/* * Copyright 2017 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #import #import "FLevelDBStorageEngine.h" #import #import "APLevelDB.h" #import "FSnapshotUtilities.h" #import "FWriteRecord.h" #import "FTrackedQuery.h" #import "FQueryParams.h" #import "FEmptyNode.h" #import "FPruneForest.h" #import "FUtilities.h" #import "FPendingPut.h" // For legacy migration @interface FLevelDBStorageEngine () @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *basePath; @property (nonatomic, strong) APLevelDB *writesDB; @property (nonatomic, strong) APLevelDB *serverCacheDB; @end // WARNING: If you change this, you need to write a migration script static NSString * const kFPersistenceVersion = @"1"; static NSString * const kFServerDBPath = @"server_data"; static NSString * const kFWritesDBPath = @"writes"; static NSString * const kFUserWriteId = @"id"; static NSString * const kFUserWritePath = @"path"; static NSString * const kFUserWriteOverwrite = @"o"; static NSString * const kFUserWriteMerge = @"m"; static NSString * const kFTrackedQueryId = @"id"; static NSString * const kFTrackedQueryPath = @"path"; static NSString * const kFTrackedQueryParams = @"p"; static NSString * const kFTrackedQueryLastUse = @"lu"; static NSString * const kFTrackedQueryIsComplete = @"c"; static NSString * const kFTrackedQueryIsActive = @"a"; static NSString * const kFServerCachePrefix = @"/server_cache/"; // '~' is the last non-control character in the ASCII table until 127 // We wan't the entire range of thing stored in the DB static NSString * const kFServerCacheRangeEnd = @"/server_cache~"; static NSString * const kFTrackedQueriesPrefix = @"/tracked_queries/"; static NSString * const kFTrackedQueryKeysPrefix = @"/tracked_query_keys/"; // Failed to load JSON because a valid JSON turns out to be NaN while deserializing static const NSInteger kFNanFailureCode = 3840; static NSString* writeRecordKey(NSUInteger writeId) { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%lu", (unsigned long)(writeId)]; } static NSString* serverCacheKey(FPath *path) { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", kFServerCachePrefix, ([path toStringWithTrailingSlash])]; } static NSString* trackedQueryKey(NSUInteger trackedQueryId) { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%lu", kFTrackedQueriesPrefix, (unsigned long)trackedQueryId]; } static NSString* trackedQueryKeysKeyPrefix(NSUInteger trackedQueryId) { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%lu/", kFTrackedQueryKeysPrefix, (unsigned long)trackedQueryId]; } static NSString* trackedQueryKeysKey(NSUInteger trackedQueryId, NSString *key) { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%lu/%@", kFTrackedQueryKeysPrefix, (unsigned long)trackedQueryId, key]; } @implementation FLevelDBStorageEngine #pragma mark - Constructors - (id)initWithPath:(NSString*)dbPath { self = [super init]; if (self) { self.basePath = [[FLevelDBStorageEngine firebaseDir] stringByAppendingPathComponent:dbPath]; /* For reference: serverDataDB = [aPersistence createDbByName:@"server_data"]; FPangolinDB *completenessDb = [aPersistence createDbByName:@"server_complete"]; */ [FLevelDBStorageEngine ensureDir:self.basePath markAsDoNotBackup:YES]; [self runMigration]; [self openDatabases]; } return self; } - (void)runMigration { // Currently we're at version 1, so all we need to do is write that to a file NSString *versionFile = [self.basePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"version"]; NSError *error; NSString *oldVersion = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:versionFile encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error]; if (!oldVersion) { // This is probably fine, we don't have a version file yet BOOL success = [kFPersistenceVersion writeToFile:versionFile atomically:NO encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error]; if (!success) { FFWarn(@"I-RDB076001", @"Failed to write version for database: %@", error); } } else if ([oldVersion isEqualToString:kFPersistenceVersion]) { // Everythings fine no need for migration } else { // If we add more