/* * Copyright 2017 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #import "Firestore/Source/Model/FSTFieldValue.h" #import #import #import "Firestore/Source/API/FIRFirestore+Internal.h" #import "Firestore/Source/API/FSTUserDataConverter.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Core/FSTTimestamp.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Model/FSTFieldValue.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Model/FSTPath.h" #import "Firestore/Example/Tests/API/FSTAPIHelpers.h" #import "Firestore/Example/Tests/Util/FSTHelpers.h" #include "Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/model/database_id.h" #include "Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/util/string_apple.h" namespace util = firebase::firestore::util; using firebase::firestore::model::DatabaseId; /** Helper to wrap the values in a set of equality groups using FSTTestFieldValue(). */ NSArray *FSTWrapGroups(NSArray *groups) { NSMutableArray *wrapped = [NSMutableArray array]; for (NSArray *group in groups) { NSMutableArray *wrappedGroup = [NSMutableArray array]; for (id value in group) { FSTFieldValue *wrappedValue; // Server Timestamp values can't be parsed directly, so we have a couple predefined sentinel // strings that can be used instead. if ([value isEqual:@"server-timestamp-1"]) { wrappedValue = [FSTServerTimestampValue serverTimestampValueWithLocalWriteTime:FSTTestTimestamp(2016, 5, 20, 10, 20, 0) previousValue:nil]; } else if ([value isEqual:@"server-timestamp-2"]) { wrappedValue = [FSTServerTimestampValue serverTimestampValueWithLocalWriteTime:FSTTestTimestamp(2016, 10, 21, 15, 32, 0) previousValue:nil]; } else if ([value isKindOfClass:[FSTDocumentKeyReference class]]) { // We directly convert these here so that the databaseIDs can be different. FSTDocumentKeyReference *reference = (FSTDocumentKeyReference *)value; wrappedValue = [FSTReferenceValue referenceValue:reference.key databaseID:reference.databaseID]; } else { wrappedValue = FSTTestFieldValue(value); } [wrappedGroup addObject:wrappedValue]; } [wrapped addObject:wrappedGroup]; } return wrapped; } @interface FSTFieldValueTests : XCTestCase @end @implementation FSTFieldValueTests { NSDate *date1; NSDate *date2; } - (void)setUp { [super setUp]; // Create a couple date objects for use in tests. date1 = FSTTestDate(2016, 5, 20, 10, 20, 0); date2 = FSTTestDate(2016, 10, 21, 15, 32, 0); } - (void)testWrapIntegers { NSArray *values = @[ @(INT_MIN), @(-1), @0, @1, @2, @(UCHAR_MAX), @(INT_MAX), // Standard integers @(LONG_MIN), @(LONG_MAX), @(LLONG_MIN), @(LLONG_MAX) // Larger values ]; for (id value in values) { FSTFieldValue *wrapped = FSTTestFieldValue(value); XCTAssertEqualObjects([wrapped class], [FSTIntegerValue class]); XCTAssertEqualObjects([wrapped value], @([value longLongValue])); } } - (void)testWrapsDoubles { // Note that 0x1.0p-1074 is a hex floating point literal representing the minimum subnormal // number: . NSArray *values = @[ @(-INFINITY), @(-DBL_MAX), @(LLONG_MIN * -1.0), @(-1.1), @(-0x1.0p-1074), @(-0.0), @(0.0), @(0x1.0p-1074), @(DBL_MIN), @(1.1), @(LLONG_MAX * 1.0), @(DBL_MAX), @(INFINITY) ]; for (id value in