/* * Copyright 2017 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #import #import "FIRAuthErrors.h" #import "FIRAuthBackend.h" #import "FIRGetOOBConfirmationCodeResponse.h" #import "FIRVerifyAssertionRequest.h" #import "FIRVerifyAssertionResponse.h" #import "FIRFakeBackendRPCIssuer.h" #import /** @var kTestAPIKey @brief Fake API key used for testing. */ static NSString *const kTestAPIKey = @"APIKey"; /** @var kTestPostBodyKey @brief The name of the "postBody" property in the response. */ static NSString *const kPostBodyKey = @"postBody"; /** @var kExpectedAPIURL @brief The expected URL for test calls. */ static NSString *const kExpectedAPIURL = @"https://www.googleapis.com/identitytoolkit/v3/relyingparty/verifyAssertion?key=APIKey"; /** @var kIDTokenKey @brief The name of the "idToken" property in the response. */ static NSString *const kIDTokenKey = @"idToken"; /** @var kTestAccessToken @brief Fake access token used for testing. */ static NSString *const kTestAccessToken = @"ACCESS_TOKEN"; /** @var kProviderIDKey @brief The key for the "providerId" value in the request. */ static NSString *const kProviderIDKey = @"providerId"; /** @var kTestProviderID @brief Fake provider ID used for testing. */ static NSString *const kTestProviderID = @"ProviderID"; /** @var kProviderIDTokenKey @brief The key for the "id_token" value in the request. */ static NSString *const kProviderIDTokenKey = @"id_token"; /** @var kTestProviderIDToken @brief Fake provider ID token used for testing. */ static NSString *const kTestProviderIDToken = @"ProviderIDToken"; /** @var kInputEmailKey @brief The key for the "inputEmail" value in the request. */ static NSString *const kInputEmailKey = @"identifier"; /** @var kTestInputEmail @brief Fake input email used for testing. */ static NSString *const kTestInputEmail = @"testInputEmail"; /** @var kPendingIDTokenKey @brief The key for the "pendingIdToken" value in the request. */ static NSString *const kPendingIDTokenKey = @"pendingIdToken"; /** @var kTestPendingToken @brief Fake pending token used for testing. */ static NSString *const kTestPendingToken = @"testPendingToken"; /** @var kProviderAccessTokenKey @brief The key for the "access_token" value in the request. */ static NSString *const kProviderAccessTokenKey = @"access_token"; /** @var kTestProviderAccessToken @brief Fake @c providerAccessToken used for testing the request. */ static NSString *const kTestProviderAccessToken = @"testProviderAccessToken"; /** @var kProviderOAuthTokenSecretKey @brief The key for the "oauth_token_secret" value in the request. */ static NSString *const kProviderOAuthTokenSecretKey = @"oauth_token_secret"; /** @var kTestProviderOAuthTokenSecret @brief Fake @c providerOAuthTokenSecret used for testing the request. */ static NSString *const kTestProviderOAuthTokenSecret = @"testProviderOAuthTokenSecret"; /** @var kReturnSecureTokenKey @brief The key for the "returnSecureToken" value in the request. */ static NSString *const kReturnSecureTokenKey = @"returnSecureToken"; /** @var kAutoCreateKey @brief The key for the "auto-create" value in the request. */ static NSString *const kAutoCreateKey = @"autoCreate"; /** @class FIRVerifyAssertionRequestTests @brief Tests for @c FIRVerifyAssertionReuqest */ @interface FIRVerifyAssertionRequestTests : XCTestCase @end @implementation FIRVerifyAssertionRequestTests{ /** @var _RPCIssuer @brief This backend RPC issuer is used to fake network responses for each test in the suite. In the @c setUp method we initialize this and set @c FIRAuthBackend's RPC issuer to it. */ FIRFakeBackendRPCIssuer *_RPCIssuer; /** @var _requestConfiguration @brief This is the request configuration used for testing. */ FIRAuthRequestConfiguration *_requestConfiguration; } - (void)setUp { [super setUp]; FIRFakeBackendRPCIssuer *RPCIssuer = [[FIRFakeBackendRPCIssuer alloc] init]; [FIRAuthBackend setDefaultBackendImplementationWithRPCIssuer:RPCIssuer]; _RPCIssuer = RPCIssuer; _requestConfiguration = [[FIRAuthRequestConfiguration