# Copyright 2017 Google # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.11) project(firestore C CXX) set(FIREBASE_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/..) # CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX should be passed in to this build so that it can find # outputs of the superbuild. This is handled automatically if run via the # superbuild (i.e. by invoking cmake on the directory above this). # # If you want to use this project directly in e.g. CLion, make sure you # configure this. # # The superbuild passes CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX with a value of # ${FIREBASE_INSTALL_DIR} which is ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/opt. set(FIREBASE_INSTALL_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}) # Expect that the source and binary directory structures will parallel each # other. set(FIREBASE_BINARY_DIR ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/..) list(INSERT CMAKE_MODULE_PATH 0 ${FIREBASE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake) include(SanitizerOptions) include(cc_rules) include(podspec_rules) # Googletest add_subdirectory( ${FIREBASE_BINARY_DIR}/src/googletest ${FIREBASE_BINARY_DIR}/src/googletest-build EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ) add_alias(GTest::GTest gtest) add_alias(GTest::Main gtest_main) add_alias(GMock::GMock gmock) # Abseil-cpp add_subdirectory( third_party/abseil-cpp ) # gRPC find_package(ZLIB) if(ZLIB_FOUND) set(gRPC_ZLIB_PROVIDER package CACHE STRING "Use external ZLIB") endif() set(gRPC_BUILD_TESTS OFF CACHE BOOL "Disable gRPC tests") add_subdirectory( ${FIREBASE_BINARY_DIR}/src/grpc ${FIREBASE_BINARY_DIR}/src/grpc-build EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ) # Fix up targets included by gRPC's build add_alias(OpenSSL::Crypto crypto) target_include_directories( crypto INTERFACE $ ) add_alias(OpenSSL::SSL ssl) target_include_directories( ssl INTERFACE $ ) add_alias(protobuf::libprotobuf libprotobuf) target_compile_options( libprotobuf PUBLIC -Wno-unused-parameter ) if(NOT ZLIB_FOUND) target_include_directories( zlibstatic INTERFACE $ ) endif() # LevelDB set(LEVELDB_BUILD_TESTS OFF CACHE BOOL "Firestore disabled") set(LEVELDB_BUILD_BENCHMARKS OFF CACHE BOOL "Firestore disabled") set(LEVELDB_INSTALL OFF CACHE BOOL "Firestore disabled") add_subdirectory( ${FIREBASE_BINARY_DIR}/src/leveldb ${FIREBASE_BINARY_DIR}/src/leveldb-build EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ) add_alias(LevelDB::LevelDB leveldb) # nanopb set(nanopb_BUILD_GENERATOR ON CACHE BOOL "Enable the nanopb generator") set(nanopb_PROTOC_PATH ${NANOPB_PROTOC_BIN} CACHE STRING "Protoc location") add_subdirectory( ${FIREBASE_BINARY_DIR}/src/nanopb ${FIREBASE_BINARY_DIR}/src/nanopb-build EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ) target_compile_definitions( protobuf-nanopb PUBLIC -DPB_FIELD_16BIT ) target_include_directories( protobuf-nanopb INTERFACE $ ) enable_testing() include(CompilerSetup) # Firebase packages podspec_framework( ${FIREBASE_SOURCE_DIR}/GoogleUtilities.podspec SPECS Logger ) podspec_framework( ${FIREBASE_SOURCE_DIR}/FirebaseCore.podspec ) podspec_framework( ${FIREBASE_SOURCE_DIR}/FirebaseAuthInterop.podspec ) if(APPLE) # FirebaseAuthInterop has no source files but CMake can't build frameworks # that don't have sources. Generate an inconsequential source file so that # the library can be linked. file( WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/FirebaseAuthInteropDummy.c "// generated file for header-only CMake support. __attribute__((unused)) static void FirebaseAuthInteropFakeSymbol() {} " ) target_sources( FirebaseAuthInterop PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/FirebaseAuthInteropDummy.c ) endif() # Superbuild installed results include_directories(${FIREBASE_INSTALL_DIR}/include) # Generated sources will be relative to the binary directory. include_directories(${FIREBASE_BINARY_DIR}) # Fully qualified imports, project wide include_directories(${FIREBASE_SOURCE_DIR}) add_subdirectory(core) add_subdirectory(Protos)