values) { FSTFieldValue *wrapped = FSTTestFieldValue(value); XCTAssertEqualObjects([wrapped class], [FSTDoubleValue class]); XCTAssertEqualObjects([wrapped value], value); } } - (void)testWrapsNilAndNSNull { FSTNullValue *nullValue = [FSTNullValue nullValue]; XCTAssertEqual(FSTTestFieldValue(nil), nullValue); XCTAssertEqual(FSTTestFieldValue([NSNull null]), nullValue); XCTAssertEqual([nullValue value], [NSNull null]); } - (void)testWrapsBooleans { NSArray *values = @[ @YES, @NO, [NSNumber numberWithChar:1], [NSNumber numberWithChar:0] ]; for (id value in values) { FSTFieldValue *wrapped = FSTTestFieldValue(value); XCTAssertEqualObjects([wrapped class], [FSTBooleanValue class]); XCTAssertEqualObjects([wrapped value], value); } // Unsigned chars could conceivably be handled consistently with signed chars but on arm64 these // end up being stored as signed shorts. FSTFieldValue *wrapped = FSTTestFieldValue([NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar:1]); XCTAssertEqualObjects(wrapped, [FSTIntegerValue integerValue:1]); } union DoubleBits { double d; uint64_t bits; }; - (void)testNormalizesNaNs { // NOTE: With v1beta1 query semantics, it's no longer as important that our NaN representation // matches the backend, since all NaNs are defined to sort as equal, but we preserve the // normalization and this test regardless for now. // We use a canonical NaN bit pattern that's common for both Java and Objective-C. Specifically: // - sign: 0 // - exponent: 11 bits, all 1 // - significand: 52 bits, MSB=1, rest=0 // // This matches the Firestore backend which uses Java's Double.doubleToLongBits which is defined // to normalize all NaNs to this value. union DoubleBits canonical = {.bits = 0x7ff8000000000000ULL}; // IEEE 754 specifies that NaN isn't equal to itself. XCTAssertTrue(isnan(canonical.d)); XCTAssertEqual(canonical.bits, canonical.bits); XCTAssertNotEqual(canonical.d, canonical.d); // All permutations of the 51 other non-MSB significand bits are also NaNs. union DoubleBits alternate = {.bits = 0x7fff000000000000ULL}; XCTAssertTrue(isnan(alternate.d)); XCTAssertNotEqual(alternate.bits, canonical.bits); XCTAssertNotEqual(alternate.d, canonical.d); // Even though at the C-level assignment preserves non-canonical NaNs, NSNumber normalizes all // NaNs to single shared instance, kCFNumberNaN. That NaN has no public definition for its value // but it happens to match what we need. union DoubleBits normalized = {.d = [[NSNumber numberWithDouble:alternate.d] doubleValue]}; XCTAssertEqual(normalized.bits, canonical.bits); // Ensure we get the same normalization behavior (currently implemented explicitly by checking // for isnan() and then explicitly assigning NAN). union DoubleBits result; result.d = [[FSTDoubleValue doubleValue:canonical.d] internalValue]; XCTAssertEqual(result.bits, canonical.bits); result.d = [[FSTDoubleValue doubleValue:alternate.d] internalValue]; XCTAssertEqual(result.bits, canonical.bits); // A NaN that's canonical except it has the sign bit set (would be negative if signs mattered) union DoubleBits negative = {.bits = 0xfff8000000000000ULL}; result.d = [[FSTDoubleValue