osx_image: xcode9.1 language: objective-c cache: - bundler - cocoapods rvm: 2.3.1 before_install: # Add next line back with updated DeviceUDID for xcode9.1 if stability issues with simulator # - open -a "simulator" --args -CurrentDeviceUDID ABBD7191-486B-462F-80B4-AE08C5820DA1 - bundle install - gem install xcpretty - bundle exec pod install --project-directory=Example --repo-update - bundle exec pod install --project-directory=Firestore/Example --no-repo-update script: - "! git grep -I ' $'" # Fail on trailing whitespace in non-binary files - ./test.sh - bundle exec pod lib lint FirebaseCore.podspec # TODO - Uncomment subsequent lines once FirebaseCore source repo is in public Specs repo # - bundle exec pod lib lint FirebaseAuth.podspec # - bundle exec pod lib lint FirebaseDatabase.podspec # - bundle exec pod lib lint FirebaseMessaging.podspec --allow-warnings #pending #390 fix # - bundle exec pod lib lint FirebaseStorage.podspec # - bundle exec pod lib lint Firestore/Firestore.podspec branches: only: - master