path: root/Firestore/core/include/firebase/firestore/timestamp.h
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* Add lint checking for Objective-C++ sources (#1048)Gravatar Gil2018-04-09
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * lint.sh now lints Objective-C++ too * cpplint checks system-style includes that should be user-style This prevents it from recognizing project sources as if they were C system headers and then complaining that they're in the wrong place. * cpplint checks #imports and #includes * cpplint checks that C++ system headers aren't #imported * cpplint checks for C system headers that could be C++ system headers * cpplint checks that Objective-C sources include their headers
* C++ migration: refactor Timestamp logic checking for overflow. (#1000)Gravatar Konstantin Varlamov2018-03-29
| | | | | Rewrite manual checks using `<chrono>` min()/max() functions and duration_cast. This is cleaner and avoids including <limits>.
* C++ migration: make Timestamp class a part of public API (#944)Gravatar Konstantin Varlamov2018-03-27
* move Timestamp from model/ to the root directory; * move Timestamp to top-level firebase namespace and update all references; * add conversions to and from native date types; * add a specialization of std::hash; * add comments to public member functions; * rename nanos -> nanoseconds; * add public headers, including Timestamp, to CMake; * increase test coverage.