currentSpec snapshot:(NSNumber *)watchSnapshot { NSArray *currentTargets = currentSpec[0]; NSData *resumeToken = [currentSpec[1] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; FSTWatchTargetChange *change = [FSTWatchTargetChange changeWithState:FSTWatchTargetChangeStateCurrent targetIDs:currentTargets resumeToken:resumeToken]; [self.driver receiveWatchChange:change snapshotVersion:[self parseVersion:watchSnapshot]]; } - (void)doWatchRemove:(NSDictionary *)watchRemoveSpec snapshot:(NSNumber *)watchSnapshot { NSError *error = nil; NSDictionary *cause = watchRemoveSpec[@"cause"]; if (cause) { int code = ((NSNumber *)cause[@"code"]).intValue; NSDictionary *userInfo = @{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : @"Error from watchRemove.", }; error = [NSError errorWithDomain:FIRFirestoreErrorDomain code:code userInfo:userInfo]; } FSTWatchTargetChange *change = [FSTWatchTargetChange changeWithState:FSTWatchTargetChangeStateRemoved targetIDs:watchRemoveSpec[@"targetIds"] cause:error]; [self.driver receiveWatchChange:change snapshotVersion:[self parseVersion:watchSnapshot]]; // Unlike web, the FSTMockDatastore detects a watch removal with cause and will remove active // targets } - (void)doWatchEntity:(NSDictionary *)watchEntity snapshot:(NSNumber *_Nullable)watchSnapshot { if (watchEntity[@"docs"]) { FSTAssert(!watchEntity[@"doc"], @"Exactly one of |doc| or |docs| needs to be set."); int count = 0; NSArray *docs = watchEntity[@"docs"]; for (NSDictionary *doc in docs) { count++; bool isLast = (count == docs.count); NSMutableDictionary *watchSpec = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; watchSpec[@"doc"] = doc; if (watchEntity[@"targets"]) { watchSpec[@"targets"] = watchEntity[@"targets"]; } if (watchEntity[@"removedTargets"]) { watchSpec[@"removedTargets"] = watchEntity[@"removedTargets"]; } NSNumber *_Nullable version = nil; if (isLast) { version = watchSnapshot; } [self doWatchEntity:watchSpec snapshot:version]; } } else if (watchEntity[@"doc"]) { NSArray *docSpec = watchEntity[@"doc"]; FSTDocumentKey *key = FSTTestDocKey(docSpec[0]); FSTObjectValue *value = FSTTestObjectValue(docSpec[2]); FSTSnapshotVersion *version = [self parseVersion:docSpec[1]]; FSTMaybeDocument *doc = [FSTDocument documentWithData:value key:key version:version hasLocalMutations:NO]; FSTWatchChange *change = [[FSTDocumentWatchChange alloc] initWithUpdatedTargetIDs:watchEntity[@"targets"] removedTargetIDs:watchEntity[@"removedTargets"] documentKey:doc.key document:doc]; [self.driver receiveWatchChange:change snapshotVersion:[self parseVersion:watchSnapshot]]; } else if (watchEntity[@"key"]) { FSTDocumentKey *docKey = FSTTestDocKey(watchEntity[@"key"]); FSTWatchChange *change = [[FSTDocumentWatchChange alloc] initWithUpdatedTargetIDs:@[] removedTargetIDs:watchEntity[@"removedTargets"] documentKey:docKey document:nil]; [self.driver receiveWatchChange:change snapshotVersion:[self parseVersion:watchSnapshot]]; } else { FSTFail(@"Either key, doc or docs must be set."); } } - (void)doWatchFilter:(NSArray *)watchFilter snapshot:(NSNumber *_Nullable)watchSnapshot { NSArray *targets = watchFilter[0]; FSTAssert(targets.count == 1, @"ExistenceFilters currently support exactly one target only."); int keyCount = watchFilter.count == 0 ? 0 : (int)watchFilter.count - 1; // TODO(dimond): extend this with different existence filters over time. FSTExistenceFilter *filter = [FSTExistenceFilter filterWithCount:keyCount]; FSTExistenceFilterWatchChange *change = [FSTExistenceFilterWatchChange changeWithFilter:filter targetID:targets[0].intValue]; [self.driver receiveWatchChange:change snapshotVersion:[self parseVersion:watchSnapshot]]; } - (void)doWatchReset:(NSArray *)watchReset snapshot:(NSNumber *_Nullable)watchSnapshot { FSTWatchTargetChange *change = [FSTWatchTargetChange changeWithState:FSTWatchTargetChangeStateReset targetIDs:watchReset