versions in the future, we need to run migration here [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"Unrecognized database version: %@", oldVersion]; } } - (void)runLegacyMigration:(FRepoInfo *)info { NSArray *dirPaths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES); NSString *documentsDir = [dirPaths objectAtIndex:0]; NSString *firebaseDir = [documentsDir stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"firebase"]; NSString* repoHashString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@_%@", info.host, info.namespace]; NSString *legacyBaseDir = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/1/%@/v1", firebaseDir, repoHashString]; if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:legacyBaseDir]) { FFWarn(@"I-RDB076002", @"Legacy database found, migrating..."); // We only need to migrate writes NSError *error = nil; APLevelDB *writes = [APLevelDB levelDBWithPath:[legacyBaseDir stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"outstanding_puts"] error:&error]; if (writes != nil) { __block NSUInteger numberOfWritesRestored = 0; // Maybe we could use write batches, but what the heck, I'm sure it'll go fine :P [writes enumerateKeysAndValuesAsData:^(NSString *key, NSData *data, BOOL *stop) { id pendingPut = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:data]; if ([pendingPut isKindOfClass:[FPendingPut class]]) { FPendingPut *put = pendingPut; id newNode = [FSnapshotUtilities nodeFrom:put.data priority:put.priority]; [self saveUserOverwrite:newNode atPath:put.path writeId:[key integerValue]]; numberOfWritesRestored++; } else if ([pendingPut isKindOfClass:[FPendingPutPriority class]]) { // This is for backwards compatibility. Older clients will save FPendingPutPriority. New ones will need to read it and translate. FPendingPutPriority *putPriority = pendingPut; FPath *priorityPath = [putPriority.path childFromString:@".priority"]; id newNode = [FSnapshotUtilities nodeFrom:putPriority.priority priority:nil]; [self saveUserOverwrite:newNode atPath:priorityPath writeId:[key integerValue]]; numberOfWritesRestored++; } else if ([pendingPut isKindOfClass:[FPendingUpdate class]]) { FPendingUpdate *update = pendingPut; FCompoundWrite *merge = [FCompoundWrite compoundWriteWithValueDictionary:update.data]; [self saveUserMerge:merge atPath:update.path writeId:[key integerValue]]; numberOfWritesRestored++; } else { FFWarn(@"I-RDB076003", @"Failed to migrate legacy write, meh!"); } }]; FFWarn(@"I-RDB076004", @"Migrated %lu writes", (unsigned long)numberOfWritesRestored); [writes close]; FFWarn(@"I-RDB076005", @"Deleting legacy database..."); BOOL success = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:legacyBaseDir error:&error]; if (!success) { FFWarn(@"I-RDB076006", @"Failed to delete legacy database: %@", error); } else { FFWarn(@"I-RDB076007", @"Finished migrating legacy database."); } } else { FFWarn(@"I-RDB076008", @"Failed to migrate old database: %@", error); } } } - (void)openDatabases { self.serverCacheDB = [self createDB:kFServerDBPath]; self.writesDB = [self createDB:kFWritesDBPath]; } - (void)purgeDatabase:(NSString*) dbPath { NSString *path = [self.basePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:dbPath]; NSError *error; FFWarn(@"I-RDB076009", @"Deleting database at path %@", path); BOOL success = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:path error:&error]; if (!success) { [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"Failed to delete database files: %@", error]; } } - (void)purgeEverything { [self close]; [@[kFServerDBPath, kFWritesDBPath] enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *dbPath, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) { [self purgeDatabase:dbPath]; }]; [self openDatabases]; } - (void)close { // autoreleasepool will cause deallocation which will close the DB @autoreleasepool { [self.serverCacheDB close]; self.serverCacheDB = nil; [self.writesDB close]; self.writesDB = nil; } } + (NSString *) firebaseDir { #if TARGET_OS_IOS || TARGET_OS_TV NSArray *dirPaths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES); NSString *documentsDir = [dirPaths objectAtIndex:0]; return [documentsDir stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"firebase"]; #elif TARGET_OS_OSX return [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@".firebase"]; #endif } - (APLevelDB *)createDB:(NSString *)dbName { NSError *err = nil; NSString *path = [self.basePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:dbName]; APLevelDB *db = [APLevelDB levelDBWithPath:path error:&err]; if (err) { FFWarn(@"I-RDB076036", @"Failed to read database persistence file '%@': %@", dbName, [err localizedDescription]); err = nil; // Delete the database and try again. [self purgeDatabase:dbName]; db = [APLevelDB levelDBWithPath:path error:&err]; if (err) { NSString *reason = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Error initializing persistence: %@", [err description]]; @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"FirebaseDatabasePersistenceFailure" reason:reason userInfo:nil]; } } return db; } - (void)saveUserOverwrite:(id)node atPath:(FPath *)path writeId:(NSUInteger)writeId { NSDictionary *write = @{ kFUserWriteId: @(writeId), kFUserWritePath: [path toStringWithTrailingSlash], kFUserWriteOverwrite: [node valForExport:YES] }; NSError *error = nil; NSData *data = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:write options:0 error:&error]; NSAssert(data, @"Failed to serialize user overwrite: %@, (Error: %@)", write, error); [self.writesDB setData:data forKey:writeRecordKey(writeId)]; } - (void)saveUserMerge:(FCompoundWrite *)merge atPath:(FPath *)path writeId:(NSUInteger)writeId { NSDictionary *write = @{ kFUserWriteId: @(writeId), kFUserWritePath: [path toStringWithTrailingSlash], kFUserWriteMerge: [merge valForExport:YES] }; NSError *error = nil; NSData *data = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:write options:0 error:&error]; NSAssert(data, @"Failed to serialize user merge: %@ (Error: %@)", write, error); [self.writesDB setData:data forKey:writeRecordKey(writeId)]; } - (void)removeUserWrite:(NSUInteger)writeId { [self.writesDB removeKey:writeRecordKey(writeId)]; } - (void)removeAllUserWrites { __block NSUInteger count = 0; NSDate *start = [NSDate date]; id batch = [self.writesDB beginWriteBatch]; [self.writesDB enumerateKeys:^(NSString *key, BOOL *stop) { [batch removeKey:key]; count++; }]; BOOL success = [batch commit]; if (!success) { FFWarn(@"I-RDB076010", @"Failed to remove all users writes on disk!"); } else { FFDebug(@"I-RDB076011", @"Removed %lu writes in %fms", (unsigned long)count, [start timeIntervalSinceNow]*-1000); } } - (NSArray *)userWrites { NSDate *date = [NSDate date]; NSMutableArray *writes = [NSMutableArray array]; [self.writesDB enumerateKeysAndValuesAsData:^(NSString *key, NSData *data, BOOL *stop) { NSError *error = nil; NSDictionary *writeJSON = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:0 error:&error]; if (writeJSON == nil) { if (error.code == kFNanFailureCode) { FFWarn(@"I-RDB076012", @"Failed to deserialize write (%@), likely because of out of range doubles (Error: %@)", [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding], error); FFWarn(@"I-RDB076013", @"Removing failed write with key %@", key); [self.writesDB removeKey:key]; } else { [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"Failed to deserialize write: %@", error]; } } else { NSInteger writeId = ((NSNumber *)writeJSON[kFUserWriteId]).integerValue; FPath *path = [FPath pathWithString:writeJSON[kFUserWritePath]]; FWriteRecord *writeRecord; if (writeJSON[kFUserWriteMerge] != nil) { // It's a merge FCompoundWrite *merge = [FCompoundWrite compoundWriteWithValueDictionary:writeJSON[kFUserWriteMerge]]; writeRecord = [[FWriteRecord alloc] initWithPath:path merge:merge writeId:writeId]; } else { // It's an overwrite NSAssert(writeJSON[kFUserWriteOverwrite] != nil, @"Persisted write did not contain merge or overwrite!"); id node = [FSnapshotUtilities nodeFrom:writeJSON[kFUserWriteOverwrite]]; writeRecord = [[FWriteRecord alloc] initWithPath:path overwrite:node writeId:writeId