/* * Copyright 2017 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import Foundation import Firestore func main() { let db = initializeDb(); let (collectionRef, documentRef) = makeRefs(database: db); let query = makeQuery(collection: collectionRef); writeDocument(at: documentRef); addDocument(to: collectionRef); readDocument(at: documentRef); readDocuments(matching: query); listenToDocument(at: documentRef); listenToDocuments(matching: query); types(); } func initializeDb() -> Firestore { // Initialize with ProjectID. let firestore = Firestore.firestore() // Apply settings let settings = FirestoreSettings() settings.host = "localhost" settings.isPersistenceEnabled = true firestore.settings = settings return firestore; } func makeRefs(database db: Firestore) -> (CollectionReference, DocumentReference) { var collectionRef = db.collection("my-collection") var documentRef: DocumentReference; documentRef = collectionRef.document("my-doc") // or documentRef = db.document("my-collection/my-doc") // deeper collection (my-collection/my-doc/some/deep/collection) collectionRef = documentRef.collection("some/deep/collection") // parent doc (my-collection/my-doc/some/deep) documentRef = collectionRef.parent! // print paths. print("Collection: \(collectionRef.path), document: \(documentRef.path)") return (collectionRef, documentRef); } func makeQuery(collection collectionRef: CollectionReference) -> Query { let query = collectionRef.whereField(FieldPath(["name"]), isEqualTo: "Fred") .whereField("age", isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: 24) .whereField(FieldPath.documentID(), isEqualTo: "fred") .order(by: FieldPath(["age"])) .order(by: "name", descending: true) .limit(to: 10) return query; } func writeDocument(at docRef: DocumentReference) { let setData = [ "foo": 42, "bar": [ "baz": "Hello world!" ] ] as [String : Any]; let updateData = [ "bar.baz": 42, FieldPath(["foobar"]) : 42 ] as [AnyHashable : Any]; docRef.setData(setData) // Completion callback (via trailing closure syntax). docRef.setData(setData) { error in if let error = error { print("Uh oh! \(error)") return } print("Set complete!") } // SetOptions docRef.setData(setData, options:SetOptions.merge()) docRef.updateData(updateData) docRef.delete(); docRef.delete() { error in if let error = error { print("Uh oh! \(error)") return } print("Set complete!") } } func addDocument(to collectionRef: CollectionReference) { collectionRef.addDocument(data: ["foo": 42]); //or collectionRef.document().setData(["foo": 42]); } func readDocument(at docRef: DocumentReference) { // Trailing closure syntax. docRef.getDocument() { document, error in if let document = document { // NOTE that document is nullable. let data = document.data(); print("Read document: \(data)") // Fields are read via subscript notation. if let foo = document["foo"] { print("Field: \(foo)") } } else { // TODO(mikelehen): There may be a better way to do this, but it at least demonstrates // the swift error domain / enum codes are renamed appropriately. if let errorCode = error.flatMap({ ($0._domain == FirestoreErrorDomain) ? FirestoreErrorCode (rawValue: $0._code) : nil }) { switch errorCode { case .unavailable: print("Can't read document due to being offline!") case _: print("Failed to read.") } } else { print("Unknown error!") } } } } func readDocuments(matching query: Query) { query.getDocuments() { querySnapshot, error in // TODO(mikelehen): Figure out how to make "for..in" syntax work // directly on documentSet. for document in querySnapshot!.documents { print(document.data()) } } } func listenToDocument(at docRef: DocumentReference) { let listener = docRef.addSnapshotListener() { document, error in if let error = error { print("Uh oh! Listen canceled: \(error)") return } if let document = document { print("Current document: \(document.data())"); if (document.metadata.isFromCache) { print("From Cache") } else { print("From Server") } } } // Unsubscribe. listener.remove(); } func listenToDocuments(matching query: Query) { let listener = query.addSnapshotListener() { snap, error in if let error = error { print("Uh oh! Listen canceled: \(error)") return } if let snap = snap { print("NEW SNAPSHOT (empty=\(snap.isEmpty) count=\(snap.count)") // TODO(mikelehen): Figure out how to make "for..in" syntax work // directly on documentSet. for document in snap.documents { print("Doc: ", document.data()) } } } // Unsubscribe listener.remove(); } func listenToQueryDiffs(onQuery query: Query) { let listener = query.addSnapshotListener() { snap, error in if let snap = snap { for change in snap.documentChanges { switch (change.type) { case .added: print("New document: \(change.document.data())") case .modified: print("Modified document: \(change.document.data())") case .removed: print("Removed document: \(change.document.data())") } } } } // Unsubscribe listener.remove(); } func transactions() { let db = Firestore.firestore() let collectionRef = db.collection("cities") let accA = collectionRef.document("accountA") let accB = collectionRef.document("accountB") let amount = 20.0 db.runTransaction({ (transaction, errorPointer) -> Any? in do { let balanceA = try transaction.getDocument(accA)["balance"] as! Double let balanceB = try transaction.getDocument(accB)["balance"] as! Double if (balanceA < amount) { errorPointer?.pointee = NSError(domain: "Foo", code: 123, userInfo: nil) return nil } transaction.updateData(["balance": balanceA - amount], forDocument:accA) transaction.updateData(["balance": balanceB + amount], forDocument:accB) } catch let error as NSError { print("Uh oh! \(error)") } return 0 }) { (result, error) in // handle result. } } func types() { // Just highlighting the types of everything, though devs can/will often omit them. let _: Firestore; let _: CollectionReference; let _: DocumentReference; let _: Query; let _: DocumentSnapshot; let _: QuerySnapshot; }