/* * Copyright 2017 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #import "FPath.h" #import "FUtilities.h" @interface FPath() @property (nonatomic, readwrite, assign) NSInteger pieceNum; @property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray * pieces; @end @implementation FPath #pragma mark - #pragma mark Initializers + (FPath *) relativePathFrom:(FPath *)outer to:(FPath *)inner { NSString* outerFront = [outer getFront]; NSString* innerFront = [inner getFront]; if (outerFront == nil) { return inner; } else if ([outerFront isEqualToString:innerFront]) { return [self relativePathFrom:[outer popFront] to:[inner popFront]]; } else { @throw [[NSException alloc] initWithName:@"FirebaseDatabaseInternalError" reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"innerPath (%@) is not within outerPath (%@)", inner, outer] userInfo:nil]; } } + (FPath *)pathWithString:(NSString *)string { return [[FPath alloc] initWith:string]; } - (id)initWith:(NSString *)path { self = [super init]; if (self) { NSArray *pathPieces = [path componentsSeparatedByString:@"/"]; NSMutableArray *newPieces = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; for (NSInteger i = 0; i < pathPieces.count; i++) { NSString *piece = [pathPieces objectAtIndex:i]; if (piece.length > 0) { [newPieces addObject:piece]; } } self.pieces = newPieces; self.pieceNum = 0; } return self; } - (id)initWithPieces:(NSArray *)somePieces andPieceNum:(NSInteger)aPieceNum { self = [super init]; if (self) { self.pieceNum = aPieceNum; self.pieces = somePieces; } return self; } - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone { // Immutable, so it's safe to return self return self; } - (NSString *)description { return [self toString]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Public methods - (NSString *) getFront { if(self.pieceNum >= self.pieces.count) { return nil; } return [self.pieces objectAtIndex:self.pieceNum]; } /** * @return The number of segments in this path */ - (NSUInteger) length { return self.pieces.count - self.pieceNum; } - (FPath *) popFront { NSInteger newPieceNum = self.pieceNum; if (newPieceNum < self.pieces.count) { newPieceNum++; } return [[FPath alloc] initWithPieces:self.pieces andPieceNum:newPieceNum]; } - (NSString *) getBack { if(self.pieceNum < self.pieces.count) { return [self.pieces lastObject]; } else { return nil; } } - (NSString *) toString { return [self toStringWithTrailingSlash:NO]; } - (NSString *) toStringWithTrailingSlash { return [self toStringWithTrailingSlash:YES]; } - (NSString *) toStringWithTrailingSlash:(BOOL)trailingSlash { NSMutableString* pathString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init]; for(NSInteger i = self.pieceNum; i < self.pieces.count; i++) { [pathString appendString:@"/"]; [pathString appendString:[self.pieces objectAtIndex:i]]; } if ([pathString length] == 0) { return @"/"; } else { if (trailingSlash) { [pathString appendString:@"/"]; } return pathString; } } - (NSString *)wireFormat { if ([self isEmpty]) { return @"/"; } else { NSMutableString* pathString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init]; for (NSInteger i = self.pieceNum; i < self.pieces.count; i++) { if (i > self.pieceNum) { [pathString appendString:@"/"]; } [pathString appendString:[self.pieces objectAtIndex:i]]; } return pathString; } } - (FPath *) parent { if(self.pieceNum >= self.pieces.count) { return nil; } else { NSMutableArray* newPieces = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; for (NSInteger i = self.pieceNum; i < self.pieces.count - 1; i++) { [newPieces addObject:[self.pieces objectAtIndex:i]]; } return [[FPath alloc] initWithPieces:newPieces andPieceNum:0]; } } - (FPath *) child:(FPath *)childPathObj { NSMutableArray* newPieces = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; for (NSInteger i = self.pieceNum; i < self.pieces.count; i++) { [newPieces addObject:[self.pieces objectAtIndex:i]]; } for (NSInteger i = childPathObj.pieceNum; i < childPathObj.pieces.count; i++) { [newPieces addObject:[childPathObj.pieces objectAtIndex:i]]; } return [[FPath alloc] initWithPieces:newPieces andPieceNum:0]; } - (FPath *)childFromString:(NSString *)childPath { NSMutableArray* newPieces = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; for (NSInteger i = self.pieceNum; i < self.pieces.count; i++) { [newPieces addObject:[self.pieces objectAtIndex:i]]; } NSArray *pathPieces = [childPath componentsSeparatedByString:@"/"]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pathPieces.count; i++) { NSString *piece = [pathPieces objectAtIndex:i]; if (piece.length > 0) { [newPieces addObject:piece]; } } return [[FPath alloc] initWithPieces:newPieces andPieceNum:0]; } /** * @return True if there are no segments in this path */ - (BOOL) isEmpty { return self.pieceNum >= self.pieces.count; } /** * @return Singleton to represent an empty path */ + (FPath *) empty { static dispatch_once_t oneEmptyPath; static FPath *emptyPath; dispatch_once(&oneEmptyPath, ^{ emptyPath = [[FPath alloc] initWith:@""]; }); return emptyPath; } - (BOOL) contains:(FPath *)other { if (self.length > other.length) { return NO; } NSInteger i = self.pieceNum; NSInteger j = other.pieceNum; while (i < self.pieces.count) { NSString* thisSeg = [self.pieces objectAtIndex:i]; NSString* otherSeg = [other.pieces objectAtIndex:j]; if (![thisSeg isEqualToString:otherSeg]) { return NO; } ++i; ++j; } return YES; } - (void) enumerateComponentsUsingBlock:(void (^)(NSString *, BOOL *))block { BOOL stop = NO; for (NSInteger i = self.pieceNum; !stop && i < self.pieces.count; i++) { block(self.pieces[i], &stop); } } - (NSComparisonResult) compare:(FPath *)other { NSInteger myCount = self.pieces.count; NSInteger otherCount = other.pieces.count; for (NSInteger i = self.pieceNum, j = other.pieceNum; i < myCount && j < otherCount; i++, j++) { NSComparisonResult comparison = [FUtilities compareKey:self.pieces[i] toKey:other.pieces[j]]; if (comparison != NSOrderedSame) { return comparison; } } if (self.length < other.length) { return NSOrderedAscending; } else if (other.length < self.length) { return NSOrderedDescending; } else { NSAssert(self.length == other.length, @"Paths must be the same lengths"); return NSOrderedSame; } } /** * @return YES if paths are the same */ - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)other { if (other == self) { return YES; } if (!other || ![other isKindOfClass:[self class]]) { return NO; } FPath *otherPath = (FPath *)other; if (self.length != otherPath.length) { return NO; } for (NSUInteger i = self.pieceNum, j = otherPath.pieceNum; i < self.pieces.count; i++, j++) { if (![self.pieces[i] isEqualToString:otherPath.pieces[j]]) { return NO; } } return YES; } - (NSUInteger) hash { NSUInteger hashCode = 0; for (NSInteger i = self.pieceNum; i < self.pieces.count; i++) { hashCode = hashCode * 37 + [self.pieces[i] hash]; } return hashCode; } @end