/* * Copyright 2017 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import "FIRDatabaseReference.h" #import "FPersistentConnection.h" #import "FConstants.h" #import "FAtomicNumber.h" #import "FQueryParams.h" #import "FTupleOnDisconnect.h" #import "FTupleCallbackStatus.h" #import "FQuerySpec.h" #import "FIndex.h" #import "FIRDatabaseConfig.h" #import "FIRDatabaseConfig_Private.h" #import "FSnapshotUtilities.h" #import "FRangeMerge.h" #import "FCompoundHash.h" #import "FSyncTree.h" #import "FIRRetryHelper.h" #import "FAuthTokenProvider.h" #import "FUtilities.h" @interface FOutstandingQuery : NSObject @property (nonatomic, strong) FQuerySpec* query; @property (nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *tagId; @property (nonatomic, strong) id syncTreeHash; @property (nonatomic, copy) fbt_void_nsstring onComplete; @end @implementation FOutstandingQuery @end @interface FOutstandingPut : NSObject @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *action; @property (nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary *request; @property (nonatomic, copy) fbt_void_nsstring_nsstring onCompleteBlock; @property (nonatomic) BOOL sent; @end @implementation FOutstandingPut @end typedef enum { ConnectionStateDisconnected, ConnectionStateGettingToken, ConnectionStateConnecting, ConnectionStateAuthenticating, ConnectionStateConnected } ConnectionState; @interface FPersistentConnection () { ConnectionState connectionState; BOOL firstConnection; NSTimeInterval reconnectDelay; NSTimeInterval lastConnectionAttemptTime; NSTimeInterval lastConnectionEstablishedTime; SCNetworkReachabilityRef reachability; } - (int) getNextRequestNumber; - (void) onDataPushWithAction:(NSString *)action andBody:(NSDictionary *)body; - (void) handleTimestamp:(NSNumber *)timestamp; - (void) sendOnDisconnectAction:(NSString *)action forPath:(NSString *)pathString withData:(id)data andCallback:(fbt_void_nsstring_nsstring)callback; @property (nonatomic, strong) FConnection* realtime; @property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableDictionary* listens; @property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableDictionary* outstandingPuts; @property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray* onDisconnectQueue; @property (nonatomic, strong) FRepoInfo* repoInfo; @property (nonatomic, strong) FAtomicNumber* putCounter; @property (nonatomic, strong) FAtomicNumber* requestNumber; @property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableDictionary* requestCBHash; @property (nonatomic, strong) FIRDatabaseConfig *config; @property (nonatomic) NSUInteger unackedListensCount; @property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *putsToAck; @property (nonatomic, strong) dispatch_queue_t dispatchQueue; @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString* lastSessionID; @property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableSet *interruptReasons; @property (nonatomic, strong) FIRRetryHelper *retryHelper; @property (nonatomic, strong) id authTokenProvider; @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *authToken; @property (nonatomic) BOOL forceAuthTokenRefresh; @property (nonatomic) NSUInteger currentFetchTokenAttempt; @end @implementation FPersistentConnection - (id)initWithRepoInfo:(FRepoInfo *)repoInfo dispatchQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)dispatchQueue config:(FIRDatabaseConfig *)config { self = [super init]; if (self) { self->_config = config; self->_repoInfo = repoInfo; self->_dispatchQueue = dispatchQueue; self->_authTokenProvider = config.authTokenProvider; NSAssert(self->_authTokenProvider != nil, @"Expected auth token provider"); self.interruptReasons = [NSMutableSet set]; self.listens = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; self.outstandingPuts = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; self.onDisconnectQueue = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; self.putCounter = [[FAtomicNumber alloc] init]; self.requestNumber = [[FAtomicNumber alloc] init]; self.requestCBHash = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; self.unackedListensCount = 0; self.putsToAck = [NSMutableArray array]; connectionState = ConnectionStateDisconnected; firstConnection = YES; reconnectDelay = kPersistentConnReconnectMinDelay; self->_retryHelper = [[FIRRetryHelper alloc] initWithDispatchQueue:dispatchQueue minRetryDelayAfterFailure:kPersistentConnReconnectMinDelay maxRetryDelay:kPersistentConnReconnectMaxDelay retryExponent:kPersistentConnReconnectMultiplier jitterFactor:0.7]; [self setupNotifications]; // Make sure we don't actually connect until open is called [self interruptForReason:kFInterruptReasonWaitingForOpen]; } // nb: The reason establishConnection isn't called here like the JS version is because // callers need to set the delegate first. The ctor can be modified to accept the delegate // but that deviates from normal ios conventions. After the delegate has been set, the caller // is responsible for calling establishConnection: return self; } - (void) dealloc { if (reachability) { // Unschedule the notifications SCNetworkReachabilitySetDispatchQueue(reachability, NULL); CFRelease(reachability); } } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Public methods - (void) open { [self resumeForReason:kFInterruptReasonWaitingForOpen]; } /** * Note that the listens dictionary has a type of Map[String (pathString), Map[FQueryParams, FOutstandingQuery]] * * This means, for each path we care about, there are sets of queryParams that correspond to an FOutstandingQuery object. * There can be multiple sets at a path since we overlap listens for a short time while adding or removing a query from a * location in the tree. */ - (void) listen:(FQuerySpec *)query tagId:(NSNumber *)tagId hash:(id)hash onComplete:(fbt_void_nsstring)onComplete { FFLog(@"I-RDB034001", @"Listen called for %@", query); NSAssert(self.listens[query] == nil, @"listen() called twice for the same query"); NSAssert(query.isDefault || !query.loadsAllData, @"listen called for non-default but complete query"); FOutstandingQuery* outstanding = [[FOutstandingQuery alloc] init]; outstanding.query = query; outstanding.tagId = tagId; outstanding.syncTreeHash = hash; outstanding.onComplete = onComplete; [self.listens setObject:outstanding forKey:query]; if ([self connected]) { [self sendListen:outstanding]; } } - (void) putData:(id)data forPath:(NSString *)pathString withHash:(NSString *)hash withCallback:(fbt_void_nsstring_nsstring)onComplete { [self putInternal:data forAction:kFWPRequestActionPut forPath:pathString withHash:hash withCallback:onComplete]; } - (void) mergeData:(id)data forPath:(NSString *)pathString withCallback:(fbt_void_nsstring_nsstring)onComplete { [self putInternal:data forAction:kFWPRequestActionMerge forPath:pathString withHash:nil withCallback:onComplete]; } - (void) onDisconnectPutData:(id)data forPath:(FPath *)path withCallback:(fbt_void_nsstring_nsstring)callback { if ([self canSendWrites]) { [self sendOnDisconnectAction:kFWPRequestActionDisconnectPut forPath:[path description] withData:data andCallback:callback]; } else { FTupleOnDisconnect* tuple = [[FTupleOnDisconnect alloc] init]; tuple.pathString = [path description]; tuple.action = kFWPRequestActionDisconnectPut; tuple.data = data; tuple.onComplete = callback; [self.onDisconnectQueue addObject:tuple]; } } - (void) onDisconnectMergeData:(id)data forPath:(FPath *)path withCallback:(fbt_void_nsstring_nsstring)callback { if ([self canSendWrites]) { [self sendOnDisconnectAction:kFWPRequestActionDisconnectMerge forPath:[path description] withData:data andCallback:callback]; } else { FTupleOnDisconnect* tuple = [[FTupleOnDisconnect alloc] init]; tuple.pathString = [path description]; tuple.action = kFWPRequestActionDisconnectMerge; tuple.data = data; tuple.onComplete = callback; [self.onDisconnectQueue addObject:tuple]; } } - (void) onDisconnectCancelPath:(FPath *)path withCallback:(fbt_void_nsstring_nsstring)callback { if ([self canSendWrites]) { [self sendOnDisconnectAction:kFWPRequestActionDisconnectCancel forPath:[path description] withData:[NSNull null] andCallback:callback]; } else { FTupleOnDisconnect* tuple = [[FTupleOnDisconnect alloc] init]; tuple.pathString = [path description]; tuple.action = kFWPRequestActionDisconnectCancel; tuple.data = [NSNull null]; tuple.onComplete = callback; [self.onDisconnectQueue addObject:tuple]; } } - (void) unlisten:(FQuerySpec *)query tagId:(NSNumber *)tagId { FPath *path = query.path; FFLog(@"I-RDB034002", @"Unlistening for %@", query); NSArray *outstanding = [self removeListen:query]; if (outstanding.count > 0 && [self connected]) { [self sendUnlisten:path queryParams:query.params tagId:tagId]; } } - (void) refreshAuthToken:(NSString *)token { self.authToken = token; if ([self connected]) { if (token != nil) { [self sendAuthAndRestoreStateAfterComplete:NO]; } else { [self sendUnauth]; } } } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Connection status - (BOOL)connected { return self->connectionState == ConnectionStateAuthenticating || self->connectionState == ConnectionStateConnected; } - (BOOL)canSendWrites { return self->connectionState == ConnectionStateConnected; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark FConnection delegate methods - (void)onReady:(FConnection *)fconnection atTime:(NSNumber *)timestamp sessionID:(NSString *)sessionID { FFLog(@"I-RDB034003", @"On ready"); lastConnectionEstablishedTime = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]; [self handleTimestamp:timestamp]; if (firstConnection) { [self sendConnectStats]; } [self restoreAuth]; firstConnection = NO; self.lastSessionID = sessionID; dispatch_async(self.dispatchQueue, ^{ [self.delegate onConnect:self]; }); } - (void)onDataMessage:(FConnection *)fconnection withMessage:(NSDictionary *)message { if (message[kFWPRequestNumber] != nil) { // this is a response to a request we sent NSNumber* rn = [NSNumber numberWithInt:[[message objectForKey:kFWPRequestNumber] intValue]]; if ([self.requestCBHash objectForKey:rn]) { void (^callback)(NSDictionary*) = [self.requestCBHash objectForKey:rn]; [self.requestCBHash removeObjectForKey:rn]; if (callback) { //dispatch_async(self.dispatchQueue, ^{ callback([message objectForKey:kFWPResponseForRNData]); //}); } } } else if (message[kFWPRequestError] != nil) { NSString* error = [message objectForKey:kFWPRequestError]; @throw [[NSException alloc] initWithName:@"FirebaseDatabaseServerError" reason:error userInfo:nil]; } else if (message[kFWPAsyncServerAction] != nil) { // this is a server push of some sort NSString* action = [message objectForKey:kFWPAsyncServerAction]; NSDictionary* body = [message objectForKey:kFWPAsyncServerPayloadBody]; [self onDataPushWithAction:action andBody:body]; } } - (void)onDisconnect:(FConnection *)fconnection withReason:(FDisconnectReason)reason { FFLog(@"I-RDB034004", @"Got on disconnect due to %s", (reason == DISCONNECT_REASON_SERVER_RESET) ? "server_reset" : "other"); connectionState = ConnectionStateDisconnected; // Drop the realtime connection self.realtime = nil; [self cancelSentTransactions]; [self.requestCBHash removeAllObjects]; self.unackedListensCount = 0; if ([self shouldReconnect]) { NSTimeInterval timeSinceLastConnectSucceeded = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] - lastConnectionEstablishedTime; BOOL lastConnectionWasSuccessful; if (lastConnectionEstablishedTime > 0) { lastConnectionWasSuccessful = timeSinceLastConnectSucceeded > kPersistentConnSuccessfulConnectionEstablishedDelay; } else { lastConnectionWasSuccessful = NO; } if (reason == DISCONNECT_REASON_SERVER_RESET || lastConnectionWasSuccessful) { [self.retryHelper signalSuccess]; } [self tryScheduleReconnect]; } lastConnectionEstablishedTime = 0; [self.delegate onDisconnect:self]; } - (void)onKill:(FConnection *)fconnection withReason:(NSString *)reason { FFWarn(@"I-RDB034005", @"Firebase Database connection was forcefully killed by the server. Will not attempt reconnect. Reason: %@", reason); [self interruptForReason:kFInterruptReasonServerKill]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Connection handling methods - (void) interruptForReason:(NSString *)reason { FFLog(@"I-RDB034006", @"Connection interrupted for: %@", reason); [self.interruptReasons addObject:reason]; if (self.realtime) { // Will call onDisconnect and set the connection state to Disconnected [self.realtime close]; self.realtime = nil; } else { [self.retryHelper cancel]; self->connectionState = ConnectionStateDisconnected; } // Reset timeouts [self.retryHelper signalSuccess]; } - (void) resumeForReason:(NSString *)reason { FFLog(@"I-RDB034007", @"Connection no longer interrupted for: %@", reason); [self.interruptReasons