path: root/Firestore/core/include/firebase/firestore/firestore_errors.h
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* Firestore project: Import of API interfaces. (#1337)Gravatar zxu2018-05-25
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | - 198063502 Address comment upstream. by zxu <zxu> - 197942352 Fix style upstream and fix destination depot in copybara. by zxu <zxu> - 197925542 Fix headers with change from GitHub, see the current diff... by zxu <zxu> - 197922012 Implement ListenerRegistration::Remove(). by zxu <zxu> - 197713382 Implement more on listener class and implement ListenerRe... by zxu <zxu> - 196551381 Implement more on listener class and implement the Docume... by zxu <zxu> - 196276752 Implement the SnapshotMetadata with inline methods and (n... by zxu <zxu> - 195841793 Implement the wrapper class for callback (EventListener). by zxu <zxu> - 194112388 Add Android-Wrapper for DocumentReference's non-callback ... by zxu <zxu> - 192445183 Add Android-Wrapper for Firestore's remaining methods. by zxu <zxu> - 190986604 Manually import the public portion of by mcg <mcg> - 189013767 Add Android-Wrapper for Firestore's method that does not ... by zxu <zxu> - 188809445 Import of firebase-ios-sdk from Github. by mcg <mcg> - 187049498 Import of firebase-ios-sdk from Github. by mcg <mcg> - 184568931 Import of firebase-ios-sdk from Github. by mcg <mcg> ORIGINAL_AUTHOR=Firebase <firebase-noreply> PiperOrigin-RevId: 198063502
* replacing Auth by C++ auth implementation (#802)Gravatar zxu2018-02-27
* lazy replacing FST(Firebase)CredentialsProvider by (Firebase)CredentialsProvider * lazy replacing FSTUser by User * adding error-code parameter to TokenListener * actually use const user& instead of pointer; also add an error util * add HashUser and pass into the unordered_map * use User in test * use c++ CredentialsProvider and subclass in test * fix unit test * use explicit capture in lambda instead of capture all by reference * cache currentUser explicitly when reset sync engineer test driver * objc object should be captured by value in lambda * replacing Auth/FSTUser by C++ auth implementation * address changes * replacing FSTGetTokenResult by C++ Token implementation * address changes * fix unintentional change in merging * patch the change in objc Auth up-stream * somehow, the lambda-version of set-user-change-listener does not work... fallback to block * address changes * fix another const& v.s. dispatch bug * fix more const& v.s. dispatch bug zxu123 committed * fix a bad sync line * address changes * address change * address change * fix upstream change from merge * fix upstream changes * Suggested fixes for cpp/port_auth (#846) * Get rid of MockDatastore factory This avoids the need to statically allocate (and leak) a credentials provider * Use absl::make_unique std::make_unique technically does not exist until C++14. * #include <utility> for std::move * Use std::future for the initial user * fix style