visible:YES]; } [writes addObject:writeRecord]; } }]; // Make sure writes are sorted [writes sortUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(FWriteRecord *one, FWriteRecord *two) { if (one.writeId < two.writeId) { return NSOrderedAscending; } else if (one.writeId > two.writeId) { return NSOrderedDescending; } else { return NSOrderedSame; } }]; FFDebug(@"I-RDB076014", @"Loaded %lu writes in %fms", (unsigned long)writes.count, [date timeIntervalSinceNow]*-1000); return writes; } - (id)serverCacheAtPath:(FPath *)path { NSDate *start = [NSDate date]; id data = [self internalNestedDataForPath:path]; id node = [FSnapshotUtilities nodeFrom:data]; FFDebug(@"I-RDB076015", @"Loaded node with %d children at %@ in %fms", [node numChildren], path, [start timeIntervalSinceNow]*-1000); return node; } - (id)serverCacheForKeys:(NSSet *)keys atPath:(FPath *)path { NSDate *start = [NSDate date]; __block id node = [FEmptyNode emptyNode]; [keys enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *key, BOOL *stop) { id data = [self internalNestedDataForPath:[path childFromString:key]]; node = [node updateImmediateChild:key withNewChild:[FSnapshotUtilities nodeFrom:data]]; }]; FFDebug(@"I-RDB076016", @"Loaded node with %d children for %lu keys at %@ in %fms", [node numChildren], (unsigned long)keys.count, path, [start timeIntervalSinceNow]*-1000); return node; } - (void)updateServerCache:(id)node atPath:(FPath *)path merge:(BOOL)merge { NSDate *start = [NSDate date]; id batch = [self.serverCacheDB beginWriteBatch]; // Remove any leaf nodes that might be higher up [self removeAllLeafNodesOnPath:path batch:batch]; __block NSUInteger counter = 0; if (merge) { // remove any children that exist [node enumerateChildrenUsingBlock:^(NSString *childKey, id childNode, BOOL *stop) { FPath *childPath = [path childFromString:childKey]; [self removeAllWithPrefix:serverCacheKey(childPath) batch:batch database:self.serverCacheDB]; [self saveNodeInternal:childNode atPath:childPath batch:batch counter:&counter]; }]; } else { // remove everything [self removeAllWithPrefix:serverCacheKey(path) batch:batch database:self.serverCacheDB]; [self saveNodeInternal:node atPath:path batch:batch counter:&counter]; } BOOL success = [batch commit]; if (!success) { FFWarn(@"I-RDB076017", @"Failed to update server cache on disk!"); } else { FFDebug(@"I-RDB076018", @"Saved %lu leaf nodes for overwrite in %fms", (unsigned long)counter, [start timeIntervalSinceNow]*-1000); } } - (void)updateServerCacheWithMerge:(FCompoundWrite *)merge atPath:(FPath *)path { NSDate *start = [NSDate date]; __block NSUInteger counter = 0; id batch = [self.serverCacheDB beginWriteBatch]; // Remove any leaf nodes that might be higher up [self removeAllLeafNodesOnPath:path batch:batch]; [merge enumerateWrites:^(FPath *relativePath, id node, BOOL *stop) { FPath *childPath = [path child:relativePath]; [self removeAllWithPrefix:serverCacheKey(childPath) batch:batch database:self.serverCacheDB]; [self saveNodeInternal:node atPath:childPath batch:batch counter:&counter]; }]; BOOL success = [batch commit]; if (!success) { FFWarn(@"I-RDB076019", @"Failed to update server cache on disk!"); } else { FFDebug(@"I-RDB076020", @"Saved %lu leaf nodes for merge in %fms", (unsigned long)counter, [start timeIntervalSinceNow]*-1000); } } - (void)saveNodeInternal:(id)node atPath:(FPath *)path batch:(id)batch counter:(NSUInteger *)counter { id data = [node valForExport:YES]; if(data != nil && ![data isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]]) { [self internalSetNestedData:data forKey:serverCacheKey(path) withBatch:batch counter:counter]; } } - (NSUInteger)serverCacheEstimatedSizeInBytes { // Use the exact size, because for pruning the approximate size can lead to weird situations where we prune everything // because no compaction is ever run return [self.serverCacheDB exactSizeFrom:kFServerCachePrefix to:kFServerCacheRangeEnd]; } - (void)pruneCache:(FPruneForest *)pruneForest atPath:(FPath *)path { // TODO: be more intelligent, don't scan entire database... __block NSUInteger pruned = 0; __block