/* * Copyright 2017 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #import #import "FIRAppInternal.h" #import "FIRLogger.h" #import "FIRDatabase.h" #import "FIRDatabase_Private.h" #import "FIRDatabaseQuery_Private.h" #import "FRepoManager.h" #import "FValidation.h" #import "FIRDatabaseConfig_Private.h" #import "FRepoInfo.h" #import "FIRDatabaseConfig.h" #import "FIRDatabaseReference_Private.h" #import "FIROptions.h" @interface FIRDatabase () @property (nonatomic, strong) FRepoInfo *repoInfo; @property (nonatomic, strong) FIRDatabaseConfig *config; @property (nonatomic, strong) FRepo *repo; @end @implementation FIRDatabase /** A NSMutableDictionary of FirebaseApp name and FRepoInfo to FirebaseDatabase instance. */ typedef NSMutableDictionary *> FIRDatabaseDictionary; // The STR and STR_EXPAND macro allow a numeric version passed to he compiler driver // with a -D to be treated as a string instead of an invalid floating point value. #define STR(x) STR_EXPAND(x) #define STR_EXPAND(x) #x static const char *FIREBASE_SEMVER = (const char *)STR(FIRDatabase_VERSION); + (void)load { NSNotificationCenter *center = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; [center addObserverForName:kFIRAppDeleteNotification object:nil queue:nil usingBlock:^(NSNotification * _Nonnull note) { NSString *appName = note.userInfo[kFIRAppNameKey]; if (appName == nil) { return; } FIRDatabaseDictionary* instances = [self instances]; @synchronized (instances) { NSMutableDictionary *databaseInstances = instances[appName]; if (databaseInstances) { // Clean up the deleted instance in an effort to remove any resources still in use. // Note: Any leftover instances of this exact database will be invalid. for (FIRDatabase * database in [databaseInstances allValues]) { [FRepoManager disposeRepos:database.config]; } [instances removeObjectForKey:appName]; } } }]; } /** * A static NSMutableDictionary of FirebaseApp name and FRepoInfo to * FirebaseDatabase instance. To ensure thread-safety, it should only be * accessed in databaseForApp:URL:, which is synchronized. * * TODO: This serves a duplicate purpose as RepoManager. We should clean up. * TODO: We should maybe be conscious of leaks and make this a weak map or * similar but we have a lot of work to do to allow FirebaseDatabase/Repo etc. * to be GC'd. */ + (FIRDatabaseDictionary *)instances { static dispatch_once_t pred = 0; static FIRDatabaseDictionary *instances; dispatch_once(&pred, ^{ instances = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; }); return instances; } + (FIRDatabase *)database { if (![FIRApp isDefaultAppConfigured]) { [NSException raise:@"FIRAppNotConfigured" format:@"Failed to get default Firebase Database instance. Must call `[FIRApp " @"configure]` (`FirebaseApp.configure()` in Swift) before using " @"Firebase Database."]; } FIRApp *app = [FIRApp defaultApp]; return [FIRDatabase databaseForApp:app]; } + (FIRDatabase *)databaseWithURL:(NSString *)url { FIRApp *app = [FIRApp defaultApp]; if (app == nil) { [NSException raise:@"FIRAppNotConfigured" format:@"Failed to get default Firebase Database instance. " @"Must call `[FIRApp configure]` (`FirebaseApp.configure()` in Swift) " @"before using Firebase Database."]; } return [FIRDatabase databaseForApp:app URL:url]; } + (FIRDatabase *)databaseForApp:(FIRApp *)app { if (app == nil) { [NSException raise:@"InvalidFIRApp" format:@"nil FIRApp instance passed to databaseForApp."]; } return [FIRDatabase databaseForApp:app URL:app.options.databaseURL]; } + (FIRDatabase *)databaseForApp:(FIRApp *)app URL:(NSString *)url { if (app == nil) { [NSException raise:@"InvalidFIRApp" format:@"nil FIRApp instance passed to databaseForApp."]; } if (url == nil) { [NSException raise:@"MissingDatabaseURL" format:@"Failed to get FirebaseDatabase instance: " "Specify DatabaseURL within FIRApp or from your databaseForApp:URL: call."]; } NSURL *databaseUrl = [NSURL URLWithString:url]; if (databaseUrl == nil) { [NSException raise:@"InvalidDatabaseURL" format:@"The Database URL '%@' cannot be parsed. " "Specify a valid DatabaseURL within FIRApp or from your databaseForApp:URL: call.", databaseUrl]; } else if (![databaseUrl.path isEqualToString:@""] && ![databaseUrl.path isEqualToString:@"/"]) { [NSException raise:@"InvalidDatabaseURL" format:@"Configured Database URL '%@' is invalid. It should point " "to the root of a Firebase Database but it includes a path: %@",databaseUrl, databaseUrl.path]; } FIRDatabaseDictionary *instances = [self instances]; @synchronized (instances) { NSMutableDictionary *urlInstanceMap = instances[app.name]; if (!urlInstanceMap) { urlInstanceMap = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; instances[app.name] = urlInstanceMap; } FParsedUrl *parsedUrl = [FUtilities parseUrl:databaseUrl.absoluteString]; FIRDatabase *database = urlInstanceMap[parsedUrl.repoInfo]; if (!database) { id authTokenProvider = [FAuthTokenProvider authTokenProviderForApp:app]; // If this is the default app, don't set the session persistence key so that we use our // default ("default") instead of the FIRApp default ("[DEFAULT]") so that we // preserve the default location used by the legacy Firebase SDK. NSString *sessionIdentifier = @"default"; if (![FIRApp isDefaultAppConfigured] || app != [FIRApp defaultApp]) { sessionIdentifier = app.name; } FIRDatabaseConfig *config = [[FIRDatabaseConfig alloc] initWithSessionIdentifier:sessionIdentifier authTokenProvider:authTokenProvider]; database = [[FIRDatabase alloc] initWithApp:app repoInfo:parsedUrl.repoInfo config:config]; urlInstanceMap[parsedUrl.repoInfo] = database; } return database; } } + (NSString *) buildVersion { // TODO: Restore git hash when build moves back to git return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s_%s", FIREBASE_SEMVER, __DATE__]; } + (FIRDatabase *)createDatabaseForTests:(FRepoInfo *)repoInfo config:(FIRDatabaseConfig *)config { FIRDatabase *db = [[FIRDatabase alloc] initWithApp:nil repoInfo:repoInfo config:config]; [db ensureRepo]; return db; } + (NSString *) sdkVersion { return [NSString stringWithUTF8String:FIREBASE_SEMVER]; } + (void) setLoggingEnabled:(BOOL)enabled { [FUtilities setLoggingEnabled:enabled]; FFLog(@"I-RDB024001", @"BUILD Version: %@", [FIRDatabase buildVersion]); } - (id)initWithApp:(FIRApp *)app repoInfo:(FRepoInfo *)info config:(FIRDatabaseConfig *)config { self = [super init]; if (self != nil) { self->_repoInfo = info; self->_config = config; self->_app = app; } return self; } - (FIRDatabaseReference *)reference { [self ensureRepo]; return [[FIRDatabaseReference alloc] initWithRepo:self.repo path:[FPath empty]]; } - (FIRDatabaseReference *)referenceWithPath:(NSString *)path { [self ensureRepo]; [FValidation validateFrom:@"referenceWithPath" validRootPathString:path]; FPath *childPath = [[FPath alloc] initWith:path]; return [[FIRDatabaseReference alloc] initWithRepo:self.repo path:childPath]; } - (FIRDatabaseReference *)referenceFromURL:(NSString *)databaseUrl { [self ensureRepo]; if (databaseUrl == nil) { [NSException raise:@"InvalidDatabaseURL" format:@"Invalid nil url passed to referenceFromURL:"]; } FParsedUrl *parsedUrl = [FUtilities parseUrl:databaseUrl]; [FValidation validateFrom:@"referenceFromURL:" validURL:parsedUrl]; if (![parsedUrl.repoInfo.host isEqualToString:_repoInfo.host]) { [NSException raise:@"InvalidDatabaseURL" format:@"Invalid URL (%@) passed to getReference(). URL was expected " "to match configured Database URL: %@", databaseUrl, [self reference].URL]; } return [[FIRDatabaseReference alloc] initWithRepo:self.repo path:parsedUrl.path]; } - (void)purgeOutstandingWrites { [self ensureRepo]; dispatch_async([FIRDatabaseQuery sharedQueue], ^{ [self.repo purgeOutstandingWrites]; }); } - (void)goOnline { [self ensureRepo]; dispatch_async([FIRDatabaseQuery sharedQueue], ^{ [self.repo resume]; }); } - (void)goOffline { [self ensureRepo]; dispatch_async([FIRDatabaseQuery sharedQueue], ^{ [self.repo interrupt]; }); } - (void)setPersistenceEnabled:(BOOL)persistenceEnabled { [self assertUnfrozen:@"setPersistenceEnabled"]; self->_config.persistenceEnabled = persistenceEnabled; } - (BOOL)persistenceEnabled { return self->_config.persistenceEnabled; } - (void)setPersistenceCacheSizeBytes:(NSUInteger)persistenceCacheSizeBytes { [self assertUnfrozen:@"setPersistenceCacheSizeBytes"]; self->_config.persistenceCacheSizeBytes = persistenceCacheSizeBytes; } - (NSUInteger)persistenceCacheSizeBytes { return self->_config.persistenceCacheSizeBytes; } - (void)setCallbackQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)callbackQueue { [self assertUnfrozen:@"setCallbackQueue"]; self->_config.callbackQueue = callbackQueue; } - (dispatch_queue_t)callbackQueue { return self->_config.callbackQueue; } - (void) assertUnfrozen:(NSString*)methodName { if (self.repo != nil) { [NSException raise:@"FIRDatabaseAlreadyInUse" format:@"Calls to %@ must be made before any other usage of " "FIRDatabase instance.", methodName]; } } - (void) ensureRepo { if (self.repo == nil) { self.repo = [FRepoManager createRepo:self.repoInfo config:self.config database:self]; } } @end