removeObject:reason]; if ([self shouldReconnect] && connectionState == ConnectionStateDisconnected) { [self tryScheduleReconnect]; } } - (BOOL) shouldReconnect { return self.interruptReasons.count == 0; } - (BOOL) isInterruptedForReason:(NSString *)reason { return [self.interruptReasons containsObject:reason]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Private methods - (void) tryScheduleReconnect { if ([self shouldReconnect]) { NSAssert(self->connectionState == ConnectionStateDisconnected, @"Not in disconnected state: %d", self->connectionState); BOOL forceRefresh = self.forceAuthTokenRefresh; self.forceAuthTokenRefresh = NO; FFLog(@"I-RDB034008", @"Scheduling connection attempt"); [self.retryHelper retry:^{ FFLog(@"I-RDB034009", @"Trying to fetch auth token"); NSAssert(self->connectionState == ConnectionStateDisconnected, @"Not in disconnected state: %d", self->connectionState); self->connectionState = ConnectionStateGettingToken; self.currentFetchTokenAttempt++; NSUInteger thisFetchTokenAttempt = self.currentFetchTokenAttempt; [self.authTokenProvider fetchTokenForcingRefresh:forceRefresh withCallback:^(NSString *token, NSError *error) { if (thisFetchTokenAttempt == self.currentFetchTokenAttempt) { if (error != nil) { self->connectionState = ConnectionStateDisconnected; FFLog(@"I-RDB034010", @"Error fetching token: %@", error); [self tryScheduleReconnect]; } else { // Someone could have interrupted us while fetching the token, // marking the connection as Disconnected if (self->connectionState == ConnectionStateGettingToken) { FFLog(@"I-RDB034011", @"Successfully fetched token, opening connection"); [self openNetworkConnectionWithToken:token]; } else { NSAssert(self->connectionState == ConnectionStateDisconnected, @"Expected connection state disconnected, but got %d", self->connectionState); FFLog(@"I-RDB034012", @"Not opening connection after token refresh, because connection was set to disconnected."); } } } else { FFLog(@"I-RDB034013", @"Ignoring fetch token result, because this was not the latest attempt."); } }]; }]; } } - (void) openNetworkConnectionWithToken:(NSString *)token { NSAssert(self->connectionState == ConnectionStateGettingToken, @"Trying to open network connection while in wrong state: %d", self->connectionState); self.authToken = token; self->connectionState = ConnectionStateConnecting; self.realtime = [[FConnection alloc] initWith:self.repoInfo andDispatchQueue:self.dispatchQueue lastSessionID:self.lastSessionID]; self.realtime.delegate = self; [self.realtime open]; } static void reachabilityCallback(SCNetworkReachabilityRef ref, SCNetworkReachabilityFlags flags, void* info) { if (flags & kSCNetworkReachabilityFlagsReachable) { FFLog(@"I-RDB034014", @"Network became reachable. Trigger a connection attempt"); FPersistentConnection* self = (__bridge FPersistentConnection *)info; // Reset reconnect delay [self.retryHelper signalSuccess]; if (self->connectionState == ConnectionStateDisconnected) { [self tryScheduleReconnect]; } } else { FFLog(@"I-RDB034015", @"Network is not reachable"); } } - (void) enteringForeground { dispatch_async(self.dispatchQueue, ^{ // Reset reconnect delay [self.retryHelper signalSuccess]; if (self->connectionState == ConnectionStateDisconnected) { [self tryScheduleReconnect]; } }); } - (void) setupNotifications { NSString * const* foregroundConstant = (NSString * const *) dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "UIApplicationWillEnterForegroundNotification"); if (foregroundConstant) { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(enteringForeground) name:*foregroundConstant object:nil]; } // An empty address is interpreted a generic internet access struct sockaddr_in zeroAddress; bzero(&zeroAddress, sizeof(zeroAddress)); zeroAddress.sin_len = sizeof(zeroAddress); zeroAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; reachability = SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithAddress(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const struct sockaddr *)&zeroAddress); SCNetworkReachabilityContext ctx = {0, (__bridge void *)(self), NULL, NULL, NULL}; if (SCNetworkReachabilitySetCallback(reachability, reachabilityCallback, &ctx)) { SCNetworkReachabilitySetDispatchQueue(reachability, self.dispatchQueue); } else { FFLog(@"I-RDB034016", @"Failed to set up network reachability monitoring"); CFRelease(reachability); reachability = NULL; } } - (void) sendAuthAndRestoreStateAfterComplete:(BOOL)restoreStateAfterComplete { NSAssert([self connected], @"Must be connected to send auth"); NSAssert(self.authToken != nil, @"Can't send auth if there is no credential"); NSDictionary* requestData = @{kFWPRequestCredential: self.authToken}; [self sendAction:kFWPRequestActionAuth body:requestData sensitive:YES callback:^(NSDictionary *data) { self->connectionState = ConnectionStateConnected; NSString* status = [data objectForKey:kFWPResponseForActionStatus]; id responseData = [data objectForKey:kFWPResponseForActionData]; if (responseData == nil) { responseData = @"error"; } BOOL statusOk = [status isEqualToString:kFWPResponseForActionStatusOk]; if (statusOk) { if (restoreStateAfterComplete) { [self restoreState]; } } else { self.authToken = nil; self.forceAuthTokenRefresh = YES; if ([status isEqualToString:@"expired_token"]) { FFLog(@"I-RDB034017", @"Authentication failed: %@ (%@)", status, responseData); } else { FFWarn(@"I-RDB034018", @"Authentication failed: %@ (%@)", status, responseData); } [self.realtime close]; } }]; } - (void) sendUnauth { [self sendAction:kFWPRequestActionUnauth body:@{} sensitive:NO callback:nil]; } - (void) onAuthRevokedWithStatus:(NSString *)status andReason:(NSString *)reason { // This might be for an earlier token than we just recently sent. But since we need to close the connection anyways, // we can set it to null here and we will refresh the token later on reconnect if ([status isEqualToString:@"expired_token"]) { FFLog(@"I-RDB034019", @"Auth token revoked: %@ (%@)", status, reason); } else { FFWarn(@"I-RDB034020", @"Auth token revoked: %@ (%@)", status, reason); } self.authToken = nil; self.forceAuthTokenRefresh = YES; // Try reconnecting on auth revocation [self.realtime close]; } - (void) onListenRevoked:(FPath *)path { NSArray *queries = [self removeAllListensAtPath:path]; for (FOutstandingQuery* query in queries) { query.onComplete(@"permission_denied"); } } - (void) sendOnDisconnectAction:(NSString *)action forPath:(NSString *)pathString withData:(id)data andCallback:(fbt_void_nsstring_nsstring)callback { NSDictionary* request = @{kFWPRequestPath: pathString, kFWPRequestData: data}; FFLog(@"I-RDB034021", @"onDisconnect %@: %@", action, request); [self sendAction:action body:request sensitive:NO callback:^(NSDictionary *data) { NSString* status = [data objectForKey:kFWPResponseForActionStatus]; NSString* errorReason = [data objectForKey:kFWPResponseForActionData]; callback(status, errorReason); }]; } - (void) sendPut:(NSNumber *) index { NSAssert([self canSendWrites], @"sendPut called when not able to send writes"); FOutstandingPut* put = self.outstandingPuts[index]; assert(put != nil); fbt_void_nsstring_nsstring onComplete = put.onCompleteBlock; // Do not async this block; copying the block insinde sendAction: doesn't happen in time (or something) so coredumps put.sent = YES; [self sendAction:put.action body:put.request sensitive:NO callback:^(NSDictionary* data) { FOutstandingPut *currentPut = self.outstandingPuts[index]; if (currentPut == put) { [self.outstandingPuts removeObjectForKey:index]; if (onComplete != nil) { NSString *status = [data objectForKey:kFWPResponseForActionStatus]; NSString *errorReason = [data objectForKey:kFWPResponseForActionData]; if (self.unackedListensCount == 0) { onComplete(status, errorReason); } else { FTupleCallbackStatus *putToAck = [[FTupleCallbackStatus alloc] init]; putToAck.block = onComplete; putToAck.status = status; putToAck.errorReason = errorReason; [self.putsToAck addObject:putToAck]; } } } else { FFLog(@"I-RDB034022", @"Ignoring on complete for put %@ because it was already removed", index); } }]; } - (void) sendUnlisten:(FPath *)path queryParams:(FQueryParams *)queryParams tagId:(NSNumber *)tagId { FFLog(@"I-RDB034023", @"Unlisten on %@ for %@", path, queryParams); NSMutableDictionary* request = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[path toString], kFWPRequestPath, nil]; if (tagId) { [request setObject:queryParams.wireProtocolParams forKey:kFWPRequestQueries]; [request