# Unreleased # v0.10.4 - [changed] If the SDK's attempt to connect to the Cloud Firestore backend neither succeeds nor fails within 10 seconds, the SDK will consider itself "offline", causing getDocument() calls to resolve with cached results, rather than continuing to wait. - [fixed] Fixed a race condition after calling `enableNetwork()` that could result in a "Mutation batchIDs must be acknowledged in order" assertion crash. - [fixed] Fixed undefined symbols in the absl namespace (#898). # v0.10.3 - [fixed] Fixed a regression in the 4.10.0 Firebase iOS SDK release that prevented the SDK from communicating with the backend before successfully authenticating via Firebase Authentication or after unauthenticating and re-authenticating. Reads and writes would silently be executed locally but not sent to the backend. # v0.10.2 - [changed] When you delete a FirebaseApp, the associated Firestore instances are now also deleted (#683). - [fixed] Fixed race conditions in streams that could be exposed by rapidly toggling the network from enabled to disabled and back (#772) or encountering a failure from the server (#835). - [fixed] Addressed warnings shown by the latest versions of Xcode and CocoaPods. # v0.10.1 - [fixed] Fixed a regression in Firebase iOS release 4.8.1 that could in certain cases result in an "OnlineState should not affect limbo documents." assertion crash when the client loses its network connection. - [fixed] It's now possible to pass a nil completion block to WriteBatch.commit (#745). # v0.10.0 - [changed] Removed the includeMetadataChanges property in FIRDocumentListenOptions to avoid confusion with the factory method of the same name. - [changed] Added a commit method that takes no completion handler to FIRWriteBatch. - [feature] Queries can now be created from an NSPredicate. - [feature] Added SnapshotOptions API to control how DocumentSnapshots return unresolved server timestamps. - [feature] Added `disableNetwork()` and `enableNetwork()` methods to `Firestore` class, allowing for explicit network management. - [changed] For non-existing documents, DocumentSnapshot.data() now returns `nil` instead of throwing an exception. A non-nullable QueryDocumentSnapshot is introduced for Queries to reduce the number of nil-checks in your code. - [changed] Snapshot listeners (with the `includeMetadataChanges` option enabled) now receive an event with `snapshot.metadata.isFromCache` set to `true` if the SDK loses its connection to the backend. A new event with `snapshot.metadata.isFromCache` set to false will be raised once the connection is restored and the query is in sync with the backend again. - [fixed] Multiple offline mutations now properly reflected in retrieved documents. Previously, only the last mutation would be visible. (#643) - [fixed] Fixed a crash in `closeWithFinaleState:` that could be triggered by signing out when the app didn't have a network connection. # v0.9.4 - [changed] Firestore no longer has a direct dependency on FirebaseAuth. - [fixed] Fixed a crash when using path names with international characters with persistence enabled. - [fixed] Addressed race condition during the teardown of idle streams (#490). # v0.9.3 - [changed] Improved performance loading documents matching a query. - [changed] Cleanly shut down idle write streams. # v0.9.2 - [changed] Firestore now retries requests more often before considering a client offline. - [changed] You can now use FieldValue.delete() with SetOptions.merge(). # v0.9.1 - [fixed] Fixed validation of nested arrays to allow indirect nesting. # v0.9.0 - [fixed] Add an NS_SWIFT_NAME for FIRSnapshotMetadata and FIRListenerRegistration. - [fixed] Fixed retain cycle in DocumentReference.getDocument(completion:). # v0.8.0 - Initial public release.