doubleValue:negative.d] internalValue]; XCTAssertTrue(isnan(negative.d)); XCTAssertEqual(result.bits, canonical.bits); // A signaling NaN with significand where MSB is 0, and some non-MSB bit is one. union DoubleBits signaling = {.bits = 0xfff4000000000000ULL}; XCTAssertTrue(isnan(signaling.d)); result.d = [[FSTDoubleValue doubleValue:signaling.d] internalValue]; XCTAssertEqual(result.bits, canonical.bits); } - (void)testZeros { // Floating point numbers have an explicit sign bit so it's possible to end up with negative // zero as a distinct value from positive zero. union DoubleBits zero = {.d = 0.0}; union DoubleBits negativeZero = {.d = -0.0}; // IEEE 754 requires these two zeros to compare equal. XCTAssertNotEqual(zero.bits, negativeZero.bits); XCTAssertEqual(zero.d, negativeZero.d); // NSNumber preserves the negative zero value but compares equal according to IEEE 754. union DoubleBits normalized = {.d = [[NSNumber numberWithDouble:negativeZero.d] doubleValue]}; XCTAssertEqual(normalized.bits, negativeZero.bits); XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSNumber numberWithDouble:0.0], [NSNumber numberWithDouble:-0.0]); // FSTDoubleValue preserves positive/negative zero union DoubleBits result; result.d = [[[FSTDoubleValue doubleValue:zero.d] value] doubleValue]; XCTAssertEqual(result.bits, zero.bits); result.d = [[[FSTDoubleValue doubleValue:negativeZero.d] value] doubleValue]; XCTAssertEqual(result.bits, negativeZero.bits); // ... but compares positive/negative zero as unequal, compatibly with Firestore. XCTAssertNotEqualObjects([FSTDoubleValue doubleValue:0.0], [FSTDoubleValue doubleValue:-0.0]); } - (void)testWrapStrings { NSArray *values = @[ @"", @"abc" ]; for (id value in values) { FSTFieldValue *wrapped = FSTTestFieldValue(value); XCTAssertEqualObjects([wrapped class], [FSTStringValue class]); XCTAssertEqualObjects([wrapped value], value); } } - (void)testWrapDates { NSArray *values = @[ FSTTestDate(1900, 12, 1, 1, 20, 30), FSTTestDate(2017, 4, 24, 13, 20, 30) ]; for (id value in values) { FSTFieldValue *wrapped = FSTTestFieldValue(value); XCTAssertEqualObjects([wrapped class], [FSTTimestampValue class]); XCTAssertEqualObjects([wrapped value], value); XCTAssertEqualObjects(((FSTTimestampValue *)wrapped).internalValue, [FSTTimestamp timestampWithDate:value]); } } - (void)testWrapGeoPoints { NSArray *values = @[ FSTTestGeoPoint(1.24, 4.56), FSTTestGeoPoint(-20, 100) ]; for (id value in values) { FSTFieldValue *wrapped = FSTTestFieldValue(value); XCTAssertEqualObjects([wrapped class], [FSTGeoPointValue class]); XCTAssertEqualObjects([wrapped value], value); } } - (void)testWrapBlobs { NSArray *values = @[ FSTTestData(1, 2, 3), FSTTestData(1, 2) ]; for (id value in values) { FSTFieldValue *wrapped = FSTTestFieldValue(value); XCTAssertEqualObjects([wrapped class], [FSTBlobValue class]); XCTAssertEqualObjects([wrapped value], value); } } - (void)testWrapResourceNames { NSArray *values = @[ FSTTestRef(@"project", util::WrapNSStringNoCopy(DatabaseId::kDefaultDatabaseId), @"foo/bar"), FSTTestRef(@"project", util::WrapNSStringNoCopy(DatabaseId::kDefaultDatabaseId), @"foo/baz") ]; for (FSTDocumentKeyReference *value in values) { FSTFieldValue *wrapped = FSTTestFieldValue(value); XCTAssertEqualObjects([wrapped class], [FSTReferenceValue class]); XCTAssertEqualObjects([wrapped value], value.key); XCTAssertTrue(*((FSTReferenceValue *)wrapped).databaseID == *(const DatabaseId *)(value.databaseID)); } } - (void)testWrapsEmptyObjects { XCTAssertEqualObjects(FSTTestFieldValue(@{}), [FSTObjectValue objectValue]); } - (void)testWrapsSimpleObjects { FSTObjectValue *actual = FSTTestObjectValue( @{ @"a" : @"foo", @"b" : @(1L), @"c" : @YES, @"d" : [NSNull null] }); FSTObjectValue *expected = [[FSTObjectValue alloc] initWithDictionary:@{ @"a" : [FSTStringValue stringValue:@"foo"], @"b" : [FSTIntegerValue integerValue:1LL], @"c" : [FSTBooleanValue trueValue], @"d" : [FSTNullValue nullValue] }]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(actual, expected); } - (void)testWrapsNestedObjects { FSTObjectValue *actual = FSTTestObjectValue(@{ @"a" : @{@"b" : @{@"c" : @"foo"}, @"d" : @YES} }); FSTObjectValue *expected = [[FSTObjectValue alloc] initWithDictionary:@{ @"a" : [[FSTObjectValue alloc] initWithDictionary:@{ @"b" : [[FSTObjectValue alloc] initWithDictionary:@{@"c" : [FSTStringValue stringValue:@"foo"]}], @"d" : [FSTBooleanValue booleanValue:YES] }] }]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(actual, expected); } - (void)testExtractsFields { FSTObjectValue *obj = FSTTestObjectValue(@{ @"foo" : @{@"a" : @YES, @"b" : @"string"} }); FSTAssertIsKindOfClass(obj, FSTObjectValue); FSTAssertIsKindOfClass([obj valueForPath:FSTTestFieldPath(@"foo")], FSTObjectValue); XCTAssertEqualObjects([obj valueForPath:FSTTestFieldPath(@"foo.a")], [FSTBooleanValue trueValue]); XCTAssertEqualObjects([obj valueForPath:FSTTestFieldPath(@"foo.b")], [FSTStringValue stringValue:@"string"]); XCTAssertNil([obj valueForPath:FSTTestFieldPath(@"foo.a.b")]); XCTAssertNil([obj valueForPath:FSTTestFieldPath(@"bar")]); XCTAssertNil([obj valueForPath:FSTTestFieldPath(@"bar.a")]); } - (void)testOverwritesExistingFields { FSTObjectValue *old = FSTTestObjectValue(@{@"a" : @"old"}); FSTObjectValue *mod = [old objectBySettingValue:FSTTestFieldValue(@"mod") forPath:FSTTestFieldPath(@"a")]; // Should return a new object, leaving the old one unmodified. XCTAssertNotEqual(old, mod); XCTAssertEqualObjects(old, FSTTestFieldValue(@{@"a" : @"old"})); XCTAssertEqualObjects(mod, FSTTestFieldValue(@{@"a" : @"mod"})); } - (void)testAddsNewFields { FSTObjectValue *empty = [FSTObjectValue objectValue]; FSTObjectValue *mod = [empty objectBySettingValue:FSTTestFieldValue(@"mod") forPath:FSTTestFieldPath(@"a")]; XCTAssertNotEqual(empty, mod); XCTAssertEqualObjects(empty, FSTTestFieldValue(@{})); XCTAssertEqualObjects(mod, FSTTestFieldValue(@{@"a" : @"mod"})); FSTObjectValue *old = mod; mod = [old objectBySettingValue:FSTTestFieldValue(@1) forPath:FSTTestFieldPath(@"b")]; XCTAssertNotEqual(old, mod); XCTAssertEqualObjects(old, FSTTestFieldValue(@{@"a" : @"mod"})); XCTAssertEqualObjects(mod, FSTTestFieldValue(@{ @"a" : @"mod", @"b" : @1 })); } - (void)testImplicitlyCreatesObjects { FSTObjectValue *old = FSTTestObjectValue(@{@"a" : @"old"}); FSTObjectValue *mod = [old objectBySettingValue:FSTTestFieldValue(@"mod") forPath:FSTTestFieldPath(@"b.c.d")]; XCTAssertNotEqual(old, mod); XCTAssertEqualObjects(old, FSTTestFieldValue(@{@"a" : @"old"})); XCTAssertEqualObjects(mod, FSTTestFieldValue( @{ @"a" : @"old", @"b" : @{@"c" : @{@"d" : @"mod"}} })); } - (void)testCanOverwritePrimitivesWithObjects { FSTObjectValue *old = FSTTestObjectValue(@{ @"a" : @{@"b" : @"old"} }); FSTObjectValue *mod = [old objectBySettingValue:FSTTestFieldValue(@{@"b" : @"mod"}) forPath:FSTTestFieldPath(@"a")]; XCTAssertNotEqual(old, mod); XCTAssertEqualObjects(old, FSTTestFieldValue(@{ @"a" : @{@"b" : @"old"} })); XCTAssertEqualObjects(mod, FSTTestFieldValue(@{ @"a" : @{@"b" : @"mod"} })); } - (void)testAddsToNestedObjects { FSTObjectValue *old = FSTTestObjectValue(@{ @"a" : @{@"b" : @"old"} }); FSTObjectValue *mod = [old objectBySettingValue:FSTTestFieldValue(@"mod") forPath:FSTTestFieldPath(@"a.c")]; XCTAssertNotEqual(old, mod); XCTAssertEqualObjects(old, FSTTestFieldValue(@{ @"a" : @{@"b" : @"old"} })); XCTAssertEqualObjects(mod, FSTTestFieldValue(@{ @"a" : @{@"b" : @"old", @"c" : @"mod"} })); } - (void)testDeletesKeys { FSTObjectValue *old = FSTTestObjectValue(@{ @"a" : @1, @"b" : @2 }); FSTObjectValue *mod = [old objectByDeletingPath:FSTTestFieldPath(@"a")]; XCTAssertNotEqual(old, mod); XCTAssertEqualObjects(old, FSTTestFieldValue(@{ @"a" : @1, @"b" : @2 })); XCTAssertEqualObjects(mod, FSTTestFieldValue(@{ @"b" : @2 })); FSTObjectValue *empty = [mod objectByDeletingPath:FSTTestFieldPath(@"b")]; XCTAssertNotEqual(mod, empty); XCTAssertEqualObjects(mod, FSTTestFieldValue(@{ @"b" : @2 })); XCTAssertEqualObjects(empty, FSTTestFieldValue(@{})); } - (void)testDeletesHandleMissingKeys { FSTObjectValue *old = FSTTestObjectValue(@{ @"a" : @{@"b" : @1, @"c" : @2} }); FSTObjectValue *mod = [old objectByDeletingPath:FSTTestFieldPath(@"b")]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(old, mod); XCTAssertEqualObjects(mod, FSTTestFieldValue(@{ @"a" : @{@"b" : @1, @"c" : @2} })); mod = [old objectByDeletingPath:FSTTestFieldPath(@"a.d")]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(old, mod); XCTAssertEqualObjects(mod, FSTTestFieldValue(@{ @"a" : @{@"b" : @1, @"c" : @2} })); mod = [old objectByDeletingPath:FSTTestFieldPath(@"a.b.c")]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(old, mod); XCTAssertEqualObjects(mod, FSTTestFieldValue(@{ @"a" : @{@"b" : @1, @"c" : @2} })); } - (void)testDeletesNestedKeys { FSTObjectValue *old = FSTTestObjectValue( @{ @"a" : @{@"b" : @1, @"c" : @{@"d" : @2, @"e" : @3}} }); FSTObjectValue *mod = [old objectByDeletingPath:FSTTestFieldPath(@"a.c.d")]; XCTAssertNotEqual(old, mod); XCTAssertEqualObjects(old, FSTTestFieldValue( @{ @"a" : @{@"b" : @1, @"c" : @{@"d" : @2, @"e" : @3}} })); XCTAssertEqualObjects(mod, FSTTestFieldValue(@{ @"a" : @{@"b" : @1, @"c" : @{@"e" : @3}} })); old = mod; mod = [old objectByDeletingPath:FSTTestFieldPath(@"a.c")]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(old, FSTTestFieldValue(@{ @"a" : @{@"b" : @1, @"c" : @{@"e" : @3}} })); XCTAssertEqualObjects(mod, FSTTestFieldValue(@{ @"a" : @{@"b" : @1} })); old = mod; mod = [old objectByDeletingPath:FSTTestFieldPath(@"a")]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(old, FSTTestFieldValue(@{ @"a" : @{@"b" : @1} })); XCTAssertEqualObjects(mod, FSTTestFieldValue(@{})); } - (void)testArrays { FSTArrayValue *expected = [[FSTArrayValue alloc] initWithValueNoCopy:@[ [FSTStringValue stringValue:@"value"], [FSTBooleanValue trueValue] ]]; FSTArrayValue *actual = (FSTArrayValue *)FSTTestFieldValue(@[ @"value", @YES ]); XCTAssertEqualObjects(actual, expected); } - (void)testValueEquality { DatabaseId database_id = DatabaseId("project", DatabaseId::kDefaultDatabaseId); NSArray *groups = @[ @[ FSTTestFieldValue(@YES), [FSTBooleanValue booleanValue:YES] ], @[ FSTTestFieldValue(@NO), [FSTBooleanValue booleanValue:NO] ], @[ FSTTestFieldValue([NSNull null]), [FSTNullValue nullValue] ], @[ FSTTestFieldValue(@(0.0 / 0.0)), FSTTestFieldValue(@(NAN)), [FSTDoubleValue nanValue] ], // -0.0 and 0.0 compare: the same (but are not isEqual:) @[ FSTTestFieldValue(@(-0.0)) ], @[ FSTTestFieldValue(@0.0) ], @[ FSTTestFieldValue(@1), FSTTestFieldValue(@1LL), [FSTIntegerValue integerValue:1LL] ], // double and unit64_t values can compare: the same (but won't be isEqual:) @[ FSTTestFieldValue(@1.0), [FSTDoubleValue doubleValue:1.0] ], @[ FSTTestFieldValue(@1.1), [FSTDoubleValue doubleValue:1.1] ], @[ FSTTestFieldValue(FSTTestData(0, 1, 2, -1)), [FSTBlobValue blobValue:FSTTestData(0, 1, 2, -1)] ], @[ FSTTestFieldValue(FSTTestData(0, 1, -1)) ], @[ FSTTestFieldValue(@"string"), [FSTStringValue stringValue:@"string"] ], @[ FSTTestFieldValue(@"strin") ], @[ FSTTestFieldValue(@"e\u0301b") ], // latin small letter e + combining acute accent @[ FSTTestFieldValue(@"\u00e9a") ], // latin small letter e with acute accent @[ FSTTestFieldValue(date1), [FSTTimestampValue timestampValue:[FSTTimestamp timestampWithDate:date1]] ], @[ FSTTestFieldValue(date2) ], @[ // NOTE: ServerTimestampValues can't be parsed via FSTTestFieldValue(). [FSTServerTimestampValue serverTimestampValueWithLocalWriteTime:[FSTTimestamp timestampWithDate:date1] previousValue:nil], [FSTServerTimestampValue serverTimestampValueWithLocalWriteTime:[FSTTimestamp timestampWithDate:date1] previousValue:nil] ], @[ [FSTServerTimestampValue serverTimestampValueWithLocalWriteTime:[FSTTimestamp timestampWithDate:date2] previousValue:nil] ], @[ FSTTestFieldValue(FSTTestGeoPoint(0, 1)), [FSTGeoPointValue geoPointValue:FSTTestGeoPoint(0, 1)] ], @[ FSTTestFieldValue(FSTTestGeoPoint(1, 0)) ], @[ [FSTReferenceValue referenceValue:FSTTestDocKey(@"coll/doc1") databaseID:&database_id], FSTTestFieldValue(FSTTestRef( @"project", util::WrapNSStringNoCopy(DatabaseId::kDefaultDatabaseId), @"coll/doc1")) ], @[ FSTTestRef(@"project", @"(default)", @"coll/doc2") ], @[ FSTTestFieldValue(@[ @"foo", @"bar" ]), FSTTestFieldValue(@[ @"foo", @"bar" ]) ], @[ FSTTestFieldValue(@[ @"foo", @"bar", @"baz" ]) ], @[ FSTTestFieldValue(@[ @"foo" ]) ], @[ FSTTestFieldValue( @{ @"bar" : @1, @"foo" : @2 }), FSTTestFieldValue( @{ @"foo" : @2, @"bar" : @1 }) ], @[ FSTTestFieldValue( @{ @"bar" : @2, @"foo" : @1 }) ], @[ FSTTestFieldValue( @{ @"bar" : @1, @"foo" : @1 }) ], @[ FSTTestFieldValue( @{ @"foo" : @1 }) ] ]; FSTAssertEqualityGroups(groups); } - (void)testValueOrdering { NSArray *groups = @[ // null first @[ [NSNull null] ], // booleans @[ @NO ], @[ @YES ], // numbers @[ @(0.0 / 0.0) ], @[ @(-INFINITY) ], @[ @(-DBL_MAX) ], @[ @(LLONG_MIN) ], @[ @(-1.1) ], @[ @(-1.0), @(-1LL) ], // longs and doubles compare the same @[ @(-DBL_MIN) ], @[ @(-0x1.0p-1074) ], // negative smallest subnormal @[ @(-0.0), @(0.0), @(0LL) ], // zeros all compare the same @[ @(0x1.0p-1074) ], // positive smallest subnormal @[ @(DBL_MIN) ], @[ @1.0, @1LL ], // longs and doubles compare the same @[ @1.1 ], @[ @(LLONG_MAX) ], @[ @(DBL_MAX) ], @[ @(INFINITY) ], // timestamps @[ date1 ], @[ date2 ], // server timestamps come after all concrete timestamps. // NOTE: server timestamps can't be parsed directly, so we have special sentinel strings (see // FSTWrapGroups()). @[ @"server-timestamp-1" ], @[ @"server-timestamp-2" ], // strings @[ @"" ], @[ @"\000\ud7ff\ue000\uffff" ], @[ @"(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻" ], @[ @"a" ], @[ @"abc def" ], @[ @"e\u0301b" ], // latin small letter e + combining acute accent + latin small letter b @[ @"æ" ], @[ @"\u00e9a" ], // latin small letter e with acute accent + latin small letter a // blobs @[ FSTTestData(-1) ], @[ FSTTestData(0, -1) ], @[ FSTTestData(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -1) ], @[ FSTTestData(0, 1, 2, 4, 3, -1) ], @[ FSTTestData(255, -1) ], // resource names @[ FSTTestRef(@"p1", @"d1", @"c1/doc1") ], @[ FSTTestRef(@"p1", @"d1", @"c1/doc2") ], @[ FSTTestRef(@"p1", @"d1", @"c10/doc1") ], @[ FSTTestRef(@"p1", @"d1", @"c2/doc1") ], @[ FSTTestRef(@"p1", @"d2", @"c1/doc1") ], @[ FSTTestRef(@"p2", @"d1", @"c1/doc1") ], // Geo points @[ FSTTestGeoPoint(-90, -180) ], @[ FSTTestGeoPoint(-90, 0) ], @[ FSTTestGeoPoint(-90, 180) ], @[ FSTTestGeoPoint(0, -180) ], @[ FSTTestGeoPoint(0, 0) ], @[ FSTTestGeoPoint(0, 180) ], @[ FSTTestGeoPoint(1, -180) ], @[ FSTTestGeoPoint(1, 0) ], @[ FSTTestGeoPoint(1, 180) ], @[ FSTTestGeoPoint(90, -180) ], @[ FSTTestGeoPoint(90, 0) ], @[ FSTTestGeoPoint(90, 180) ], // Arrays @[ @[] ], @[ @[ @"bar" ] ], @[ @[ @"foo" ] ], @[ @[ @"foo", @1 ] ], @[ @[ @"foo", @2 ] ], @[ @[ @"foo", @"0" ] ], // Objects @[ @{ @"bar" : @0 } ], @[ @{ @"bar" : @0, @"foo" : @1 } ], @[ @{ @"foo" : @1 } ], @[ @{ @"foo" : @2 } ], @[ @{@"foo" : @"0"} ] ]; NSArray *wrapped = FSTWrapGroups(groups); FSTAssertComparisons(wrapped); } - (void)testValue { NSDate *date = [NSDate date]; id input = @{ @"array" : @[ @1, date ], @"obj" : @{@"date" : date, @"string" : @"hi"} }; FSTObjectValue *value = FSTTestObjectValue(input); id output = [value value]; { XCTAssertTrue([output[@"array"][1] isKindOfClass:[NSDate class]]); NSDate *actual = output[@"array"][1]; XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(date.timeIntervalSince1970, actual.timeIntervalSince1970, 0.000000001); } { XCTAssertTrue([output[@"obj"][@"date"] isKindOfClass:[NSDate class]]); NSDate *actual = output[@"obj"][@"date"]; XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(date.timeIntervalSince1970, actual.timeIntervalSince1970, 0.000000001); } } @end