setObject:tagId forKey:kFWPRequestTag]; } [self sendAction:kFWPRequestActionTaggedUnlisten body:request sensitive:NO callback:nil]; } - (void) putInternal:(id)data forAction:(NSString *)action forPath:(NSString *)pathString withHash:(NSString *)hash withCallback:(fbt_void_nsstring_nsstring)onComplete { NSMutableDictionary *request = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: pathString, kFWPRequestPath, data, kFWPRequestData, nil]; if(hash) { [request setObject:hash forKey:kFWPRequestHash]; } FOutstandingPut *put = [[FOutstandingPut alloc] init]; put.action = action; put.request = request; put.onCompleteBlock = onComplete; put.sent = NO; NSNumber* index = [self.putCounter getAndIncrement]; self.outstandingPuts[index] = put; if ([self canSendWrites]) { FFLog(@"I-RDB034024", @"Was connected, and added as index: %@", index); [self sendPut:index]; } else { FFLog(@"I-RDB034025", @"Wasn't connected or writes paused, so added to outstanding puts only. Path: %@", pathString); } } - (void) sendListen:(FOutstandingQuery *)listenSpec { FQuerySpec *query = listenSpec.query; FFLog(@"I-RDB034026", @"Listen for %@", query); NSMutableDictionary *request = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[query.path toString] forKey:kFWPRequestPath]; // Only bother to send query if it's non-default if (listenSpec.tagId != nil) { [request setObject:[query.params wireProtocolParams] forKey:kFWPRequestQueries]; [request setObject:listenSpec.tagId forKey:kFWPRequestTag]; } [request setObject:[listenSpec.syncTreeHash simpleHash] forKey:kFWPRequestHash]; if ([listenSpec.syncTreeHash includeCompoundHash]) { FCompoundHash *compoundHash = [listenSpec.syncTreeHash compoundHash]; NSMutableArray *posts = [NSMutableArray array]; for (FPath *path in compoundHash.posts) { [posts addObject:path.wireFormat]; } request[kFWPRequestCompoundHash] = @{ kFWPRequestCompoundHashHashes: compoundHash.hashes, kFWPRequestCompoundHashPaths: posts }; } fbt_void_nsdictionary onResponse = ^(NSDictionary *response) { FFLog(@"I-RDB034027", @"Listen response %@", response); // warn in any case, even if the listener was removed [self warnOnListenWarningsForQuery:query payload:response[kFWPResponseForActionData]]; FOutstandingQuery *currentListenSpec = self.listens[query]; // only trigger actions if the listen hasn't been removed (and maybe readded) if (currentListenSpec == listenSpec) { NSString *status = [response objectForKey:kFWPRequestStatus]; if (![status isEqualToString:@"ok"]) { [self removeListen:query]; } if (listenSpec.onComplete) { listenSpec.onComplete(status); } } self.unackedListensCount--; NSAssert(self.unackedListensCount >= 0, @"unackedListensCount decremented to be negative."); if (self.unackedListensCount == 0) { [self ackPuts]; } }; [self sendAction:kFWPRequestActionTaggedListen body:request sensitive:NO callback:onResponse]; self.unackedListensCount++; } - (void) warnOnListenWarningsForQuery:(FQuerySpec *)query payload:(id)payload { if (payload != nil && [payload isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) { NSDictionary *payloadDict = payload; id warnings = payloadDict[kFWPResponseDataWarnings]; if (warnings != nil && [warnings isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) { NSArray *warningsArr = warnings; if ([warningsArr containsObject:@"no_index"]) { NSString *indexSpec = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\".indexOn\": \"%@\"", [query.params.index queryDefinition]]; NSString *indexPath = [query.path description]; FFWarn(@"I-RDB034028", @"Using an unspecified index. Your data will be downloaded and filtered on the client. " "Consider adding %@ at %@ to your security rules for better performance", indexSpec, indexPath); } } } } - (int) getNextRequestNumber { return [[self.requestNumber getAndIncrement] intValue]; } - (void)sendAction:(NSString *)action body:(NSDictionary *)message sensitive:(BOOL)sensitive callback:(void (^)(NSDictionary* data))onMessage { // Hold onto the onMessage callback for this request before firing it off NSNumber* rn = [NSNumber numberWithInt:[self getNextRequestNumber]]; NSDictionary* msg = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: rn, kFWPRequestNumber, action, kFWPRequestAction, message, kFWPRequestPayloadBody, nil]; [self.realtime