/* * Copyright 2017 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #import "FLeafNode.h" #import "FEmptyNode.h" #import "FChildrenNode.h" #import "FConstants.h" #import "FImmutableSortedDictionary.h" #import "FUtilities.h" #import "FStringUtilities.h" #import "FSnapshotUtilities.h" @interface FLeafNode () @property (nonatomic, strong) id priorityNode; @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *lazyHash; @end @implementation FLeafNode @synthesize value; @synthesize priorityNode; - (id)initWithValue:(id)aValue { self = [super init]; if (self) { self.value = aValue; self.priorityNode = [FEmptyNode emptyNode]; } return self; } - (id)initWithValue:(id)aValue withPriority:(id)aPriority { self = [super init]; if (self) { self.value = aValue; [FSnapshotUtilities validatePriorityNode:aPriority]; self.priorityNode = aPriority; } return self; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark FNode methods - (BOOL) isLeafNode { return YES; } - (id) getPriority { return self.priorityNode; } - (id) updatePriority:(id)aPriority { return [[FLeafNode alloc] initWithValue:self.value withPriority:aPriority]; } - (id) getImmediateChild:(NSString *) childName { if ([childName isEqualToString:@".priority"]) { return self.priorityNode; } else { return [FEmptyNode emptyNode]; } } - (id) getChild:(FPath *)path { if (path.getFront == nil) { return self; } else if ([[path getFront] isEqualToString:@".priority"]) { return [self getPriority]; } else { return [FEmptyNode emptyNode]; } } - (BOOL)hasChild:(NSString *)childName { return [childName isEqualToString:@".priority"] && ![self getPriority].isEmpty; } - (NSString *)predecessorChildKey:(NSString *)childKey { return nil; } - (id) updateImmediateChild:(NSString *)childName withNewChild:(id)newChildNode { if ([childName isEqualToString:@".priority"]) { return [self updatePriority:newChildNode]; } else if (newChildNode.isEmpty) { return self; } else { FChildrenNode* childrenNode = [[FChildrenNode alloc] init]; childrenNode = [childrenNode updateImmediateChild:childName withNewChild:newChildNode]; childrenNode = [childrenNode updatePriority:self.priorityNode]; return childrenNode; } } - (id) updateChild:(FPath *)path withNewChild:(id)newChildNode { NSString* front = [path getFront]; if(front == nil) { return newChildNode; } else if (newChildNode.isEmpty && ![front isEqualToString:@".priority"]) { return self; } else { NSAssert(![front isEqualToString:@".priority"] || path.length == 1, @".priority must be the last token in a path."); return [self updateImmediateChild:front withNewChild: [[FEmptyNode emptyNode] updateChild:[path popFront] withNewChild:newChildNode]]; } } - (id) val { return [self valForExport:NO]; } - (id) valForExport:(BOOL)exp { if(exp && !self.getPriority.isEmpty) { return @{kPayloadValue : self.value, kPayloadPriority : [[self getPriority] val]}; } else { return self.value; } } - (BOOL)isEqual:(id )other { if(other == self) { return YES; } else if (other.isLeafNode) { FLeafNode *otherLeaf = other; if ([FUtilities getJavascriptType:self.value] != [FUtilities getJavascriptType:otherLeaf.value]) { return NO; } return [otherLeaf.value isEqual:self.value] && [otherLeaf.priorityNode isEqual:self.priorityNode]; } else { return NO; } } - (NSUInteger)hash { return [self.value hash] * 17 + self.priorityNode.hash; } - (id )withIndex:(id )index { return self; } - (BOOL)isIndexed:(id )index { return YES; } - (BOOL) isEmpty { return NO; } - (int) numChildren { return 0; } - (void) enumerateChildrenUsingBlock:(void (^)(NSString *, id, BOOL *))block { // Nothing to iterate over } - (void) enumerateChildrenReverse:(BOOL)reverse usingBlock:(void (^)(NSString *, id, BOOL *))block { // Nothing to iterate over } - (NSEnumerator *)childEnumerator { // Nothing to iterate over return [@[] objectEnumerator]; } - (NSString *) dataHash { if (self.lazyHash == nil) { NSMutableString *toHash = [[NSMutableString alloc] init]; [FSnapshotUtilities appendHashRepresentationForLeafNode:self toString:toHash hashVersion:FDataHashVersionV1]; self.lazyHash = [FStringUtilities base64EncodedSha1:toHash]; } return self.lazyHash; } - (NSComparisonResult)compare:(id )other { if (other == [FEmptyNode emptyNode]) { return NSOrderedDescending; } else if ([other isKindOfClass:[FChildrenNode class]]) { return NSOrderedAscending; } else { NSAssert(other.isLeafNode, @"Compared against unknown type of node."); return [self compareToLeafNode:(FLeafNode*)other]; } } + (NSArray*) valueTypeOrder { static NSArray* valueOrder = nil; static dispatch_once_t once; dispatch_once(&once, ^{ valueOrder = @[kJavaScriptObject, kJavaScriptBoolean, kJavaScriptNumber, kJavaScriptString]; }); return valueOrder; } - (NSComparisonResult) compareToLeafNode:(FLeafNode*)other { NSString* thisLeafType = [FUtilities getJavascriptType:self.value]; NSString* otherLeafType = [FUtilities getJavascriptType:other.value]; NSUInteger thisIndex = [[FLeafNode valueTypeOrder] indexOfObject:thisLeafType]; NSUInteger otherIndex = [[FLeafNode valueTypeOrder] indexOfObject:otherLeafType]; assert(thisIndex >= 0 && otherIndex >= 0); if (otherIndex == thisIndex) { // Same type. Compare values. if (thisLeafType == kJavaScriptObject) { // Deferred value nodes are all equal, but we should also never get to this point... return NSOrderedSame; } else if (thisLeafType == kJavaScriptString) { return [self.value compare:other.value options:NSLiteralSearch]; } else { return [self.value compare:other.value]; } } else { return thisIndex > otherIndex ? NSOrderedDescending : NSOrderedAscending; } } - (NSString *) description { return [[self valForExport:YES] description]; } - (void) forEachChildDo:(fbt_bool_nsstring_node)action { // There are no children, so there is nothing to do. return; } @end