path: root/Firestore/core/test/firebase/firestore/timestamp_test.cc
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* C++ migration: fix some Timestamp tests failing on Linux. (#999)Gravatar Konstantin Varlamov2018-03-29
| | | | | | | | | | | | Some Timestamp tests check that constructor fails if given values beyond the supported (pretty wide) range. In case Timestamp is created from chrono::time_point, the time_point's underlying duration is implementation-defined and may overflow when tests try to set it to a value beyond Timestamp supported range. To work around this, make these tests not run if time_point cannot represent boundary values on this platform. For example, on OS X, time_point has microseconds precision, so the tests may run, but on Linux, time_point has nanoseconds precision, which would overflow.
* C++ migration: make Timestamp class a part of public API (#944)Gravatar Konstantin Varlamov2018-03-27
* move Timestamp from model/ to the root directory; * move Timestamp to top-level firebase namespace and update all references; * add conversions to and from native date types; * add a specialization of std::hash; * add comments to public member functions; * rename nanos -> nanoseconds; * add public headers, including Timestamp, to CMake; * increase test coverage.