NSUInteger kept = 0; NSDate *start = [NSDate date]; NSString *prefix = serverCacheKey(path); id batch = [self.serverCacheDB beginWriteBatch]; [self.serverCacheDB enumerateKeysWithPrefix:prefix usingBlock:^(NSString *dbKey, BOOL *stop) { NSString *pathStr = [dbKey substringFromIndex:prefix.length]; FPath *relativePath = [[FPath alloc] initWith:pathStr]; if ([pruneForest shouldPruneUnkeptDescendantsAtPath:relativePath]) { pruned++; [batch removeKey:dbKey]; } else { kept++; } }]; BOOL success = [batch commit]; if (!success) { FFWarn(@"I-RDB076021", @"Failed to prune cache on disk!"); } else { FFDebug(@"I-RDB076022", @"Pruned %lu paths, kept %lu paths in %fms", (unsigned long)pruned, (unsigned long)kept, [start timeIntervalSinceNow]*-1000); } } #pragma mark - Tracked Queries - (NSArray *)loadTrackedQueries { NSDate *date = [NSDate date]; NSMutableArray *trackedQueries = [NSMutableArray array]; [self.serverCacheDB enumerateKeysWithPrefix:kFTrackedQueriesPrefix asData:^(NSString *key, NSData *data, BOOL *stop) { NSError *error = nil; NSDictionary *queryJSON = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:0 error:&error]; if (queryJSON == nil) { if (error.code == kFNanFailureCode) { FFWarn(@"I-RDB076023", @"Failed to deserialize tracked query (%@), likely because of out of range doubles (Error: %@)", [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding], error); FFWarn(@"I-RDB076024", @"Removing failed tracked query with key %@", key); [self.serverCacheDB removeKey:key]; } else { [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"Failed to deserialize tracked query: %@", error]; } } else { NSUInteger queryId = ((NSNumber *)queryJSON[kFTrackedQueryId]).unsignedIntegerValue; FPath *path = [FPath pathWithString:queryJSON[kFTrackedQueryPath]]; FQueryParams *params = [FQueryParams fromQueryObject:queryJSON[kFTrackedQueryParams]]; FQuerySpec *query = [[FQuerySpec alloc] initWithPath:path params:params]; BOOL isComplete = [queryJSON[kFTrackedQueryIsComplete] boolValue]; BOOL isActive = [queryJSON[kFTrackedQueryIsActive] boolValue]; NSTimeInterval lastUse = [queryJSON[kFTrackedQueryLastUse] doubleValue]; FTrackedQuery *trackedQuery = [[FTrackedQuery alloc] initWithId:queryId query:query lastUse:lastUse isActive:isActive isComplete:isComplete]; [trackedQueries addObject:trackedQuery]; } }]; FFDebug(@"I-RDB076025", @"Loaded %lu tracked queries in %fms", (unsigned long)trackedQueries.count, [date timeIntervalSinceNow]*-1000); return trackedQueries; } - (void)removeTrackedQuery:(NSUInteger)queryId { NSDate *start = [NSDate date]; id batch = [self.serverCacheDB beginWriteBatch]; [batch removeKey:trackedQueryKey(queryId)]; __block NSUInteger keyCount = 0; [self.serverCacheDB enumerateKeysWithPrefix:trackedQueryKeysKeyPrefix(queryId) usingBlock:^(NSString *key, BOOL *stop) { [batch removeKey:key]; keyCount++; }]; BOOL success = [batch commit]; if (!success) { FFWarn(@"I-RDB076026", @"Failed to remove tracked query on disk!"); } else { FFDebug(@"I-RDB076027", @"Removed query with id %lu (and removed %lu keys) in %fms", (unsigned long)queryId, (unsigned long)keyCount, [start timeIntervalSinceNow]*-1000); } } - (void)saveTrackedQuery:(FTrackedQuery *)query { NSDate *start = [NSDate date]; NSDictionary *trackedQuery = @{ kFTrackedQueryId: @(query.queryId), kFTrackedQueryPath: [query.query.path toStringWithTrailingSlash], kFTrackedQueryParams: [query.query.params wireProtocolParams], kFTrackedQueryLastUse: @(query.lastUse), kFTrackedQueryIsComplete: @(query.isComplete), kFTrackedQueryIsActive: @(query.isActive) }; NSError *error = nil; NSData *data = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:trackedQuery options:0 error:&error]; NSAssert(data, @"Failed to serialize tracked query (Error: %@)", error); [self.serverCacheDB setData:data forKey:trackedQueryKey(query.queryId)]; FFDebug(@"I-RDB076028", @"Saved tracked query %lu in %fms", (unsigned long)query.queryId, [start timeIntervalSinceNow]*-1000); } - (void)setTrackedQueryKeys:(NSSet *)keys forQueryId:(NSUInteger)queryId { NSDate *start = [NSDate date]; __block