/* * Copyright 2017 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ @import FirebaseFirestore; #import #import "Firestore/Example/Tests/Util/FSTEventAccumulator.h" #import "Firestore/Example/Tests/Util/FSTIntegrationTestCase.h" #import "Firestore/Source/API/FIRFirestore+Internal.h" #import "Firestore/Source/Core/FSTFirestoreClient.h" @interface FIRQueryTests : FSTIntegrationTestCase @end @implementation FIRQueryTests - (void)testLimitQueries { FIRCollectionReference *collRef = [self collectionRefWithDocuments:@{ @"a" : @{@"k" : @"a"}, @"b" : @{@"k" : @"b"}, @"c" : @{@"k" : @"c"} }]; FIRQuerySnapshot *snapshot = [self readDocumentSetForRef:[collRef queryLimitedTo:2]]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(FIRQuerySnapshotGetData(snapshot), (@[ @{@"k" : @"a"}, @{@"k" : @"b"} ])); } - (void)testLimitQueriesWithDescendingSortOrder { FIRCollectionReference *collRef = [self collectionRefWithDocuments:@{ @"a" : @{@"k" : @"a", @"sort" : @0}, @"b" : @{@"k" : @"b", @"sort" : @1}, @"c" : @{@"k" : @"c", @"sort" : @1}, @"d" : @{@"k" : @"d", @"sort" : @2}, }]; FIRQuerySnapshot *snapshot = [self readDocumentSetForRef:[[collRef queryOrderedByField:@"sort" descending:YES] queryLimitedTo:2]]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(FIRQuerySnapshotGetData(snapshot), (@[ @{ @"k" : @"d", @"sort" : @2 }, @{ @"k" : @"c", @"sort" : @1 } ])); } - (void)testKeyOrderIsDescendingForDescendingInequality { FIRCollectionReference *collRef = [self collectionRefWithDocuments:@{ @"a" : @{@"foo" : @42}, @"b" : @{@"foo" : @42.0}, @"c" : @{@"foo" : @42}, @"d" : @{@"foo" : @21}, @"e" : @{@"foo" : @21.0}, @"f" : @{@"foo" : @66}, @"g" : @{@"foo" : @66.0}, }]; FIRQuerySnapshot *snapshot = [self readDocumentSetForRef:[[collRef queryWhereField:@"foo" isGreaterThan:@21] queryOrderedByField:@"foo" descending:YES]]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(FIRQuerySnapshotGetIDs(snapshot), (@[ @"g", @"f", @"c", @"b", @"a" ])); } - (void)testUnaryFilterQueries { FIRCollectionReference *collRef = [self collectionRefWithDocuments:@{ @"a" : @{@"null" : [NSNull null], @"nan" : @(NAN)}, @"b" : @{@"null" : [NSNull null], @"nan" : @0}, @"c" : @{@"null" : @NO, @"nan" : @(NAN)} }]; FIRQuerySnapshot *results = [self readDocumentSetForRef:[[collRef queryWhereField:@"null" isEqualTo:[NSNull null]] queryWhereField:@"nan" isEqualTo:@(NAN)]]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(FIRQuerySnapshotGetData(results), (@[ @{ @"null" : [NSNull null], @"nan" : @(NAN) } ])); } - (void)testQueryWithFieldPaths { FIRCollectionReference *collRef = [self collectionRefWithDocuments:@{ @"a" : @{@"a" : @1}, @"b" : @{@"a" : @2}, @"c" : @{@"a" : @3} }]; FIRQuery *query = [collRef queryWhereFieldPath:[[FIRFieldPath alloc] initWithFields:@[ @"a" ]] isLessThan:@3]; query = [query queryOrderedByFieldPath:[[FIRFieldPath alloc] initWithFields:@[ @"a" ]] descending:YES]; FIRQuerySnapshot *snapshot = [self readDocumentSetForRef:query]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(FIRQuerySnapshotGetIDs(snapshot), (@[ @"b", @"a" ])); } - (void)testQueryWithPredicate { FIRCollectionReference *collRef = [self collectionRefWithDocuments:@{ @"a" : @{@"a" : @1}, @"b" : @{@"a" : @2}, @"c" : @{@"a" : @3} }]; NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a < 