cause:nil]; [self.driver receiveWatchChange:change snapshotVersion:[self parseVersion:watchSnapshot]]; } - (void)doWatchStreamClose:(NSDictionary *)closeSpec { NSDictionary *errorSpec = closeSpec[@"error"]; int code = ((NSNumber *)(errorSpec[@"code"])).intValue; [self.driver receiveWatchStreamError:code userInfo:errorSpec]; } - (void)doWriteAck:(NSDictionary *)spec { FSTSnapshotVersion *version = [self parseVersion:spec[@"version"]]; NSNumber *expectUserCallback = spec[@"expectUserCallback"]; FSTMutationResult *mutationResult = [[FSTMutationResult alloc] initWithVersion:version transformResults:nil]; FSTOutstandingWrite *write = [self.driver receiveWriteAckWithVersion:version mutationResults:@[ mutationResult ]]; if (expectUserCallback.boolValue) { FSTAssert(write.done, @"Write should be done"); FSTAssert(!write.error, @"Ack should not fail"); } } - (void)doFailWrite:(NSDictionary *)spec { NSDictionary *errorSpec = spec[@"error"]; NSNumber *expectUserCallback = spec[@"expectUserCallback"]; int code = ((NSNumber *)(errorSpec[@"code"])).intValue; FSTOutstandingWrite *write = [self.driver receiveWriteError:code userInfo:errorSpec]; if (expectUserCallback.boolValue) { FSTAssert(write.done, @"Write should be done"); XCTAssertNotNil(write.error, @"Write should have failed"); XCTAssertEqualObjects(write.error.domain, FIRFirestoreErrorDomain); XCTAssertEqual(write.error.code, code); } } - (void)doRunTimer:(NSString *)timer { FSTTimerID timerID; if ([timer isEqualToString:@"all"]) { timerID = FSTTimerIDAll; } else if ([timer isEqualToString:@"listen_stream_idle"]) { timerID = FSTTimerIDListenStreamIdle; } else if ([timer isEqualToString:@"listen_stream_connection_backoff"]) { timerID = FSTTimerIDListenStreamConnectionBackoff; } else if ([timer isEqualToString:@"write_stream_idle"]) { timerID = FSTTimerIDWriteStreamIdle; } else if ([timer isEqualToString:@"write_stream_connection_backoff"]) { timerID = FSTTimerIDWriteStreamConnectionBackoff; } else if ([timer isEqualToString:@"online_state_timeout"]) { timerID = FSTTimerIDOnlineStateTimeout; } else { FSTFail(@"runTimer spec step specified unknown timer: %@", timer); } [self.driver runTimer:timerID]; } - (void)doDisableNetwork { [self.driver disableNetwork]; } - (void)doEnableNetwork { [self.driver enableNetwork]; } - (void)doChangeUser:(id)UID { if ([UID isEqual:[NSNull null]]) { UID = nil; } [self.driver changeUser:User::FromUid(UID)]; } - (void)doRestart { // Any outstanding user writes should be automatically re-sent, so we want to preserve them // when re-creating the driver. FSTOutstandingWriteQueues outstandingWrites = self.driver.outstandingWrites; User currentUser = self.driver.currentUser; [self.driver shutdown]; // NOTE: We intentionally don't shutdown / re-create driverPersistence, since we want to // preserve the persisted state. This is a bit of a cheat since it means we're not exercising // the initialization / start logic that would normally be hit, but simplifies the plumbing and // allows us to run these tests against FSTMemoryPersistence as well (there would be no way to // re-create FSTMemoryPersistence without losing all persisted state). self.driver = [[FSTSyncEngineTestDriver alloc] initWithPersistence:self.driverPersistence garbageCollector:self.garbageCollector initialUser:currentUser outstandingWrites:outstandingWrites]; [self.driver start]; } - (void)doStep:(NSDictionary *)step { if (step[@"userListen"]) { [self doListen:step[@"userListen"]]; } else if (step[@"userUnlisten"]) { [self doUnlisten:step[@"userUnlisten"]]; } else if (step[@"userSet"]) { [self doSet:step[@"userSet"]]; } else if (step[@"userPatch"]) { [self doPatch:step[@"userPatch"]]; } else if (step[@"userDelete"]) { [self doDelete:step[@"userDelete"]]; } else if (step[@"watchAck"]) { [self doWatchAck:step[@"watchAck"] snapshot:step[@"watchSnapshot"]]; } else if (step[@"watchCurrent"]) { [self