/* * Copyright 2017 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #import "SettingsViewController.h" #import #import "AppManager.h" #import "FIRApp.h" #import "FIRAuth_Internal.h" #import "FIRAuthAPNSToken.h" #import "FIRAuthAPNSTokenManager.h" #import "FIRAuthAppCredential.h" #import "FIRAuthAppCredentialManager.h" #import "FIROptions.h" #import "FirebaseAuth.h" #import "StaticContentTableViewManager.h" #import "UIViewController+Alerts.h" /** @var kIdentityToolkitRequestClassName @brief The class name of Identity Toolkit requests. */ static NSString *const kIdentityToolkitRequestClassName = @"FIRIdentityToolkitRequest"; /** @var kSecureTokenRequestClassName @brief The class name of Secure Token Service requests. */ static NSString *const kSecureTokenRequestClassName = @"FIRSecureTokenRequest"; /** @var kIdentityToolkitSandboxHost @brief The host of Identity Toolkit sandbox server. */ static NSString *const kIdentityToolkitSandboxHost = @"www-googleapis-staging.sandbox.google.com"; /** @var kSecureTokenSandboxHost @brief The host of Secure Token Service sandbox server. */ static NSString *const kSecureTokenSandboxHost = @"staging-securetoken.sandbox.googleapis.com"; /** @var kGoogleServiceInfoPlists @brief a C-array of plist file base names of Google service info to initialize FIRApp. */ static NSString *const kGoogleServiceInfoPlists[] = { @"GoogleService-Info", @"GoogleService-Info_multi" }; /** @var gAPIEndpoints @brief List of API Hosts by request class name. */ static NSDictionary *> *gAPIHosts; /** @var gFirebaseAppOptions @brief List of FIROptions. */ static NSArray *gFirebaseAppOptions; /** @protocol RequestClass @brief A de-facto protocol followed by request class objects to access its API host. */ @protocol RequestClass - (NSString *)host; - (void)setHost:(NSString *)host; @end /** @fn versionString @brief Constructs a version string to display. @param string The version in string form. @param number The version in number form. */ static NSString *versionString(const unsigned char *string, const double number) { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\"%s\" (%g)", string, number]; } /** @fn requestHost @brief Retrieves the API host for the request class. @param requestClassName The name of the request class. */ static NSString *APIHost(NSString *requestClassName) { return [(id)NSClassFromString(requestClassName) host]; } /** @fn truncatedString @brief Truncates a string under a maximum length. @param string The original string to be truncated. @param length The maximum length of the truncated string. @return The truncated string, which is not longer than @c length. */ static NSString *truncatedString(NSString *string, NSUInteger length) { if (string.length <= length) { return string; } NSUInteger half = (length - 3) / 2; return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@...%@", [string substringToIndex:half], [string substringFromIndex:string.length - half]]; } @implementation SettingsViewController - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; [self setUpAPIHosts]; [self setUpFirebaseAppOptions]; [self loadTableView]; } - (IBAction)done:(id)sender { [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil]; } - (void)setUpAPIHosts { if (gAPIHosts) { return; } gAPIHosts = @{ kIdentityToolkitRequestClassName : @[ APIHost(kIdentityToolkitRequestClassName), kIdentityToolkitSandboxHost, ], kSecureTokenRequestClassName : @[ APIHost(kSecureTokenRequestClassName), kSecureTokenSandboxHost, ], }; } - (void)setUpFirebaseAppOptions { if (gFirebaseAppOptions) { return; } int numberOfOptions = sizeof(kGoogleServiceInfoPlists) / sizeof(*kGoogleServiceInfoPlists); NSMutableArray *appOptions = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:numberOfOptions]; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfOptions; i++) { NSString *plistFileName = kGoogleServiceInfoPlists[i]; NSString *plistFilePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:plistFileName ofType:@"plist"]; FIROptions *options = [[FIROptions alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:plistFilePath]; [appOptions addObject:options]; } gFirebaseAppOptions = [appOptions copy]; } - (void)loadTableView { __weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self; _tableViewManager.contents = [StaticContentTableViewContent contentWithSections:@[ [StaticContentTableViewSection sectionWithTitle:@"Versions" cells:@[ [StaticContentTableViewCell cellWithTitle:@"FirebaseAuth" value:versionString( FirebaseAuthVersionString, FirebaseAuthVersionNumber)], ]], [StaticContentTableViewSection sectionWithTitle:@"API Hosts" cells:@[ [StaticContentTableViewCell cellWithTitle:@"Identity Toolkit" value:APIHost(kIdentityToolkitRequestClassName) action:^{ [weakSelf toggleAPIHostWithRequestClassName:kIdentityToolkitRequestClassName]; }], [StaticContentTableViewCell cellWithTitle:@"Secure Token" value:APIHost(kSecureTokenRequestClassName) action:^{ [weakSelf toggleAPIHostWithRequestClassName:kSecureTokenRequestClassName]; }], ]], [StaticContentTableViewSection sectionWithTitle:@"Firebase Apps" cells:@[ [StaticContentTableViewCell cellWithTitle:@"Active App" value:[self activeAppDescription] action:^{ [weakSelf toggleActiveApp]; }], [StaticContentTableViewCell cellWithTitle:@"Default App" value:[self projectIDForAppAtIndex:0] action:^{ [weakSelf toggleProjectForAppAtIndex:0]; }], [StaticContentTableViewCell cellWithTitle:@"Other App" value:[self projectIDForAppAtIndex:1] action:^{ [weakSelf toggleProjectForAppAtIndex:1]; }], ]], [StaticContentTableViewSection sectionWithTitle:@"Phone Auth" cells:@[ [StaticContentTableViewCell cellWithTitle:@"APNs Token" value:[self APNSTokenString] action:^{ [weakSelf clearAPNSToken]; }], [StaticContentTableViewCell cellWithTitle:@"App Credential" value:[self appCredentialString] action:^{ [weakSelf clearAppCredential]; }], ]], [StaticContentTableViewSection sectionWithTitle:@"Language" cells:@[ [StaticContentTableViewCell cellWithTitle:@"Auth Language" value:[AppManager auth].languageCode ?: @"[none]" action:^{ [weakSelf showLanguageInput]; }], [StaticContentTableViewCell cellWithTitle:@"Use App language" action:^{ [[AppManager auth] useAppLanguage]; [weakSelf loadTableView]; }], ]], ]]; } /** @fn toggleAPIHostWithRequestClassName: @brief Toggles the host name of the server that handles RPCs. @param requestClassName The name of the RPC request class. */ - (void)toggleAPIHostWithRequestClassName:(NSString *)requestClassName { NSString *currentHost = APIHost(requestClassName); NSArray *allHosts = gAPIHosts[requestClassName]; NSString *newHost = allHosts[([allHosts indexOfObject:currentHost] + 1) % allHosts.count]; [(id)NSClassFromString(requestClassName) setHost:newHost]; [self loadTableView]; } /** @fn activeAppDescription @brief Returns the description for the currently active Firebase app. */ - (NSString *)activeAppDescription { return [AppManager sharedInstance].active == 0 ? @"[Default]" : @"[Other]"; } /** @fn toggleActiveApp @brief Toggles the active Firebase app for the rest of the application. */ - (void)toggleActiveApp { AppManager *apps = [AppManager sharedInstance]; // This changes the FIRAuth instance returned from `[AppManager auth]` to be one that is // associated with a different `FIRApp` instance. The sample app uses `[AppManager auth]` // instead of `[FIRAuth auth]` almost everywhere. Thus, this statement switches between default // and non-default `FIRApp` instances for the sample app to test against. apps.active = (apps.active + 1) % apps.count; [self loadTableView]; } /** @fn projectIDForAppAtIndex: @brief Returns the Firebase project ID for the Firebase app at the given index. @param index The index for