/* * Copyright 2017 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ @import Firestore; #import #import "FSTEventAccumulator.h" #import "FSTIntegrationTestCase.h" @interface FSTSmokeTests : FSTIntegrationTestCase @end @implementation FSTSmokeTests - (void)testCanWriteASingleDocument { FIRDocumentReference *ref = [self documentRef]; [self writeDocumentRef:ref data:[self chatMessage]]; } - (void)testCanReadAWrittenDocument { NSDictionary *data = [self chatMessage]; FIRDocumentReference *ref = [self documentRef]; [self writeDocumentRef:ref data:data]; FIRDocumentSnapshot *doc = [self readDocumentForRef:ref]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(doc.data, data); } - (void)testObservesExistingDocument { [self readerAndWriterOnDocumentRef:^(NSString *path, FIRDocumentReference *readerRef, FIRDocumentReference *writerRef) { NSDictionary *data = [self chatMessage]; [self writeDocumentRef:writerRef data:data]; id listenerRegistration = [readerRef addSnapshotListener:self.eventAccumulator.handler]; FIRDocumentSnapshot *doc = [self.eventAccumulator awaitEventWithName:@"snapshot"]; XCTAssertEqual([doc class], [FIRDocumentSnapshot class]); XCTAssertEqualObjects(doc.data, data); [listenerRegistration remove]; }]; } - (void)testObservesNewDocument { [self readerAndWriterOnDocumentRef:^(NSString *path, FIRDocumentReference *readerRef, FIRDocumentReference *writerRef) { id listenerRegistration = [readerRef addSnapshotListener:self.eventAccumulator.handler]; FIRDocumentSnapshot *doc1 = [self.eventAccumulator awaitEventWithName:@"null snapshot"]; XCTAssertFalse(doc1.exists); // TODO(b/36366944): add tests for doc1.path) NSDictionary *data = [self chatMessage]; [self writeDocumentRef:writerRef data:data]; FIRDocumentSnapshot *doc2 = [self.eventAccumulator awaitEventWithName:@"full snapshot"]; XCTAssertEqual([doc2 class], [FIRDocumentSnapshot class]); XCTAssertEqualObjects(doc2.data, data); [listenerRegistration remove]; }]; } - (void)testWillFireValueEventsForEmptyCollections { FIRCollectionReference *collection = [self.db collectionWithPath:@"empty-collection"]; id listenerRegistration = [collection addSnapshotListener:self.eventAccumulator.handler]; FIRQuerySnapshot *snap = [self.eventAccumulator awaitEventWithName:@"empty query snapshot"]; XCTAssertEqual([snap class], [FIRQuerySnapshot class]); XCTAssertEqual(snap.count, 0); [listenerRegistration remove]; } - (void)testGetCollectionQuery { NSDictionary *testDocs = @{ @"1" : @{@"name" : @"Patryk", @"message" : @"Real data, yo!"}, @"2" : @{@"name" : @"Gil", @"message" : @"Yep!"}, @"3" : @{@"name" : @"Jonny", @"message" : @"Back to work!"}, }; FIRCollectionReference *docs = [self collectionRefWithDocuments:testDocs]; FIRQuerySnapshot *result = [self readDocumentSetForRef:docs]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(FIRQuerySnapshotGetData(result), (@[ testDocs[@"1"], testDocs[@"2"], testDocs[@"3"] ])); } // TODO(klimt): This test is disabled because we can't create compound indexes programmatically. - (void)xtestQueryByFieldAndUseOrderBy { NSDictionary *testDocs = @{ @"1" : @{@"sort" : @1, @"filter" : @YES, @"key" : @"1"}, @"2" : @{@"sort" : @2, @"filter" : @YES, @"key" : @"2"}, @"3" : @{@"sort" : @2, @"filter" : @YES, @"key" : @"3"}, @"4" : @{@"sort" : @3, @"filter" : @NO, @"key" : @"4"} }; FIRCollectionReference *coll = [self collectionRefWithDocuments:testDocs]; FIRQuery *query = [[coll queryWhereField:@"filter" isEqualTo:@YES] queryOrderedByField:@"sort" descending:YES]; FIRQuerySnapshot *result = [self readDocumentSetForRef:query]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(FIRQuerySnapshotGetData(result), (@[ testDocs[@"2"], testDocs[@"3"], testDocs[@"1"] ])); } - (NSDictionary *)chatMessage { return @{@"name" : @"Patryk", @"message" : @"We are actually writing data!"}; } @end