/* * Copyright 2017 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #import "FIRApp.h" #import "FIRErrors.h" /** * The internal interface to FIRApp. This is meant for first-party integrators, who need to receive * FIRApp notifications, log info about the success or failure of their configuration, and access * other internal functionality of FIRApp. * * TODO(b/28296561): Restructure this header. */ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, FIRConfigType) { FIRConfigTypeCore = 1, FIRConfigTypeSDK = 2, }; /** * Names of services provided by Firebase. */ extern NSString *const kFIRServiceAdMob; extern NSString *const kFIRServiceAuth; extern NSString *const kFIRServiceAuthUI; extern NSString *const kFIRServiceCrash; extern NSString *const kFIRServiceDatabase; extern NSString *const kFIRServiceDynamicLinks; extern NSString *const kFIRServiceInstanceID; extern NSString *const kFIRServiceInvites; extern NSString *const kFIRServiceMessaging; extern NSString *const kFIRServiceMeasurement; extern NSString *const kFIRServiceRemoteConfig; extern NSString *const kFIRServiceStorage; /** * Names of services provided by the Google pod, but logged by the Firebase pod. */ extern NSString *const kGGLServiceAnalytics; extern NSString *const kGGLServiceSignIn; extern NSString *const kFIRDefaultAppName; extern NSString *const kFIRAppReadyToConfigureSDKNotification; extern NSString *const kFIRAppDeleteNotification; extern NSString *const kFIRAppIsDefaultAppKey; extern NSString *const kFIRAppNameKey; extern NSString *const kFIRGoogleAppIDKey; /** @typedef FIRTokenCallback @brief The type of block which gets called when a token is ready. */ typedef void (^FIRTokenCallback)(NSString *_Nullable token, NSError *_Nullable error); /** @typedef FIRAppGetTokenImplementation @brief The type of block which can provide an implementation for the @c getTokenWithCallback: method. @param forceRefresh Forces the token to be refreshed. @param callback The block which should be invoked when the async call completes. */ typedef void (^FIRAppGetTokenImplementation)(BOOL forceRefresh, FIRTokenCallback callback); /** @typedef FIRAppGetUID @brief The type of block which can provide an implementation for the @c getUID method. */ typedef NSString *_Nullable (^FIRAppGetUIDImplementation)(); @interface FIRApp () /** @property getTokenImplementation @brief Gets or sets the block to use for the implementation of @c getTokenForcingRefresh:withCallback: */ @property(nonatomic, copy) FIRAppGetTokenImplementation getTokenImplementation; /** @property getUIDImplementation @brief Gets or sets the block to use for the implementation of @c getUID. */ @property(nonatomic, copy) FIRAppGetUIDImplementation getUIDImplementation; /** * Creates an error for failing to configure a subspec service. This method is called by each * FIRApp notification listener. */ + (NSError *)errorForSubspecConfigurationFailureWithDomain:(NSString *)domain errorCode:(FIRErrorCode)code service:(NSString *)service reason:(NSString *)reason; /** * Checks if the default app is configured without trying to configure it. */ + (BOOL)isDefaultAppConfigured; /** * Used by each SDK to send logs about SDK configuration status to Clearcut. */ - (void)sendLogsWithServiceName:(NSString *)serviceName version:(NSString *)version error:(NSError *)error; /** * Can be used by the unit tests in eack SDK to reset FIRApp. This method is thread unsafe. */ + (void)resetApps; /** * Can be used by the unit tests in each SDK to set customized options. */ - (instancetype)initInstanceWithName:(NSString *)name options:(FIROptions *)options; /** @fn getTokenForcingRefresh:withCallback: @brief Retrieves the Firebase authentication token, possibly refreshing it. @param forceRefresh Forces a token refresh. Useful if the token becomes invalid for some reason other than an expiration. @param callback The block to invoke when the token is available. */ - (void)getTokenForcingRefresh:(BOOL)forceRefresh withCallback:(FIRTokenCallback)callback; /** * Exposed for use by the Google pod. Configures the default app without sending notifications to * other SDKs. Otherwise, behaves exactly like +configure. */ + (void)configureWithoutSendingNotification; /** * Expose the UID of the current user for Firestore. */ - (nullable NSString *)getUID; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END