the app in the app manager. @return The ID of the project. */ - (NSString *)projectIDForAppAtIndex:(int)index { NSString *APIKey = [[AppManager sharedInstance] appAtIndex:index].options.APIKey; for (FIROptions *options in gFirebaseAppOptions) { if ([options.APIKey isEqualToString:APIKey]) { return options.projectID; } } return @"[none]"; } /** @fn toggleProjectForAppAtIndex: @brief Toggles the Firebase project for the Firebase app at the given index by recreating the FIRApp instance with different options. @param index The index for the app to be recreated in the app manager. */ - (void)toggleProjectForAppAtIndex:(int)index { NSString *APIKey = [[AppManager sharedInstance] appAtIndex:index].options.APIKey; int optionIndex; for (optionIndex = 0; optionIndex < gFirebaseAppOptions.count; optionIndex++) { FIROptions *options = gFirebaseAppOptions[optionIndex]; if ([options.APIKey isEqualToString:APIKey]) { break; } } // For non-default apps, `nil` is considered the next option after the last options in the array. int useNil = index > 0; optionIndex = (optionIndex + 1 + useNil) % (gFirebaseAppOptions.count + useNil) - useNil; FIROptions *options = optionIndex >= 0 ? gFirebaseAppOptions[optionIndex] : nil; __weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self; [[AppManager sharedInstance] recreateAppAtIndex:index withOptions:options completion:^() { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^() { [weakSelf loadTableView]; }); }]; } /** @fn APNSTokenString @brief Returns a string representing APNS token. */ - (NSString *)APNSTokenString { FIRAuthAPNSToken *token = [AppManager auth].tokenManager.token; if (!token) { return @""; } return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@(%@)", truncatedString(token.string, 19), token.type == FIRAuthAPNSTokenTypeProd ? @"P" : @"S"]; } /** @fn clearAPNSToken @brief Clears the saved app credential. */ - (void)clearAPNSToken { FIRAuthAPNSToken *token = [AppManager auth].tokenManager.token; if (!token) { return; } NSString *tokenType = token.type == FIRAuthAPNSTokenTypeProd ? @"Production" : @"Sandbox"; NSString *message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"token: %@\ntype: %@", token.string, tokenType]; [self showMessagePromptWithTitle:@"Clear APNs Token?" message:message showCancelButton:YES completion:^(BOOL userPressedOK, NSString *_Nullable userInput) { if (userPressedOK) { [AppManager auth].tokenManager.token = nil; [self loadTableView]; } }]; } /** @fn appCredentialString @brief Returns a string representing app credential. */ - (NSString *)appCredentialString { FIRAuthAppCredential *credential = [AppManager auth].appCredentialManager.credential; if (!credential) { return @""; } return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@", truncatedString(credential.receipt, 13), truncatedString(credential.secret, 13)]; } /** @fn clearAppCredential @brief Clears the saved app credential. */ - (void)clearAppCredential { FIRAuthAppCredential *credential = [AppManager auth].appCredentialManager.credential; if (!credential) { return; } NSString *message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"receipt: %@\nsecret: %@", credential.receipt, credential.secret]; [self showMessagePromptWithTitle:@"Clear App Credential?" message:message showCancelButton:YES completion:^(BOOL userPressedOK, NSString *_Nullable userInput) { if (userPressedOK) { [[AppManager auth].appCredentialManager clearCredential]; [self loadTableView]; } }]; } /** @fn showLanguageInput @brief Show language code input field. */ - (void)showLanguageInput { [self showTextInputPromptWithMessage:@"Enter Language Code For Auth:" completionBlock:^(BOOL userPressedOK, NSString *_Nullable languageCode) { if (!userPressedOK) { return; } [AppManager auth].languageCode = languageCode.length ? languageCode : nil; [self loadTableView]; }]; } @end