NSUInteger removed = 0; __block NSUInteger added = 0; id batch = [self.serverCacheDB beginWriteBatch]; NSMutableSet *seenKeys = [NSMutableSet set]; // First, delete any keys that might be stored and are not part of the current keys [self.serverCacheDB enumerateKeysWithPrefix:trackedQueryKeysKeyPrefix(queryId) asStrings:^(NSString *dbKey, NSString *actualKey, BOOL *stop) { if ([keys containsObject:actualKey]) { // Already in DB [seenKeys addObject:actualKey]; } else { // Not part of set, delete key [batch removeKey:dbKey]; removed++; } }]; // Next add any keys that are missing in the database [keys enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *childKey, BOOL *stop) { if (![seenKeys containsObject:childKey]) { [batch setString:childKey forKey:trackedQueryKeysKey(queryId, childKey)]; added++; } }]; BOOL success = [batch commit]; if (!success) { FFWarn(@"I-RDB076029", @"Failed to set tracked queries on disk!"); } else { FFDebug(@"I-RDB076030", @"Set %lu tracked keys (%lu added, %lu removed) for query %lu in %fms", (unsigned long)keys.count, (unsigned long)added, (unsigned long)removed, (unsigned long)queryId, [start timeIntervalSinceNow]*-1000); } } - (void)updateTrackedQueryKeysWithAddedKeys:(NSSet *)added removedKeys:(NSSet *)removed forQueryId:(NSUInteger)queryId { NSDate *start = [NSDate date]; id batch = [self.serverCacheDB beginWriteBatch]; [removed enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *key, BOOL *stop) { [batch removeKey:trackedQueryKeysKey(queryId, key)]; }]; [added enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *key, BOOL *stop) { [batch setString:key forKey:trackedQueryKeysKey(queryId, key)]; }]; BOOL success = [batch commit]; if (!success) { FFWarn(@"I-RDB076031", @"Failed to update tracked queries on disk!"); } else { FFDebug(@"I-RDB076032", @"Added %lu tracked keys, removed %lu for query %lu in %fms", (unsigned long)added.count, (unsigned long)removed.count, (unsigned long)queryId, [start timeIntervalSinceNow]*-1000); } } - (NSSet *)trackedQueryKeysForQuery:(NSUInteger)queryId { NSDate *start = [NSDate date]; NSMutableSet *set = [NSMutableSet set]; [self.serverCacheDB enumerateKeysWithPrefix:trackedQueryKeysKeyPrefix(queryId) asStrings:^(NSString *dbKey, NSString *actualKey, BOOL *stop) { [set addObject:actualKey]; }]; FFDebug(@"I-RDB076033", @"Loaded %lu tracked keys for query %lu in %fms", (unsigned long)set.count, (unsigned long)queryId, [start timeIntervalSinceNow]*-1000); return set; } #pragma mark - Internal methods - (void)removeAllLeafNodesOnPath:(FPath *)path batch:(id)batch { while (!path.isEmpty) { [batch removeKey:serverCacheKey(path)]; path = [path parent]; } // Make sure to delete any nodes at the root [batch removeKey:serverCacheKey([FPath empty])]; } - (void)removeAllWithPrefix:(NSString *)prefix batch:(id)batch database:(APLevelDB *)database { assert(prefix != nil); [database enumerateKeysWithPrefix:prefix usingBlock:^(NSString *key, BOOL *stop) { [batch removeKey:key]; }]; } #pragma mark - Internal helper methods - (void)internalSetNestedData:(id)value forKey:(NSString *)key withBatch:(id)batch counter:(NSUInteger *)counter { if([value isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) { NSDictionary* dictionary = value; [dictionary enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id childKey, id obj, BOOL *stop) { assert(obj != nil); NSString* childPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@/", key, childKey]; [self internalSetNestedData:obj forKey:childPath withBatch:batch counter:counter]; }]; } else { NSData *data = [self serializePrimitive:value]; [batch setData:data forKey:key]; (*counter)++; } } - (id)internalNestedDataForPath:(FPath *)path { NSAssert(path != nil, @"Path was nil!"); NSString *baseKey = serverCacheKey(path); // HACK to make sure iter is freed now to avoid race conditions (if self.db is deleted before iter, you get an access violation). @autoreleasepool { APLevelDBIterator* iter = [APLevelDBIterator iteratorWithLevelDB:self.serverCacheDB]; [iter seekToKey:baseKey]; if (iter.key == nil || ![iter.key