3"]; FIRQuery *query = [collRef queryFilteredUsingPredicate:predicate]; query = [query queryOrderedByFieldPath:[[FIRFieldPath alloc] initWithFields:@[ @"a" ]] descending:YES]; FIRQuerySnapshot *snapshot = [self readDocumentSetForRef:query]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(FIRQuerySnapshotGetIDs(snapshot), (@[ @"b", @"a" ])); } - (void)testFilterOnInfinity { FIRCollectionReference *collRef = [self collectionRefWithDocuments:@{ @"a" : @{@"inf" : @(INFINITY)}, @"b" : @{@"inf" : @(-INFINITY)} }]; FIRQuerySnapshot *results = [self readDocumentSetForRef:[collRef queryWhereField:@"inf" isEqualTo:@(INFINITY)]]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(FIRQuerySnapshotGetData(results), (@[ @{ @"inf" : @(INFINITY) } ])); } - (void)testCanExplicitlySortByDocumentID { NSDictionary *testDocs = @{ @"a" : @{@"key" : @"a"}, @"b" : @{@"key" : @"b"}, @"c" : @{@"key" : @"c"}, }; FIRCollectionReference *collection = [self collectionRefWithDocuments:testDocs]; // Ideally this would be descending to validate it's different than // the default, but that requires an extra index FIRQuerySnapshot *docs = [self readDocumentSetForRef:[collection queryOrderedByFieldPath:[FIRFieldPath documentID]]]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(FIRQuerySnapshotGetData(docs), (@[ testDocs[@"a"], testDocs[@"b"], testDocs[@"c"] ])); } - (void)testCanQueryByDocumentID { NSDictionary *testDocs = @{ @"aa" : @{@"key" : @"aa"}, @"ab" : @{@"key" : @"ab"}, @"ba" : @{@"key" : @"ba"}, @"bb" : @{@"key" : @"bb"}, }; FIRCollectionReference *collection = [self collectionRefWithDocuments:testDocs]; FIRQuerySnapshot *docs = [self readDocumentSetForRef:[collection queryWhereFieldPath:[FIRFieldPath documentID] isEqualTo:@"ab"]]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(FIRQuerySnapshotGetData(docs), (@[ testDocs[@"ab"] ])); } - (void)testCanQueryByDocumentIDs { NSDictionary *testDocs = @{ @"aa" : @{@"key" : @"aa"}, @"ab" : @{@"key" : @"ab"}, @"ba" : @{@"key" : @"ba"}, @"bb" : @{@"key" : @"bb"}, }; FIRCollectionReference *collection = [self collectionRefWithDocuments:testDocs]; FIRQuerySnapshot *docs = [self readDocumentSetForRef:[collection queryWhereFieldPath:[FIRFieldPath documentID] isEqualTo:@"ab"]]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(FIRQuerySnapshotGetData(docs), (@[ testDocs[@"ab"] ])); docs = [self readDocumentSetForRef:[[collection queryWhereFieldPath:[FIRFieldPath documentID] isGreaterThan:@"aa"] queryWhereFieldPath:[FIRFieldPath documentID] isLessThanOrEqualTo:@"ba"]]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(FIRQuerySnapshotGetData(docs), (@[ testDocs[@"ab"], testDocs[@"ba"] ])); } - (void)testCanQueryByDocumentIDsUsingRefs { NSDictionary *testDocs = @{ @"aa" : @{@"key" : @"aa"}, @"ab" : @{@"key" : @"ab"}, @"ba" : @{@"key" : @"ba"}, @"bb" : @{@"key" : @"bb"}, }; FIRCollectionReference *collection = [self collectionRefWithDocuments:testDocs]; FIRQuerySnapshot *docs = [self readDocumentSetForRef:[collection queryWhereFieldPath:[FIRFieldPath documentID] isEqualTo:[collection documentWithPath:@"ab"]]]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(FIRQuerySnapshotGetData(docs), (@[ testDocs[@"ab"] ])); docs = [self readDocumentSetForRef:[[collection queryWhereFieldPath:[FIRFieldPath