alloc] initWithAPIKey:kTestAPIKey]; } - (void)tearDown { _RPCIssuer = nil; _requestConfiguration = nil; [FIRAuthBackend setDefaultBackendImplementationWithRPCIssuer:nil]; [super tearDown]; } /** @fn testVerifyAssertionRequestMissingTokens @brief Tests the request with missing @c providerAccessToken and @c provideIDToken. @remarks The request creation will raise an @c NSInvalidArgumentException exception when both these tokens are missing. */ - (void)testVerifyAssertionRequestMissingTokens { FIRVerifyAssertionRequest *request = [[FIRVerifyAssertionRequest alloc] initWithProviderID:kTestProviderID requestConfiguration:_requestConfiguration]; FIRVerifyAssertionResponseCallback callback = ^(FIRVerifyAssertionResponse *_Nullable response, NSError *_Nullable error) {}; void (^verifyAssertionBlock)(void) = ^{ [FIRAuthBackend verifyAssertion:request callback:callback]; }; XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed(verifyAssertionBlock(), NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException, @"Either IDToken or accessToken must be supplied."); XCTAssertNil(_RPCIssuer.decodedRequest[kPostBodyKey]); } /** @fn testVerifyAssertionRequestProviderAccessToken @brief Tests the verify assertion request with the @c providerAccessToken field set. @remarks The presence of the @c providerAccessToken will prevent an @c NSInvalidArgumentException exception from being raised. */ - (void)testVerifyAssertionRequestProviderAccessToken { FIRVerifyAssertionRequest *request = [[FIRVerifyAssertionRequest alloc] initWithProviderID:kTestProviderID requestConfiguration:_requestConfiguration]; request.providerAccessToken = kTestProviderAccessToken; request.returnSecureToken = NO; [FIRAuthBackend verifyAssertion:request callback:^(FIRVerifyAssertionResponse *_Nullable response, NSError *_Nullable error) { }]; NSDictionary *postBody = @{ kProviderIDKey : kTestProviderID, kProviderAccessTokenKey : kTestProviderAccessToken }; NSString *postBodyArgs = [postBody gtm_httpArgumentsString]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(_RPCIssuer.requestURL.absoluteString, kExpectedAPIURL); XCTAssertNotNil(_RPCIssuer.decodedRequest[kPostBodyKey]); XCTAssertEqualObjects(_RPCIssuer.decodedRequest[kPostBodyKey], postBodyArgs); XCTAssertNil(_RPCIssuer.decodedRequest[kIDTokenKey]); XCTAssertNil(_RPCIssuer.decodedRequest[kReturnSecureTokenKey]); // Auto-create flag Should be true by default. XCTAssertTrue([_RPCIssuer.decodedRequest[kAutoCreateKey] boolValue]); } /** @fn testVerifyAssertionRequestOptionalFields @brief Tests the verify assertion request with all optinal fields set. */ - (void)testVerifyAssertionRequestOptionalFields { FIRVerifyAssertionRequest *request = [[FIRVerifyAssertionRequest alloc] initWithProviderID:kTestProviderID requestConfiguration:_requestConfiguration]; request.providerIDToken = kTestProviderIDToken; request.providerAccessToken = kTestProviderAccessToken; request.accessToken = kTestAccessToken; request.inputEmail = kTestInputEmail; request.pendingIDToken = kTestPendingToken; request.providerOAuthTokenSecret = kTestProviderOAuthTokenSecret; request.autoCreate = NO; [FIRAuthBackend verifyAssertion:request callback:^(FIRVerifyAssertionResponse *_Nullable response, NSError *_Nullable error) { }]; NSDictionary *postBody = @{ kProviderIDKey : kTestProviderID, kProviderIDTokenKey : kTestProviderIDToken, kProviderAccessTokenKey : kTestProviderAccessToken, kProviderOAuthTokenSecretKey : kTestProviderOAuthTokenSecret, kInputEmailKey : kTestInputEmail }; NSString *postBodyArgs = [postBody gtm_httpArgumentsString]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(_RPCIssuer.requestURL.absoluteString, kExpectedAPIURL); XCTAssertNotNil(_RPCIssuer.decodedRequest[kPostBodyKey]); XCTAssertEqualObjects(_RPCIssuer.decodedRequest[kPostBodyKey], postBodyArgs); XCTAssertEqualObjects(_RPCIssuer.decodedRequest[kIDTokenKey], kTestAccessToken); XCTAssertTrue([_RPCIssuer.decodedRequest[kReturnSecureTokenKey] boolValue]); XCTAssertFalse([_RPCIssuer.decodedRequest[kAutoCreateKey] boolValue]); } @end