hasPrefix:baseKey]) { // No data. return nil; } else { return [self internalNestedDataFromIterator:iter andKeyPrefix:baseKey]; } } } - (id) internalNestedDataFromIterator:(APLevelDBIterator*)iterator andKeyPrefix:(NSString*)prefix { NSString* key = iterator.key; if ([key isEqualToString:prefix]) { id result = [self deserializePrimitive:iterator.valueAsData]; [iterator nextKey]; return result; } else { NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; while (key != nil && [key hasPrefix:prefix]) { NSString *relativePath = [key substringFromIndex:prefix.length]; NSArray* pathPieces = [relativePath componentsSeparatedByString:@"/"]; assert(pathPieces.count > 0); NSString *childName = pathPieces[0]; NSString *childPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@/", prefix, childName]; id childValue = [self internalNestedDataFromIterator:iterator andKeyPrefix:childPath]; [dict setValue:childValue forKey:childName]; key = iterator.key; } return dict; } } - (NSData*) serializePrimitive:(id)value { // HACK: The built-in serialization only works on dicts and arrays. So we create an array and then strip off // the leading / trailing byte (the [ and ]). NSError *error = nil; NSData *data = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:@[value] options:0 error:&error]; NSAssert(data, @"Failed to serialize primitive: %@", error); return [data subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, data.length - 2)]; } - (id)fixDoubleParsing:(id)value { // The parser for double values in JSONSerialization at the root takes some short-cuts and delivers wrong results // (wrong rounding) for some double values, including 2.47. Because we use the exact bytes for hashing on the server // this will lead to hash mismatches. The parser of NSNumber seems to be more in line with what the server expects, // so we use that here if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) { CFNumberType type = CFNumberGetType((CFNumberRef)value); if (type == kCFNumberDoubleType || type == kCFNumberFloatType) { // The NSJSON parser returns all numbers as double values, even those that contain no exponent. To // make sure that the String conversion below doesn't unexpectedly reduce precision, we make sure that // our number is indeed not an integer. if ((double)(long long)[value doubleValue] != [value doubleValue]) { NSString *doubleString = [value stringValue]; return [NSNumber numberWithDouble:[doubleString doubleValue]]; } else { return [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:[value longLongValue]]; } } } return value; } - (id) deserializePrimitive:(NSData*)data { NSError *error = nil; id result = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:NSJSONReadingAllowFragments error:&error]; if (result != nil) { return [self fixDoubleParsing:result]; } else { if (error.code == kFNanFailureCode) { FFWarn(@"I-RDB076034", @"Failed to load primitive %@, likely because doubles where out of range (Error: %@)", [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding], error); return [NSNull null]; } else { [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"Failed to deserialiaze primitive: %@", error]; return nil; } } } + (void)ensureDir:(NSString*)path markAsDoNotBackup:(BOOL)markAsDoNotBackup { NSError* error; BOOL success = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] createDirectoryAtPath:path withIntermediateDirectories:YES attributes:nil error:&error]; if (!success) { @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"FailedToCreatePersistenceDir" reason:@"Failed to create persistence directory." userInfo:@{ @"path": path }]; } if (markAsDoNotBackup) { NSURL *firebaseDirURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path]; success = [firebaseDirURL setResourceValue:@YES forKey:NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey error:&error]; if (!success) { FFWarn(@"I-RDB076035", @"Failed to mark firebase database folder as do not backup: %@", error); [NSException raise:@"Error marking as do not backup" format:@"Failed to mark folder %@ as do not backup", firebaseDirURL]; } } } @end