doWatchCurrent:step[@"watchCurrent"] snapshot:step[@"watchSnapshot"]]; } else if (step[@"watchRemove"]) { [self doWatchRemove:step[@"watchRemove"] snapshot:step[@"watchSnapshot"]]; } else if (step[@"watchEntity"]) { [self doWatchEntity:step[@"watchEntity"] snapshot:step[@"watchSnapshot"]]; } else if (step[@"watchFilter"]) { [self doWatchFilter:step[@"watchFilter"] snapshot:step[@"watchSnapshot"]]; } else if (step[@"watchReset"]) { [self doWatchReset:step[@"watchReset"] snapshot:step[@"watchSnapshot"]]; } else if (step[@"watchStreamClose"]) { [self doWatchStreamClose:step[@"watchStreamClose"]]; } else if (step[@"watchProto"]) { // watchProto isn't yet used, and it's unclear how to create arbitrary protos from JSON. FSTFail(@"watchProto is not yet supported."); } else if (step[@"writeAck"]) { [self doWriteAck:step[@"writeAck"]]; } else if (step[@"failWrite"]) { [self doFailWrite:step[@"failWrite"]]; } else if (step[@"runTimer"]) { [self doRunTimer:step[@"runTimer"]]; } else if (step[@"enableNetwork"]) { if ([step[@"enableNetwork"] boolValue]) { [self doEnableNetwork]; } else { [self doDisableNetwork]; } } else if (step[@"changeUser"]) { [self doChangeUser:step[@"changeUser"]]; } else if (step[@"restart"]) { [self doRestart]; } else { XCTFail(@"Unknown step: %@", step); } } - (void)validateEvent:(FSTQueryEvent *)actual matches:(NSDictionary *)expected { FSTQuery *expectedQuery = [self parseQuery:expected[@"query"]]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(actual.query, expectedQuery); if ([expected[@"errorCode"] integerValue] != 0) { XCTAssertNotNil(actual.error); XCTAssertEqual(actual.error.code, [expected[@"errorCode"] integerValue]); } else { NSMutableArray *expectedChanges = [NSMutableArray array]; NSMutableArray *removed = expected[@"removed"]; for (NSArray *changeSpec in removed) { [expectedChanges addObject:[self parseChange:changeSpec ofType:FSTDocumentViewChangeTypeRemoved]]; } NSMutableArray *added = expected[@"added"]; for (NSArray *changeSpec in added) { [expectedChanges addObject:[self parseChange:changeSpec ofType:FSTDocumentViewChangeTypeAdded]]; } NSMutableArray *modified = expected[@"modified"]; for (NSArray *changeSpec in modified) { [expectedChanges addObject:[self parseChange:changeSpec ofType:FSTDocumentViewChangeTypeModified]]; } NSMutableArray *metadata = expected[@"metadata"]; for (NSArray *changeSpec in metadata) { [expectedChanges addObject:[self parseChange:changeSpec ofType:FSTDocumentViewChangeTypeMetadata]]; } XCTAssertEqualObjects(actual.viewSnapshot.documentChanges, expectedChanges); BOOL expectedHasPendingWrites = expected[@"hasPendingWrites"] ? [expected[@"hasPendingWrites"] boolValue] : NO; BOOL expectedIsFromCache = expected[@"fromCache"] ? [expected[@"fromCache"] boolValue] : NO; XCTAssertEqual(actual.viewSnapshot.hasPendingWrites, expectedHasPendingWrites, @"hasPendingWrites"); XCTAssertEqual(actual.viewSnapshot.isFromCache, expectedIsFromCache, @"isFromCache"); } } - (void)validateStepExpectations:(NSMutableArray *_Nullable)stepExpectations { NSArray *events = self.driver.capturedEventsSinceLastCall; if (!stepExpectations) { XCTAssertEqual(events.count, 0); for (FSTQueryEvent *event in events) { XCTFail(@"Unexpected event: %@", event); } return; } events = [events sortedArrayUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(FSTQueryEvent *q1, FSTQueryEvent *q2) { return [q1.query.canonicalID compare:q2.query.canonicalID]; }]; XCTAssertEqual(events.count, stepExpectations.count); NSUInteger i = 0; for (; i < stepExpectations.count && i < events.count; ++i) { [self validateEvent:events[i] matches:stepExpectations[i]]; } for (; i < stepExpectations.count; ++i) { XCTFail(@"Missing event: %@", stepExpectations[i]); } for (; i < events.count; ++i) { XCTFail(@"Unexpected event: %@", events[i]); } } - (void)validateStateExpectations:(nullable NSDictionary *)expected { if (expected) { if (expected[@"numOutstandingWrites"]) { XCTAssertEqual([self.driver sentWritesCount], [expected[@"numOutstandingWrites"] intValue]); } if (expected[@"writeStreamRequestCount"]) { XCTAssertEqual([self.driver writeStreamRequestCount], [expected[@"writeStreamRequestCount"] intValue]); } if (expected[@"watchStreamRequestCount"]) { XCTAssertEqual([self.driver watchStreamRequestCount], [expected[@"watchStreamRequestCount"] intValue]); } if (expected[@"limboDocs"]) { NSMutableSet *expectedLimboDocuments = [NSMutableSet set]; NSArray *docNames = expected[@"limboDocs"]; for (NSString *name in docNames) { [expectedLimboDocuments addObject:FSTTestDocKey(name)]; } // Update the expected limbo documents self.driver.expectedLimboDocuments = expectedLimboDocuments; } if (expected[@"activeTargets"]) { NSMutableDictionary *expectedActiveTargets = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; [expected[@"activeTargets"] enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *targetIDString, NSDictionary *queryData, BOOL *stop) { FSTTargetID targetID = [targetIDString intValue]; FSTQuery *query = [self parseQuery:queryData[@"query"]]; NSData *resumeToken = [queryData[@"resumeToken"] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; // TODO(mcg): populate the purpose of the target once it's possible to encode that in the // spec tests. For now, hard-code that it's a listen despite the fact that it's not always // the right value. expectedActiveTargets[@(targetID)] = [[FSTQueryData alloc] initWithQuery:query targetID:targetID listenSequenceNumber:0 purpose:FSTQueryPurposeListen snapshotVersion:[FSTSnapshotVersion noVersion] resumeToken:resumeToken]; }]; self.driver.expectedActiveTargets = expectedActiveTargets; } } // Always validate that the expected limbo docs match the actual limbo docs. [self validateLimboDocuments]; // Always validate that the expected active targets match the actual active targets. [self validateActiveTargets]; } - (void)validateLimboDocuments { // Make a copy so it can modified while checking against the expected limbo docs. NSMutableDictionary *actualLimboDocs = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:self.driver.currentLimboDocuments]; // Validate that each limbo doc has an expected active target [actualLimboDocs enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(FSTDocumentKey *key, FSTBoxedTargetID *targetID, BOOL *stop) { XCTAssertNotNil(self.driver.expectedActiveTargets[targetID], @"Found limbo doc without an expected active target"); }]; for (FSTDocumentKey *expectedLimboDoc in self.driver.expectedLimboDocuments) { XCTAssertNotNil(actualLimboDocs[expectedLimboDoc], @"Expected doc to be in limbo, but was not: %@", expectedLimboDoc); [actualLimboDocs removeObjectForKey:expectedLimboDoc]; } XCTAssertTrue(actualLimboDocs.count == 0, "Unexpected docs in limbo: %@", actualLimboDocs); } - (void)validateActiveTargets { // Create a copy so we can modify it in tests NSMutableDictionary *actualTargets = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:self.driver.activeTargets]; [self.driver.expectedActiveTargets enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(FSTBoxedTargetID *targetID, FSTQueryData *queryData, BOOL *stop) { XCTAssertNotNil(actualTargets[targetID], @"Expected active target not found: %@", queryData); // TODO(mcg): validate the purpose of the target once it's possible to encode that in the // spec tests. For now, only validate properties that can be validated. // XCTAssertEqualObjects(actualTargets[targetID], queryData); FSTQueryData *actual = actualTargets[targetID]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(actual.query, queryData.query); XCTAssertEqual(actual.targetID, queryData.targetID); XCTAssertEqualObjects(actual.snapshotVersion, queryData.snapshotVersion); XCTAssertEqualObjects(actual.resumeToken, queryData.resumeToken); [actualTargets