sendRequest:msg sensitive:sensitive]; if (onMessage) { // Debug message without a callback; bump the rn, but don't hold onto the cb [self.requestCBHash setObject:[onMessage copy] forKey:rn]; } } - (void) cancelSentTransactions { NSMutableArray* toPrune = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; for (NSNumber* index in self.outstandingPuts) { FOutstandingPut* put = self.outstandingPuts[index]; if (put.request[kFWPRequestHash] && put.sent) { // This is a sent transaction put put.onCompleteBlock(kFTransactionDisconnect, @"Client was disconnected while running a transaction"); [toPrune addObject:index]; } } for (NSNumber* index in toPrune) { [self.outstandingPuts removeObjectForKey:index]; } } - (void) onDataPushWithAction:(NSString *)action andBody:(NSDictionary *)body { FFLog(@"I-RDB034029", @"handleServerMessage: %@, %@", action, body); id delegate = self.delegate; if ([action isEqualToString:kFWPAsyncServerDataUpdate] || [action isEqualToString:kFWPAsyncServerDataMerge]) { BOOL isMerge = [action isEqualToString:kFWPAsyncServerDataMerge]; if ([body objectForKey:kFWPAsyncServerDataUpdateBodyPath] && [body objectForKey:kFWPAsyncServerDataUpdateBodyData]) { NSString* path = [body objectForKey:kFWPAsyncServerDataUpdateBodyPath]; id payloadData = [body objectForKey:kFWPAsyncServerDataUpdateBodyData]; if (isMerge && [payloadData isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]] && [payloadData count] == 0) { // ignore empty merge } else { [delegate onDataUpdate:self forPath:path message:payloadData isMerge:isMerge tagId:[body objectForKey:kFWPAsyncServerDataUpdateBodyTag]]; } } else { FFLog(@"I-RDB034030", @"Malformed data response from server missing path or data: %@", body); } } else if ([action isEqualToString:kFWPAsyncServerDataRangeMerge]) { NSString *path = body[kFWPAsyncServerDataUpdateBodyPath]; NSArray *ranges = body[kFWPAsyncServerDataUpdateBodyData]; NSNumber *tag = body[kFWPAsyncServerDataUpdateBodyTag]; NSMutableArray *rangeMerges = [NSMutableArray array]; for (NSDictionary *range in ranges) { NSString *startString = range[kFWPAsyncServerDataUpdateStartPath]; NSString *endString = range[kFWPAsyncServerDataUpdateEndPath]; id updateData = range[kFWPAsyncServerDataUpdateRangeMerge]; id updates = [FSnapshotUtilities nodeFrom:updateData]; FPath *start = (startString != nil) ? [[FPath alloc] initWith:startString] : nil; FPath *end = (endString != nil) ? [[FPath alloc] initWith:endString] : nil; FRangeMerge *merge = [[FRangeMerge alloc] initWithStart:start end:end updates:updates]; [rangeMerges addObject:merge]; } [delegate onRangeMerge:rangeMerges forPath:path tagId:tag]; } else if ([action isEqualToString:kFWPAsyncServerAuthRevoked]) { NSString* status = [body objectForKey:kFWPResponseForActionStatus]; NSString* reason = [body objectForKey:kFWPResponseForActionData]; [self onAuthRevokedWithStatus:status andReason:reason]; } else if ([action isEqualToString:kFWPASyncServerListenCancelled]) { NSString* pathString = [body objectForKey:kFWPAsyncServerDataUpdateBodyPath]; [self onListenRevoked:[[FPath alloc] initWith:pathString]]; } else if ([action isEqualToString:kFWPAsyncServerSecurityDebug]) { NSString* msg = [body objectForKey:@"msg"]; if (msg != nil) { NSArray *msgs = [msg componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"]; for (NSString* m in msgs) { FFWarn(@"I-RDB034031", @"%@", m); } } } else { // TODO: revoke listens, auth, security debug FFLog(@"I-RDB034032", @"Unsupported action from server: %@", action); } } - (void) restoreAuth { FFLog(@"I-RDB034033", @"Calling restore state"); NSAssert(self->connectionState == ConnectionStateConnecting, @"Wanted to restore auth, but was in wrong state: %d", self->connectionState); if (self.authToken == nil) { FFLog(@"I-RDB034034", @"Not restoring auth because token is nil"); self->connectionState = ConnectionStateConnected; [self restoreState]; } else { FFLog(@"I-RDB034035", @"Restoring auth"); self->connectionState = ConnectionStateAuthenticating; [self sendAuthAndRestoreStateAfterComplete:YES]; } } - (void) restoreState { NSAssert(self->connectionState == ConnectionStateConnected, @"Should be connected if we're restoring state, but we are: %d", self->connectionState); [self.listens enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(FQuerySpec *query, FOutstandingQuery *outstandingListen, BOOL *stop) { FFLog(@"I-RDB034036", @"Restoring listen for %@", query); [self sendListen:outstandingListen]; }]; NSArray* keys = [[self.outstandingPuts allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)]; for(int i = 0; i < [keys count]; i++) { if([self.outstandingPuts objectForKey:[keys objectAtIndex:i]] != nil) { FFLog(@"I-RDB034037", @"Restoring put: %d", i); [self sendPut:[keys objectAtIndex:i]]; } else { FFLog(@"I-RDB034038", @"Restoring put: skipped nil: %d", i); } } for (FTupleOnDisconnect* tuple in self.onDisconnectQueue) { [self sendOnDisconnectAction:tuple.action forPath:tuple.pathString withData:tuple.data andCallback:tuple.onComplete]; } [self.onDisconnectQueue removeAllObjects]; } - (NSArray *) removeListen:(FQuerySpec *)query { NSAssert(query.isDefault || !query.loadsAllData, @"removeListen called for non-default but complete query"); FOutstandingQuery* outstanding = self.listens[query]; if (!outstanding) { FFLog(@"I-RDB034039", @"Trying to remove listener for query %@ but no listener exists", query); return @[]; } else { [self.listens removeObjectForKey:query]; return @[outstanding]; } } - (NSArray *) removeAllListensAtPath:(FPath *)path { FFLog(@"I-RDB034040", @"Removing all listens at path %@", path); NSMutableArray *removed = [NSMutableArray array]; NSMutableArray *toRemove = [NSMutableArray array]; [self.listens enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(FQuerySpec *spec, FOutstandingQuery *outstanding, BOOL *stop) { if ([spec.path isEqual:path]) { [removed addObject:outstanding]; [toRemove addObject:spec]; } }]; [self.listens removeObjectsForKeys:toRemove]; return removed; } - (void) purgeOutstandingWrites { // We might have unacked puts in our queue that we need to ack now before we send out any cancels... [self ackPuts]; // Cancel in order NSArray* keys = [[self.outstandingPuts allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)]; for (NSNumber *key in keys) { FOutstandingPut *put = self.outstandingPuts[key]; if (put.onCompleteBlock != nil) { put.onCompleteBlock(kFErrorWriteCanceled, nil); } } for (FTupleOnDisconnect *onDisconnect in self.onDisconnectQueue) { if (onDisconnect.onComplete != nil) { onDisconnect.onComplete(kFErrorWriteCanceled, nil); } } [self.outstandingPuts removeAllObjects]; [self.onDisconnectQueue removeAllObjects]; } - (void) ackPuts { for (FTupleCallbackStatus *put in self.putsToAck) { put.block(put.status, put.errorReason); } [self.putsToAck removeAllObjects]; } - (void) handleTimestamp:(NSNumber *)timestamp { FFLog(@"I-RDB034041", @"Handling timestamp: %@", timestamp); double timestampDeltaMs = [timestamp doubleValue] - ([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] * 1000); [self.delegate onServerInfoUpdate:self updates:@{kDotInfoServerTimeOffset: [NSNumber numberWithDouble:timestampDeltaMs]}]; } - (void) sendStats:(NSDictionary *)stats { if ([stats count] > 0) { NSDictionary *request = @{ kFWPRequestCounters: stats }; [self sendAction:kFWPRequestActionStats body:request sensitive:NO callback:^(NSDictionary *data) { NSString* status = [data objectForKey:kFWPResponseForActionStatus]; NSString* errorReason = [data objectForKey:kFWPResponseForActionData]; BOOL statusOk = [status isEqualToString:kFWPResponseForActionStatusOk]; if (!statusOk) { FFLog(@"I-RDB034042", @"Failed to send stats: %@", errorReason); } }]; } else { FFLog(@"I-RDB034043", @"Not sending stats because stats are empty"); } } - (void) sendConnectStats { NSMutableDictionary *stats = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; #if TARGET_OS_IOS || TARGET_OS_TV if (self.config.persistenceEnabled) { stats[@"persistence.ios.enabled"] = @1; } #elif TARGET_OS_OSX if (self.config.persistenceEnabled) { stats[@"persistence.osx.enabled"] = @1; } #endif NSString *sdkVersion = [[FIRDatabase sdkVersion] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"." withString:@"-"]; NSString *sdkStatName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"sdk.objc.%@", sdkVersion]; stats[sdkStatName] = @1; FFLog(@"I-RDB034044", @"Sending first connection stats"); [self sendStats:stats]; } - (NSDictionary *) dumpListens { return self.listens; } @end