// Copyright 2017 Google // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #import #import "FIRAppAssociationRegistration.h" /** @var kKey @brief A unique string key. */ static NSString *kKey = @"key"; /** @var kKey1 @brief A unique string key. */ static NSString *kKey1 = @"key1"; /** @var kKey2 @brief A unique string key. */ static NSString *kKey2 = @"key2"; /** @var gCreateNewObject @brief A block that returns a new object everytime it is called. */ static id _Nullable (^gCreateNewObject)() = ^id _Nullable() { return [[NSObject alloc] init]; }; /** @class FIRAppAssociationRegistrationTests @brief Tests for @c FIRAppAssociationRegistration */ @interface FIRAppAssociationRegistrationTests : XCTestCase @end @implementation FIRAppAssociationRegistrationTests - (void)testPassObject { id host = gCreateNewObject(); id obj = gCreateNewObject(); id result = [FIRAppAssociationRegistration registeredObjectWithHost:host key:kKey creationBlock:^id _Nullable() { return obj; }]; XCTAssertEqual(obj, result); } - (void)testPassNil { id host = gCreateNewObject(); id obj = [FIRAppAssociationRegistration registeredObjectWithHost:host key:kKey creationBlock:^id _Nullable() { return nil; }]; XCTAssertNil(obj); } - (void)testObjectOwnership { __weak id weakHost; __block __weak id weakObj; @autoreleasepool { id host = gCreateNewObject(); weakHost = host; [FIRAppAssociationRegistration registeredObjectWithHost:host key:kKey creationBlock:^id _Nullable() { id obj = gCreateNewObject(); weakObj = obj; return obj; }]; // Verify that neither the host nor the object is released yet, i.e., the host owns the object // because nothing else retains the object. XCTAssertNotNil(weakHost); XCTAssertNotNil(weakObj); } // Verify that both the host and the object are released upon exit of the autorelease pool, // i.e., the host is the sole owner of the object. XCTAssertNil(weakHost); XCTAssertNil(weakObj); } - (void)testSameHostSameKey { id host = gCreateNewObject(); id obj1 = [FIRAppAssociationRegistration registeredObjectWithHost:host key:kKey creationBlock:gCreateNewObject]; id obj2 = [FIRAppAssociationRegistration registeredObjectWithHost:host key:kKey creationBlock:gCreateNewObject]; XCTAssertEqual(obj1, obj2); } - (void)testSameHostDifferentKey { id host = gCreateNewObject(); id obj1 = [FIRAppAssociationRegistration registeredObjectWithHost:host key:kKey1 creationBlock:gCreateNewObject]; id obj2 = [FIRAppAssociationRegistration registeredObjectWithHost:host key:kKey2 creationBlock:gCreateNewObject]; XCTAssertNotEqual(obj1, obj2); } - (void)testDifferentHostSameKey { id host1 = gCreateNewObject(); id obj1 = [FIRAppAssociationRegistration registeredObjectWithHost:host1 key:kKey creationBlock:gCreateNewObject]; id host2 = gCreateNewObject(); id obj2 = [FIRAppAssociationRegistration registeredObjectWithHost:host2 key:kKey creationBlock:gCreateNewObject]; XCTAssertNotEqual(obj1, obj2); } - (void)testDifferentHostDifferentKey { id host1 = gCreateNewObject(); id obj1 = [FIRAppAssociationRegistration registeredObjectWithHost:host1 key:kKey1 creationBlock:gCreateNewObject]; id host2 = gCreateNewObject(); id obj2 = [FIRAppAssociationRegistration registeredObjectWithHost:host2 key:kKey2 creationBlock:gCreateNewObject]; XCTAssertNotEqual(obj1, obj2); } - (void)testReentrySameHostSameKey { id host = gCreateNewObject(); XCTAssertThrows([FIRAppAssociationRegistration registeredObjectWithHost:host key:kKey creationBlock:^id _Nullable() { [FIRAppAssociationRegistration registeredObjectWithHost:host key:kKey creationBlock:gCreateNewObject]; return gCreateNewObject(); }]); } - (void)testReentrySameHostDifferentKey { id host = gCreateNewObject(); [FIRAppAssociationRegistration registeredObjectWithHost:host key:kKey1 creationBlock:^id _Nullable() { [FIRAppAssociationRegistration registeredObjectWithHost:host key:kKey2 creationBlock:gCreateNewObject]; return gCreateNewObject(); }]; // Expect no exception raised. } - (void)testReentryDifferentHostSameKey { id host1 = gCreateNewObject(); id host2 = gCreateNewObject(); [FIRAppAssociationRegistration registeredObjectWithHost:host1 key:kKey creationBlock:^id _Nullable() { [FIRAppAssociationRegistration registeredObjectWithHost:host2 key:kKey creationBlock:gCreateNewObject]; return gCreateNewObject(); }]; // Expect no exception raised. } - (void)testReentryDifferentHostDifferentKey { id host1 = gCreateNewObject(); id host2 = gCreateNewObject(); [FIRAppAssociationRegistration registeredObjectWithHost:host1 key:kKey1 creationBlock:^id _Nullable() { [FIRAppAssociationRegistration registeredObjectWithHost:host2 key:kKey2 creationBlock:gCreateNewObject]; return gCreateNewObject(); }]; // Expect no exception raised. } @end