# 2018-05-08 -- v3.0.0 - Remove deprecated delegate property `remoteMessageDelegate`, please use `delegate` instead. - Remove deprecated method `messaging:didRefreshRegistrationToken:` defined in FIRMessagingDelegate protocol, please use `messaging:didReceiveRegistrationToken:` instead. - Remove deprecated method `applicationReceivedRemoteMessage:` defined in FIRMessagingDelegate protocol, please use `messaging:didReceiveMessage:` instead. - Fix an issue that data messages were not tracked successfully. # 2018-04-01 -- v2.2.0 - Add new methods that provide completion handlers for topic subscription and unsubscription. # 2018-02-23 -- v2.1.1 - Improve documentation on the usage of the autoInitEnabled property. # 2018-02-06 -- v2.1.0 - Added a new property autoInitEnabled to enable and disable FCM token auto generation. - Fixed an issue where notification delivery would fail after changing language settings. # 2017-09-26 -- v2.0.5 - Added swizzling of additional UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate method, for more accurate Analytics logging. - Fixed a swizzling issue with unimplemented UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate methods. # 2017-09-26 -- v2.0.4 - Fixed an issue where the FCM token was not associating correctly with an APNs device token, depending on when the APNs device token was made available. - Fixed an issue where FCM tokens for different Sender IDs were not associating correctly with an APNs device token. - Fixed an issue that was preventing the FCM direct channel from being established on the first start after 24 hours of being opened. - Clarified a log message about method swizzling being enabled. # 2017-09-13 -- v2.0.3 - Moved to safer use of NSAsserts, instead of lower-level `__builtin_trap()` method. - Added logging of the underlying error code for an error trying to create or open an internal database file. # 2017-08-25 -- v2.0.2 - Removed old logic which was saving the SDK version to NSUserDefaults. # 2017-08-07 -- v2.0.1 - Fixed an issue where setting `shouldEstablishDirectChannel` in a background thread was triggering the Main Thread Sanitizer in Xcode 9. - Removed some old logic related to logging. - Added some additional logging around errors while method swizzling. # 2017-05-03 -- v2.0.0 - Introduced an improved interface for Swift 3 developers - Added new properties and methods to simplify FCM token management - Added property, APNSToken, to simplify APNs token management - Added new delegate method to be notified of FCM token refreshes - Added new property, shouldEstablishDirectChannel, to simplify connecting directly to FCM # 2017-03-31 -- v1.2.3 - Fixed an issue where custom UNNotificationCenterDelegates may not have been swizzled (if swizzling was enabled) - Fixed a issue iOS 8.0 and 8.1 devices using scheduled notifications - Improvements to console logging # 2017-01-31 -- v1.2.2 - Improved topic subscription logic for more reliable subscriptions. - Reduced memory footprint and CPU usage when subscribing to multiple topics. - Better documentation in the public headers. - Switched from ProtocolBuffers2 to protobuf compiler. # 2016-10-12 -- v1.2.1 - Better documentation on the public headers. # 2016-09-02 -- v1.2.0 - Support the UserNotifications framework introduced in iOS 10. - Add a new API, -applicationReceivedRemoteMessage:, to FIRMessaging. This allows apps to receive data messages from FCM on devices running iOS 10 and above. # 2016-07-06 -- v1.1.1 - Move FIRMessaging related plists to ApplicationSupport directory. # 2016-05-04 -- v1.1.0 - Change flag to disable swizzling to *FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled*. - '[FIRMessaging appDidReceiveMessage:] returns FIRMessagingMessageInfo object. - Minor bug fixes. # 2016-01-25 -- v1.0.2 - Accept topic names without /topics prefix. - Add Swift annotations to public static accessors. # 2016-01-25 -- v1.0.0 - New Firebase messaging API.