removeObjectForKey:targetID]; }]; XCTAssertTrue(actualTargets.count == 0, "Unexpected active targets: %@", actualTargets); } - (void)runSpecTestSteps:(NSArray *)steps config:(NSDictionary *)config { @try { [self setUpForSpecWithConfig:config]; for (NSDictionary *step in steps) { FSTLog(@"Doing step %@", step); [self doStep:step]; [self validateStepExpectations:step[@"expect"]]; [self validateStateExpectations:step[@"stateExpect"]]; } [self.driver validateUsage]; } @finally { // Ensure that the driver is torn down even if the test is failing due to a thrown exception so // that any resources held by the driver are released. This is important when the driver is // backed by LevelDB because LevelDB locks its database. If -tearDownForSpec were not called // after an exception then subsequent attempts to open the LevelDB will fail, making it harder // to zero in on the spec tests as a culprit. [self tearDownForSpec]; } } #pragma mark - The actual test methods. - (void)testSpecTests { if ([self isTestBaseClass]) return; // Enumerate the .json files containing the spec tests. NSMutableArray *specFiles = [NSMutableArray array]; NSMutableArray *parsedSpecs = [NSMutableArray array]; NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]]; NSFileManager *fs = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; BOOL exclusiveMode = NO; for (NSString *file in [fs enumeratorAtPath:[bundle bundlePath]]) { if (![@"json" isEqual:[file pathExtension]]) { continue; } // Read and parse the JSON from the file. NSString *fileName = [file stringByDeletingPathExtension]; NSString *path = [bundle pathForResource:fileName ofType:@"json"]; NSData *json = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:path]; XCTAssertNotNil(json); NSError *error = nil; id _Nullable parsed = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:json options:0 error:&error]; XCTAssertNil(error, @"%@", error); XCTAssertTrue([parsed isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); NSDictionary *testDict = (NSDictionary *)parsed; exclusiveMode = exclusiveMode || [self anyTestsAreMarkedExclusive:testDict]; [specFiles addObject:fileName]; [parsedSpecs addObject:testDict]; } // Now iterate over them and run them. __block bool ranAtLeastOneTest = NO; for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < specFiles.count; i++) { NSLog(@"Spec test file: %@", specFiles[i]); // Iterate over the tests in the file and run them. [parsedSpecs[i] enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id key, id obj, BOOL *stop) { XCTAssertTrue([obj isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); NSDictionary *testDescription = (NSDictionary *)obj; NSString *describeName = testDescription[@"describeName"]; NSString *itName = testDescription[@"itName"]; NSString *name = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", describeName, itName]; NSDictionary *config = testDescription[@"config"]; NSArray *steps = testDescription[@"steps"]; NSArray *tags = testDescription[@"tags"]; BOOL runTest = !exclusiveMode || [tags indexOfObject:kExclusiveTag] != NSNotFound; if ([tags indexOfObject:kNoIOSTag] != NSNotFound) { runTest = NO; } if (runTest) { NSLog(@" Spec test: %@", name); [self runSpecTestSteps:steps config:config]; ranAtLeastOneTest = YES; } else { NSLog(@" [SKIPPED] Spec test: %@", name); } }]; } XCTAssertTrue(ranAtLeastOneTest); } - (BOOL)anyTestsAreMarkedExclusive:(NSDictionary *)tests { __block BOOL found = NO; [tests enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id key, id obj, BOOL *stop) { XCTAssertTrue([obj isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); NSDictionary *testDescription = (NSDictionary *)obj; NSArray *tags = testDescription[@"tags"]; if ([tags indexOfObject:kExclusiveTag] != NSNotFound) { found = YES; *stop = YES; } }]; return found; } @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END