documentID] isGreaterThan:[collection documentWithPath:@"aa"]] queryWhereFieldPath:[FIRFieldPath documentID] isLessThanOrEqualTo:[collection documentWithPath:@"ba"]]]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(FIRQuerySnapshotGetData(docs), (@[ testDocs[@"ab"], testDocs[@"ba"] ])); } - (void)testWatchSurvivesNetworkDisconnect { XCTestExpectation *testExpectiation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"testWatchSurvivesNetworkDisconnect"]; FIRCollectionReference *collectionRef = [self collectionRef]; FIRDocumentReference *docRef = [collectionRef documentWithAutoID]; FIRFirestore *firestore = collectionRef.firestore; FIRQueryListenOptions *options = [[[FIRQueryListenOptions options] includeDocumentMetadataChanges:YES] includeQueryMetadataChanges:YES]; [collectionRef addSnapshotListenerWithOptions:options listener:^(FIRQuerySnapshot *snapshot, NSError *error) { XCTAssertNil(error); if (!snapshot.empty && !snapshot.metadata.fromCache) { [testExpectiation fulfill]; } }]; [firestore disableNetworkWithCompletion:^(NSError *error) { XCTAssertNil(error); [docRef setData:@{@"foo" : @"bar"}]; [firestore enableNetworkWithCompletion:^(NSError *error) { XCTAssertNil(error); }]; }]; [self awaitExpectations]; } - (void)testQueriesFireFromCacheWhenOffline { NSDictionary *testDocs = @{ @"a" : @{@"foo" : @1}, }; FIRCollectionReference *collection = [self collectionRefWithDocuments:testDocs]; FIRQueryListenOptions *options = [[[FIRQueryListenOptions options] includeDocumentMetadataChanges:YES] includeQueryMetadataChanges:YES]; id registration = [collection addSnapshotListenerWithOptions:options listener:self.eventAccumulator.valueEventHandler]; FIRQuerySnapshot *querySnap = [self.eventAccumulator awaitEventWithName:@"initial event"]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(FIRQuerySnapshotGetData(querySnap), @[ @{ @"foo" : @1 } ]); XCTAssertEqual(querySnap.metadata.isFromCache, NO); [self disableNetwork]; querySnap = [self.eventAccumulator awaitEventWithName:@"offline event with isFromCache=YES"]; XCTAssertEqual(querySnap.metadata.isFromCache, YES); // TODO(b/70631617): There's currently a backend bug that prevents us from using a resume token // right away (against hexa at least). So we sleep. :-( :-( Anything over ~10ms seems to be // sufficient. [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.2f]; [self enableNetwork]; querySnap = [self.eventAccumulator awaitEventWithName:@"back online event with isFromCache=NO"]; XCTAssertEqual(querySnap.metadata.isFromCache, NO); [registration remove]; } - (void)testCanHaveMultipleMutationsWhileOffline { FIRCollectionReference *col = [self collectionRef]; // set a few docs to known values NSDictionary *initialDocs = @{ @"doc1" : @{@"key1" : @"value1"}, @"doc2" : @{@"key2" : @"value2"} }; [self writeAllDocuments:initialDocs toCollection:col]; // go offline for the rest of this test [self disableNetwork]; // apply *multiple* mutations while offline [[col documentWithPath:@"doc1"] setData:@{@"key1b" : @"value1b"}]; [[col documentWithPath:@"doc2"] setData:@{@"key2b" : @"value2b"}]; FIRQuerySnapshot *result = [self readDocumentSetForRef:col]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(FIRQuerySnapshotGetData(result), (@[ @{@"key1b" : @"value1b"}, @{@"key2b" : @"value2b"}, ])); } @end