# Unreleased # v0.10.1 - [fixed] Fixed a regression in Firebase iOS release 4.8.1 that could in certain cases result in an "OnlineState should not affect limbo documents." assertion crash when the client loses its network connection. - [fixed] It's now possible to pass a nil completion block to WriteBatch.commit (#745). # v0.10.0 - [changed] Removed the includeMetadataChanges property in FIRDocumentListenOptions to avoid confusion with the factory method of the same name. - [changed] Added a commit method that takes no completion handler to FIRWriteBatch. - [feature] Queries can now be created from an NSPredicate. - [feature] Added SnapshotOptions API to control how DocumentSnapshots return unresolved server timestamps. - [feature] Added `disableNetwork()` and `enableNetwork()` methods to `Firestore` class, allowing for explicit network management. - [changed] For non-existing documents, DocumentSnapshot.data() now returns `nil` instead of throwing an exception. A non-nullable QueryDocumentSnapshot is introduced for Queries to reduce the number of nil-checks in your code. - [changed] Snapshot listeners (with the `includeMetadataChanges` option enabled) now receive an event with `snapshot.metadata.isFromCache` set to `true` if the SDK loses its connection to the backend. A new event with `snapshot.metadata.isFromCache` set to false will be raised once the connection is restored and the query is in sync with the backend again. - [fixed] Multiple offline mutations now properly reflected in retrieved documents. Previously, only the last mutation would be visible. (#643) - [fixed] Fixed a crash in `closeWithFinaleState:` that could be triggered by signing out when the app didn't have a network connection. # v0.9.4 - [changed] Firestore no longer has a direct dependency on FirebaseAuth. - [fixed] Fixed a crash when using path names with international characters with persistence enabled. - [fixed] Addressed race condition during the teardown of idle streams (#490). # v0.9.3 - [changed] Improved performance loading documents matching a query. - [changed] Cleanly shut down idle write streams. # v0.9.2 - [changed] Firestore now retries requests more often before considering a client offline. - [changed] You can now use FieldValue.delete() with SetOptions.merge(). # v0.9.1 - [fixed] Fixed validation of nested arrays to allow indirect nesting. # v0.9.0 - [fixed] Add an NS_SWIFT_NAME for FIRSnapshotMetadata and FIRListenerRegistration. - [fixed] Fixed retain cycle in DocumentReference.getDocument(completion:). # v0.8.0 - Initial public release.